@westip: Could it be that you in the wrong folder?
You use the folder "Webln" but the base.py is in "OpenWebif"
in my case i did the following:
1) ssh to box as root
2) vi /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/base.py
3) search the following lines and replace Old to new:
OLD (line 206):
tstrings = []
tstrings.append({ 'movies': _("Movies")})
ret['tstrings'] = tstrings
return ret
New (Line 206):
tstrings = { 'movies': _("Movies")}
ret['tstrings'] = tstrings
return ret
4)Reboot the box
5) try and enjoy
Edited by Chibby, 12 November 2013 - 16:22.