Yes, all is possible. I go to try... and I will come back...
Posted 13 May 2014 - 19:51
Yes, all is possible. I go to try... and I will come back...
TNT/Sat : VU+ Duo 4K SE - Home cinema : Onkyo TX NR686 | Air Gay Radio
Posted 14 May 2014 - 21:26
It's very long to make the changes, but I walk step by step...
- InfoBar height more little
- Picon lke the standard tail (100x60)
- Title now and next more little.
- pictures in the bottom all more little.
What I will do tomorrow or for friday:
Change some infos from the second infobar on the bottom infobar (emu, sat...)
On the second infobar, I want only the technics details for the box (memory and so on)
see you soon for critical or idea
TNT/Sat : VU+ Duo 4K SE - Home cinema : Onkyo TX NR686 | Air Gay Radio
Posted 15 May 2014 - 18:56
Now I have adjust some details and :
See you soon...
TNT/Sat : VU+ Duo 4K SE - Home cinema : Onkyo TX NR686 | Air Gay Radio
Posted 18 May 2014 - 13:21
The change of my work
- Only one Infobar and all infos are now on one infobar.
I take off what I suppose to do not important.
Picture is on the topic before this one...
If you like it, download it here and replace all your Metropolys at /usr/share/enigma2/MetropolysHD
Thank you to Franc for this fabulous skin
I will continue with the change of all background colors. I would like to have a Blue translucid skin with Metropolys...
Bye bye
TNT/Sat : VU+ Duo 4K SE - Home cinema : Onkyo TX NR686 | Air Gay Radio
Posted 19 May 2014 - 04:13
pybear38, great work
but I think it would be better to leave the secondinfobar...
In second infobar can accommodate an extended description of the current and next program
GI ET11000,Vu+DUO2 - 4W-90E Supral 120 (motor Stab HH 120), 36Е- satellite antenna Nokia - 90
xtrend ET9000 - Tests without a permanent connection
Posted 19 May 2014 - 08:42
Yep, more like it...
Posted 19 May 2014 - 10:11
maybe something like this
Very sorry, but I can not see screenshots, for me they are not open, maybe there is a problem with the Russian service provider ...
Likewise, I can not see your other screenshots ...
GI ET11000,Vu+DUO2 - 4W-90E Supral 120 (motor Stab HH 120), 36Е- satellite antenna Nokia - 90
xtrend ET9000 - Tests without a permanent connection
Posted 19 May 2014 - 11:20
OK I will update with these possibilities in few days...
Thank you
see you soone
TNT/Sat : VU+ Duo 4K SE - Home cinema : Onkyo TX NR686 | Air Gay Radio
Posted 9 June 2014 - 22:56
Of course this is my mod
≈ MetropolisHD~mod by mamba65 ≈
≈Test on OpenPli 4.0 Vu+Solo2 ≈
Already integrated in Skin:
≈ Picons Weather,PiconSat, ≈
≈ How to get your city weather ≈
~1~Open Weather Plugin from Plugins brwoser
~2~Press Memu from Keyboard
~3~Press Green Button (Add)
~4~Write you city name in (City) option
~5~Click yellow buttons (Search Code)
~6~Now select your city and press green button (ok)
~7~Press green button (ok) again
~8~Finish Exit from plugin bu pressing Exit button
Instal Skins
Please put the ipk in folder /tmp and install as
opkg install --force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk
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