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OpenPLi 4 - nfs-utils: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-nfsd

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#1 h.udo

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  • 2 posts


Posted 22 October 2013 - 17:34


As in title.

Installing nfs-utils (1.2.8-r0) in OpenPLi 4 results in error and nfs server doesn't work.

Installing nfs-utils (1.2.3-r4) in OpenPLi 3 doesn't depend on kernel-module-nfsd - it doesn't even exist in the repos - and works as intended.

OpenPli 4:

root@vusolo2:~# opkg install nfs-utils
Installing nfs-utils (1.2.8-r0) to root...
Downloading http://downloads.pli...0_mips32el.ipk.
nfs-utils: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-nfsd
Installing libnfsidmap0 (0.25-r0) to root...
Downloading http://downloads.pli...0_mips32el.ipk.
Installing libevent (2.0.21-r1) to root...
Downloading http://downloads.pli...1_mips32el.ipk.
Installing update-rc.d (0.7-r5) to root...
Downloading http://downloads.pli...0.7-r5_all.ipk.
Configuring update-rc.d.
Configuring libevent.
Configuring libnfsidmap0.
Configuring nfs-utils.
 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/nfsserver.
creating NFS state directory: done
starting 8 nfsd kernel threads: done
starting mountd: done
starting statd: /usr/sbin/rpc.statd is already running

OpenPli 3:


root@vusolo2:~# opkg install nfs-utils
Installing nfs-utils (1.2.3-r4) to root...
Downloading http://downloads.pli...4_mips32el.ipk.
nfs-utils: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-nfsd
Installing libnfsidmap0 (0.24-r0) to root...
Downloading http://downloads.pli...0_mips32el.ipk.
Installing libevent (2.0.16-r1) to root...
Downloading http://downloads.pli...1_mips32el.ipk.
Configuring libevent.
Configuring libnfsidmap0.
Configuring nfs-utils.
 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/nfsserver.
creating NFS state directory: done
starting 8 nfsd kernel threads: done
starting mountd: done
starting statd: /usr/sbin/rpc.statd is already running


Thanks and thank you for such a great image for our machines.

Re: OpenPLi 4 - nfs-utils: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-nfsd #2 gregoire

  • Senior Member
  • 82 posts


Posted 24 January 2014 - 21:42

I got the same problem in openpli 4.0 (sorry I know that's not really helpfull).

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