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Preferred tuner for recording

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Re: Preferred tuner for recording #61 Baltus72

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Posted 9 September 2014 - 23:11

The Preferred Tuner for recording option seems quite confusing, and judging by this thread I'm not alone...

Basically, I'm fine with all kinds of options so long as there is an automatic tuner selection that actually works.

However, it's completely broken on my Ultimo triple DVB-C setup, and it doesn't matter what settings I use for

"Preferred Tuner for recording" so long as I use Auto for "Preferred Tuner". More details in the post here:


Re: Preferred tuner for recording #62 Huevos

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Posted 10 September 2014 - 08:42

Nothing wrong with preferred tuner for recordings. It works exactly as it should for satellite recordings, and there is nothing in the code to differentiate between DVB-S and DVB-C so I don't see why it should be any different for DVB-C.

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