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Modifying a timer in the EPG?

sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 10 Jan 2014



We can record a timer in the EPG, we can delete a timer in the EPG and it would be fine to modify the timer from the EPG. Now, we have to close the EPG and going in the timers to modify one and when it's finished, we can return in the EPG. It's not very convenient :wacko: :) .


Thank you :) .


ims's Photo ims 10 Jan 2014

you can in EPG remove it and create again (Green,Green). It is almost same time as modify it :-)


sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 10 Jan 2014

Yes I have thought it but it's not convenient because I modify objects in a timer (especially for the repeated timers) : frequency, sometimes title, the recording path... while I only want to modify hours because sometimes there are modifications between 2 weeks :) .


Thus as you call the timer program to create a new timer, I thought it would not be difficult to call it for a modification ;) .


dirocca's Photo dirocca 10 Jan 2014

if you use autotimer you don´t have to make modifications, autotimer takes care off that. ;)


grtz Philip


ims's Photo ims 10 Jan 2014

about Edit - there is not empty button for it. I think, there could be used Menu button on epg event => little menu with:  Create, Modify, Delete.


sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 10 Jan 2014

I don't remember anything about autotimer. Where do you use it?


Perhaps it is also possible tu use long press on colour keys as Quickbutton does it, or other special keys as we do in the movie player. If we can parametrize the buttons, it will give you too much job :lol: . But it will be necessary to give a help otherwise this function will not be known.


Thank you.


sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 11 Jan 2014



When we are in the EPG, there are 4 functions with the four coloured function keys :

- The first red key is "Zap", we can go to this channel. Is it really necessary? We can do the same thing with a touch on the return key and an press on the "Ok" key. Only one touch supplementary ;) .

- The second green key is for recording :) .

- The third yellow key is for "Sort". 2 options : by time or alphabetical. I don't see any interest for this function. Perhaps somebody can say me why he uses the alphabetical order for the EPG  :huh: .

- The fourth blue key is for "Search" :) .


In this EPG screen, we can't use the "Menu" key. There is no action. Perhaps it's possible to use it and to have a menu "Parameters" to choice the functions keys as we have in the movie player :) . Thus we can choice the possibility to modify a timer :) .


Do you think it's possible?

Thank you :) .


WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 11 Jan 2014

If you select an EPG entry that has a timer associated with it, and you press "green", you get to modify that timer. No need for an additional button there.


ims's Photo ims 11 Jan 2014

- The third yellow key is for "Sort". 2 options : by time or alphabetical. I don't see any interest for this function. Perhaps somebody can say me why he uses the alphabetical order for the EPG  :huh: .

it is very useful function, if you looking quickly for next broadcasting same program...


ims's Photo ims 11 Jan 2014

If you select an EPG entry that has a timer associated with it, and you press "green", you get to modify that timer. No need for an additional button there.

i think, there is Remove timer only...


Dimitrij's Photo Dimitrij 11 Jan 2014

Use Autotimer mod(open single/multi EPG-->press button menu)


Robinson's Photo Robinson 11 Jan 2014

- The third yellow key is for "Sort". 2 options : by time or alphabetical. I don't see any interest for this function. Perhaps somebody can say me why he uses the alphabetical order for the EPG  :huh: .

it is very useful function, if you looking quickly for next broadcasting same program...

Extremely useful for me, too.

If a channel shows many repeats then you can quickly browse the whole 7-day EPG, without reading each single line.


sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 11 Jan 2014

WanWizard, with the green button, I can only add or remove a timer. I don't know how you can modify a timer with the green key :huh: . A little precision : if I have a timer with large hour margins to cover time differences or if I use the same timer to record all the episodes of the same broadcast, I haven't the possibility to remove the timer, I can only add a new timer.


Ok for the sort key, it seems to be more powerful than press "Ok" because with the "Ok" key, we haven't all the occurrences of the same broadcast, only some of them.


Dima, I open the EPG with the "Info" key. If I press "Menu" key, I only have "Search" EPG. If I use the "Ok" key, I have all the EPG of the current channel.


Other possibility : I use the "Info" key, I choice the single EPG but I have nothing if I press the "Menu" key.


Other possibility : I use the "Info" key, I choice the multi EPG, I have to choice in the favourite bouquets and when I press the "Menu" key, I have a screen where I can choice a date and an hour. I type values and "Ok" but I don't find any entry in the timers. what is this screen? And where is the Autotimer please?


Thank you :) .

Edited by sjlouis, 11 January 2014 - 15:42.

WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 11 Jan 2014

Sorry, I am mistaken. I was sure you could do that from there. I agree the Zap key is useless there, so it's more logical to put "delete timer" under Red, and "edit timer" under Green.


The Yellow button is extremely handy if you want to quickly see if the program is on at another time, as the A-Z sort lines them all up...


sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 11 Jan 2014

Yes, if the red key would allow to delete the timer, it would be the same logical action than in the movie player to delete a movie, and the green key could allows to create a timer or to delete it.


If we could have other opinions, it would be well :) .


ims's Photo ims 11 Jan 2014

i think, it could be added under Yellow, when you use Info on event with timer. There are free Red, Yellow and Blue. Timer is not edited so often as Zap

Add/Delete under green is ok, imho


ims's Photo ims 11 Jan 2014

If will be known button for timer edit from EPG, here is code for it... (EpgSelection.py, class EPGSelection)

	def timerEdit(self):
		cur = self["list"].getCurrent()
		event = cur[0]
		serviceref = cur[1]
		if event is None:
		eventid = event.getEventId()
		refstr = serviceref.ref.toString()
		for timer in self.session.nav.RecordTimer.timer_list:
			if timer.eit == eventid and timer.service_ref.ref.toString() == refstr:
				self.session.open(TimerEntry, timer)

ims's Photo ims 11 Jan 2014

and it could be added under "OK" button temporary... here is modified eventSelected (EpgSelection.py, class EPGSelection)

	def eventSelected(self):
		if self.key_green_choice == self.REMOVE_TIMER:

sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 11 Jan 2014

Sorry IMS, I don't understand. Other guys said they use yellow key. Thus, we have to keep it. Do you use "zap" red key? If you want to zap, you can also return from the list of broadcasts to the list of channels ant type "Ok". It's not very boring. And it's not safe to use the same key to add and delete. I think the proposition of WanWizard is very logical :D .


ims's Photo ims 11 Jan 2014

ZAP is used, when is displayed EPG of channel and with  </> (prev/next) is listed to prev/next channel and you want zap to channel, where you see interesting program.  In this case is your "return and OK" nonsence...
