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[VU+][DUO²] Splash screen restore / not in...

Pr2's Photo Pr2 29 Oct 2013



Flashing another image on the STB can result in a change of the official boot splash screen (e.g. Blackhole).

Flashing it back with OpenPli doesn't restore the default splash screen because you didn't include any splashscreen in your image. This means that we still view the other image splash screen while booting in OpenPli.


So can you please, also, include a splash screen in your package so when reinstalling an OpenPli image we also restore the original splash screen (or create your own OpenPli splash screen).


I attach the original splash screen so if you can include it in the VU+ package it would be great (you need to unzip it first).


splash screen is just a .bmp file with the following properties:

Size in pixels: 720x240
Color space: RGB color
File type: Windows BMP image
renamed into:  splash_cfe_auto.bin

Attached Files


pieterg's Photo pieterg 29 Oct 2013

The splash screen is not intended to be image specific, it should just show the manufacturer and/or box type information.

Also, the dimensions and type of splash file supported by the bootloader, differ per brand, and possibly even per box.
So I'd stay away from that, leave the splash screen to the bootloader, and the manufacturer.

Pr2's Photo Pr2 29 Oct 2013

Yes but some image builder (Black Hole) doesn't do this, so they change the splash screen.... so now I boot my STB in Openpli4 with a Black Hole splash screen.

If you check the official VUplus image they also include the splash screen, so what I need to do is to flash the official image then the Openpli to get rid of this.


If Openpli include the official one (the one I have posted, simply change its extension to .bmp and check), Openpli will force back the official splash screen. So everybody will be happy because flashing back Openpli will return to official splash screen.


People don't know how to get rid of the Black Hole splash screen, I even read that people think that they need to reformat the internal HDD.  :D




Robinson's Photo Robinson 29 Oct 2013

Pr2, did you manage to get rid of the old splash screen?

I tried a few months ago but I failed and I still see ruDream.

See here: http://openpli.org/f...nd-startscreen/

Maybe I did something wrong.

I might give it another try when I move from 3.0 to 4.0 within the next few days.


Rob van der Does's Photo Rob van der Does 29 Oct 2013

Flash the attached file to restore factory splashscreen on any VU.

This doesn't influence the firmware you're using.


Attached File  vuplus.zip   84.01KB   866 downloads

Edited by SatKiekerd, 29 October 2013 - 20:07.

Pr2's Photo Pr2 29 Oct 2013



Yes I did using the same trick as SatKierkerd post here.

But would be nice that Openpli also include the splash_cfe_auto.bin but it is up to them to decide. 


May be other people that face the same "problem" can confirm that they would like to have Openpli resetting the splash screen.




Pr2's Photo Pr2 29 Oct 2013



I just forgot to say that using the same trick as SatKierkerd to restore the original splash screen at reboot the Openpli fall again in the year 1958 bug (already discussed in another thread), so it crash again....


May be, for the VU+, would be nice to include a date setting force back in 1970 before it can gain the real time from the DVB signal, to avoid this bug before starting E2.




Robinson's Photo Robinson 29 Oct 2013

Flash the attached file to restore factory splashscreen on any VU.

This doesn't influence the firmware you're using.




Thanks SatKiekerd.

I did not mention here, though, that I am using ET9000 not VU+, so perhaps I should not have posted in this thread at all.

I assumed Pr2 was talking about his ET9000 but now I think I may have been wrong.


Pr2's Photo Pr2 29 Oct 2013



Yes I have both Xtrend ET-9000 and VU+ Duo² (but this one is temporary just for test I need to give it back to its real owner).

But check the thread subject this is clearly stated that this thread apply to VU+ Duo².  ;)




Alias1's Photo Alias1 29 Oct 2013

I put up with the same problem for over a year.

Bloody VIX image coming up all the time.

I finally fixed it by including a Clark et splash image of the box in a boot loader file.

Why image makers do this is beyond me


Rob van der Does's Photo Rob van der Does 30 Oct 2013

As far as I know all image builders xmt PLi embed their own splashscreen. I always take care to delete that screen from every single image-folder I use for flashing, And in case I forgot I have the above trick.


Xtrend stopped some time ago with the support of flashing splashcreens; I think for exactly the reason mentioned here. All manufacturers should follow that example.

Only thing is that Xtrend suddenly stopped this support; many boxes are now stuck on the last splashscreen that has been flashed .......


talbs's Photo talbs 10 Jan 2015

Thank you fot the trick.

Tired to see the BlackHole splash screen.  ;)


betacentauri's Photo betacentauri 11 Jan 2015

Afaik you can still flash splash screen on Xtrends. But you have to press CH- on front panel and not ok like for images.

Robinson's Photo Robinson 11 Jan 2015

Really? I have not found that out anywhere. Someone from Xtrend must have leaked that to you. :P

By the way, as I would indeed like to get rid of another image's splash screen, does anyone have a default splash screen for ET9000 if there is one?


Rob van der Does's Photo Rob van der Does 11 Jan 2015

I have posted the factory splash screens for xtrend (& VU) several times. They are flashed the very same way as you flash an image.

Robinson's Photo Robinson 11 Jan 2015

I tried that one or two years ago but it did not work for me.

And now betacentauri suggests a bit different approach (CH-).


Frenske's Photo Frenske 12 Jan 2015

The splash.bin was / is included in earlier original bootloaders from Xtrend.

Chris's Photo Chris 21 Jan 2015

so, whats the best way to get rid of a splashscreen at the moment?

i'm using openpli on my vu+ vuo², but there is always the openatv splashscreen showing up




janejak's Photo janejak 22 Jan 2015

put this file on ur usb in orginal folder on usb pen (vuplus\duo2\) the file splash_cfe_auto.bin who are in the zip file (splash_cfe_auto.zip)

after u have downloaded from openpli

sow u have this files:






so, whats the best way to get rid of a splashscreen at the moment?

i'm using openpli on my vu+ vuo², but there is always the openatv splashscreen showing up




Attached Files


Chris's Photo Chris 22 Jan 2015

ok, thx and it is safe, so i don't get this 1958 bug?
