≈ Test on OpenPli 4.0 , OpenLD 1.3 ≈
≈ Work on all SH4 Enigmas DM & Vu+,,etc ≈
P.S.Thanks to Franc for xml.
<!-- ############## DONT REMOVE THIS DISCLAIMER ###################### -->
<!-- ########## Skin: MambasHD" Skin for Enigma2 ~ by mamba65 ~ Thanks for xml.by franc on www.satforum.me ########## -->
<!-- ################# Version V1 ################################### -->
<!-- This skin and all it's graphics are free, do whatever you want with this skin but only for personal use! -->
<!-- You can modify and redistribute it as long as you keep this License for the skin and all of your modifications. -->
<!-- If you want to contact for support on crosatelite.com or www.satforum.me -->
Already integrated in Skin:
≈ Picons Weather,Run EPG Text,Picon Sat,Picon Prov,Cript,Emu,Fan,Cpu,Memory,Up Time in Info panel ≈
≈ How to get your city weather ≈
~2~Press Memu from Keyboard
~3~Press Green Button (Add)
~4~Write you city name in (City) option
~5~Click yellow buttons (Search Code)
~6~Now select your city and press green button (ok)
~7~Press green button (ok) again
~8~Finish Exit from plugin bu pressing Exit button
~ Instal Skins ~
Please put the ipk in folder /tmp and install as
opkg install --force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk