SQLite backed EPG is part of the image, so if you have a USB stick or CF card for additional storage, you can already set that up.
Further instructions on how to set it up are still online at http://rytec.be/, towards the bottom, in the Enigma1 section. The "Pli Jade3 & SQlite" info should still be accurate.
What (probably) doesn't work anymore, are any instructions on how do download the xml files, as those are no longer online. So you need to figure out from the Enigma2 download sources which files to download, and modify the scripts to do so. And as Willy already mentioned, E2 files are in UTF-8, while E1 requires ISO-8859-1. So after download you need to convert the file's charset.
Yes, I have already looked at the documentation on rytec.be, and applied the instructions there.
The EPG is in SQlite mode, as can be seen from the change date of the epg.db file. (By the way, I set it on the internal HDD, not on flash as you suggested. Any objection ?)
But the user interface of the plug-in is baffling:
(1) The selected package is not remembered after saving: regardless of the previous selection, the first item (CD/TVV) is always selected on next invocation.
(2) The blue-button "Channels" action leads to a completely cryptic interface (the one with two columns), and even after reading and re-reading the PDF documentation from rytec.be, I can't seem to understand the semantics of what it does, nor even to do anything permanent to it. Even the "Mapped" list (the only nonempty one) is mysterious as it contains DNS-like names (like "Mezzo.be" or "117.750743.microsoft.com").
I am completely lost by this UI, and I understand that nobody will ever fix it. But I am willing to adapt on the command-line side.
For example, looking at the e1_Csat.sh script, I noticed (1) a wrong "# /bin/sh" header (fixed it to #!) and (2) an outdated url (http://www.xmltvepg.be), getting redirect loops. I fixed it by looking at a working config on a friend's E2 machine (a Vu), to http://rytec.sifteam.eu.
As a result, I can see that the retrieval now works (I see a big /media/hdd/rytecxmltvcsat.gz temporarily exist, and it does contain meaningful EPG summaries).
But clearly something goes wrong in the rest of the chain. Most likely a key piece is missing to map the channel names from that XML file to internal E1 channel idents.
I see that "db_epg" is called with an associated mapfile, which in my case only contains stuff like:
So, most likely some tiny bit is missing (though I installed everything from the openpli menu). Can you help me find which ?
PS: and yes, I'll take care of char encoding when that is the last problem