≈ Nowa Skin (32bit)~mod by mamba65 ≈
≈Test on Merlin, OpenPli 4.0 ≈
Already integrated in Skin:
≈ Picons Weather,PiconSat,PiconProv,Cript,Emu,Info Panel/Second Run Text and Channel Epg List,New Fonts ≈
≈ How to get your city weather ≈
~1~Open Weather Plugin from Plugins brwoser ~2~Press Memu from Keyboard ~3~Press Green Button (Add) ~4~Write you city name in (City) option ~5~Click yellow buttons (Search Code) ~6~Now select your city and press green button (ok) ~7~Press green button (ok) again ~8~Finish Exit from plugin bu pressing Exit button
Instal Skins Please put the ipk in folder /tmp and install as opkg install --force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk