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(Ex YU) No EPG

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Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #261 djakac9

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Posted 18 April 2021 - 07:07

Hi yesterday was fine and today again the same problem,thanks

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Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #262 doglover

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Posted 18 April 2021 - 09:48

Very strange indeed.

I changed it.  But now it has the same EPG again. 


Some more investigation is needed.

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Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #263 doglover

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Posted 18 April 2021 - 09:54

Is this now correct?

(Be aware that one schedule is in GMT+2 and the other is in GMT)

<programme start="20210418150000 +0200" stop="20210418164500 +0200" channel="CineStarTVPremiere2.hr">
    <title lang="hr">Teen Spirit</title>
    <sub-title lang="hr">Teen Spirit - (drama, Engleska, 2018)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="hr">Producent filma La la land predstavlja pop senzaciju u novoj intrigantnoj i modernoj priči TEEN SPIRIT. Violet je sramežljiva tinejdžerica koja sanja da pobjegne iz svog malog grada i slijedi svoju strast da pjeva. Uz pomoć mentora, odlazi na lokalno natjecanje u pjevanju koje će testirati njezin integritet, talent i ambiciju. Teen Spirit je intrigantan i moderna priče o Pepeljugi s odličnom pop glazbom u pozadini.
Max Minghella
Elle Fanning (Violet)
Agnieszka Grochowska (Marla)
Archie Madekwe (Luke)
Zlatko Buric (Vlad)
Millie Brady (Anastasia)..</desc>
  <programme start="20210418164500 +0200" stop="20210418184000 +0200" channel="CineStarTVPremiere2.hr">
    <title lang="hr">Rat struja</title>
    <sub-title lang="hr">The Current War - (drama, Rusija, 2017)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="hr">Hollywoodski spektakl o Nikoli Tesli u kojem glavne uloge tumače za Oscara nominirani Benedict Cumberbatch i Michael Shannon. Okosnica filma je bespoštedno nadmetanje Edisona i Georgea Westinghousea oko toga čiji će električni sustav strujom opskrbljivati moderni svijet. Priča prati Thomasa Edisona (Benedict Cumberbatch) koji se drži svoje istosmjerne struje i nju pokušava uvesti na Manhattan unatoč očitim nedostacima. No, plan mu ne ide glatko jer tu u priču dolazi Nikola Tesla (Nicholas Hoult) sa svojom izmjeničnom strujom, a njega financijski podupire bogataš i biznismen Westinghouse (Michael Shannon).
Alfonso Gomez-Rejon
Benedict Cumberbatch (Thomas Edison)
Oliver Powell (Leo)
Katherine Waterston (Marguerite Westinghouse)
Nancy Crane (Gladys)
Liza Ross (Beti)..</desc>
<programme start="20210418122000 +0000" stop="20210418135500 +0000" channel="CineStarTV2.hr">
    <title lang="sr">Preterivanje</title>
    <sub-title lang="sr">[Akcija]  (2017) [6]</sub-title>
    <desc lang="sr">Profesionalni kradljivci automobila Endru i njegov mlađi brat Geret, se nađu u sukobu sa francuskim gangsterima. Dvojica braće specijalizovani su za krađu skupocenih, luksuznih automobila. Angažovani su da ukradu prelep Bugati iz 1937. vredan milion eura pa kreću na jug Francuske kako bi završili posao. Međutim oni budu uhvaćeni od strane vlasnika i lokalnog gangstera Žakoma Morijera, koji im u zamenu za njihove živote nudi novi posao, ukrasti od njegovog glavnog rivala, Maksa Klempa, njegov najluksuzniji auto, Ferari 250 GTO iz 1962
Scott Eastwood
Freddie Thorp
Ana de Armas
Gaia Weiss
Simon Abkarian
Clemens Schick
Abraham Belaga
Mars Bezot
Magne-Håvard Brekke
Joshua Fitoussi
Pierre-Marie Mosconi
Frédéric Anscombre
Mehdi Salem
Anaïs Monory
Lester Makedonsky
Maxime Flourac
Moussa Maaskri
Paul Mark Elliott
Marc de Panda
Rémi Pedevilla
Amine Azzouz
Jean-Claude Lagniez
Philippe Ohrel
Yann Papin
Mickaël Collart
Luca Malinowski
Fabian Wolfrom
Tom Leeb
Philippe Romero.</desc>
  <programme start="20210418135500 +0000" stop="20210418154500 +0000" channel="CineStarTV2.hr">
    <title lang="sr">Daleko od raja</title>
    <sub-title lang="sr">[Drama]  (2002) [16]</sub-title>
    <desc lang="sr">"Daleko od raja" je priča o privilegovanoj domaćici u Americi '50-ih godina. Nadahnuta je sjajnim holivudskim dramama toga doba uz sjajan prikaz prigradskog porodičnog života i otkrivanje potisnutog sveta beskrajnih emocija i žudnji koje prelaze granicu racionalne i seksualne trpeljivosti tragičnih posledica. U jesen 1957. godine, porodica Vitaker, oličenje prigradske porodice, podigne svoj dom u Hartfordu, u Konektikatu. Žive kao prava porodica, odlaze na društvena okupljanja i žele da drže korak s porodicom Džouns. Keti Vitaker je domaćica, supruga i majka. Vitaker je hranitelj porodice, suprug i otac. Imaju dvoje pred-tinejdžerske dece, sina i ćerku. Kako se priča razvija, Ketin svet se transformiše. Njen odnos s baštovanom, Rejmondom Deganom; njenom najboljom prijateljicom, Elenor Fajn; i njenom pomoćnicom, Sibil, odražavaju preokrete u njenom životu. Keti je suočena sa odlukama koje pokrenu govorkanja unutar zajednice i koje zauvek promene nekoliko života
Julianne Moore
Dennis Quaid
Dennis Haysbert
Patricia Clarkson
Olivia Birkelund
Viola Davis
Barbara Garrick.</desc>
  <programme start="20210418154500 +0000" stop="20210418170500 +0000" channel="CineStarTV2.hr">
    <title lang="sr">Korgi: Kraljevski pas velikog srca</title>
    <sub-title lang="sr">[Drama]  (2019)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="sr">Animirani film o omiljenoj vrsti pasa britanske kraljice Elizabete, velškim korgijima, od kojih se još od detinjstva ne odvaja. Reks je mali nevaljalac ali ipak najomiljeniji pas britanske kraljice. Jednog se dana izgubi u Londonu i nađe u društvu različitih vrsta pasa koji se međusobno svađaju i sukobljavaju. Tokom svog epskog putovanja u kojem traži put za povratak svojoj voljenoj vlasnici, Reks uspeva da se zaljubi i otkrije svoj pravi identitet
Mari Devon
Kirk Thornton
Camila Rhodes
Dave B. Mitchell
Jamie Scott
Nicole Moorea Sherman
Rick Zieff.</desc>
  <programme start="20210418170500 +0000" stop="20210418190000 +0000" channel="CineStarTV2.hr">
    <title lang="sr">Najbolje od mene</title>
    <sub-title lang="sr">[Drama]  (2014)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="sr">Nova ekranizacija romana Nikolasa Sparksa, autora Beležnice i drugih dela koja su prodata širom sveta u više od 80 miliona primeraka! Najomiljeniji pisac romantičnih priča ovog puta nas vodi životnim putevima dvoje potpuno različitih srednjoškolaca koje, nakon strastvene ljubavne veze, okolnosti razdvajaju na 20 godina. Sada odrasli ljudi, oni će se ponovo sresti u rodnom gradu u koji će se vratiti zbog pogibije dragog prijatelja
Michelle Monaghan
James Marsden
Liana Liberato
Gerald McRaney
Schuyler Fisk
Jon Tenney
Sebastian Arcelus.</desc>



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Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #264 doglover

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Posted 18 April 2021 - 10:17

BTW:  are these correct?

<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="CinestarTV2.hr">1:0:1:2F4:2D08:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Cinestar TV 2 HD -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="CinestarTV2.hr">1:0:1:2F4:9D08:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Cinestar TV 2 HD -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="CineStarTVPremiere2.hr">1:0:1:556:75FB:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Cinestar Premiere 2 HD -->


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Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
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Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #265 djakac9

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Posted 18 April 2021 - 11:26

This is exactly

<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="CinestarTV2.hr">1:0:1:2F4:9D08:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Cinestar TV 2 HD -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="CineStarTVPremiere2.hr">1:0:1:556:75FB:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Cinestar Premiere 2 HD -->

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Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #266 dklar

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Posted 3 May 2021 - 20:17

Is there an epg for these channels?


<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Pink Movies">1:0:1:8:CB2B:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Pink Movies -->

<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="OBN">1:0:1:6DB:C544:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- OBN-->

<!-- 23.5E --><channel id="HayatTV>1:0:1:4EB1:CA4:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Hayat TV -->
<!-- 23.5E --><channel id="Hayat Plus>1:0:1:4EB2:CA4:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Hayat Plus TV -->
<!-- 23.5E --> <channel id="FaceTV>1:0:1:4F14:C81:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- FaceTV -->
<!-- 23.5E --><channel id="Film Klub>1:0:1:4E2D:C8B:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Film Klub-->
<!-- 23.5E --><channel id="0 Kanal>1:0:1:2EF:9D08:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- 0 Kanal BiH -->

Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #267 doglover

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Posted 4 May 2021 - 07:40



Several reasons why there was no EPG. 

1. Channel ref not included.

2. Grab from a website which does not list the schedule anymore.

3. No grab present.


Try again this afternoon.

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Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #268 dklar

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Posted 5 May 2021 - 20:29

Thank you very much.
Here are a few more channels if you can.
Greetings ...
<channel id="ATV">1:0:1:675:9FC4:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="TV Vijesti>1:0:1:5B3:75FC:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="SciFi>1:0:16:739:C5A8:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="FilmBox Stars>1:0:19:A9E:9DD0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="M1Film.">1:0:16:128:3:40:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="Studio B">1:0:1:4E28:C85:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="FilmBox Arthouse >1:0:16:A94:9DD0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="Nova Sport SR">1:0:1:1168:9CA4:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="KurirTV">1:0:1:4E4D:C81:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="RTS Drama">1:0:1:4E7B:C8B:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="RTS Kolo">1:0:1:4E7C:C8B:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="RTS Muzika">1:0:1:4E7E:C8B:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="RTS Trezor">1:0:1:4E7D:C8B:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="RTS Zivot">1:0:1:4E7A:C8B:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="RTS Poltarac">1:0:1:4E7F:C8B:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="Planet Sport1>1:0:19:71C:C5A8:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="Planet Sport2>1:0:19:71F:C5A8:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="Planet Sport3>1:0:19:722:C5A8:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="Planet Sport4>1:0:19:771:C6D4:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>
<channel id="Planet Sport5>1:0:19:782:C6D4:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>

Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #269 doglover

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Posted 6 May 2021 - 08:55

Added or corrected.



<channel id="TV Vijesti>1:0:1:5B3:75FC:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel>


I cannot find a schedule (yet). If you know of a schedule pls tell me.

Maybe this:  https://www.vijesti.me/tv

(No.  It only contains past items)

Edited by doglover, 6 May 2021 - 08:57.

~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #270 Freon

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Posted 6 May 2021 - 09:15

Is there any fix for this:



Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #271 doglover

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Posted 6 May 2021 - 12:25


~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
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Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #272 djakac9

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Posted 27 May 2021 - 13:37

  Hello master doglover I made a new exyu channel xml according to the satellite channel list, please check the old file with this new thanks!  :thumbs-up:

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Edited by djakac9, 27 May 2021 - 13:41.

Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #273 doglover

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Posted 27 May 2021 - 14:41

Thanks for this. You have gone to a lot of trouble to compile this.

But, presenting this listin this way, forces me to even more work.


f.i. your first entry:

<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Klasik TV">1:0:16:D8:3:40:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Klasik TV -->

I already have this in the channels file

<!-- HRV --> <!-- 16.0E --> <channel id=" KlasikTV.hr "> 1:0:16:D8:3:40:A00000:0:0:0: </channel><!--  KLASIK TV  -->

With the schedule attached from:  https://mojtv.net/ka...m/184/klasik-tv


I assume there are more channels like this.

Your list consist of 600+ channels.  There is no way I can automatically merge your list with my list.

So I have to check them line per line.  Only to find that most are already correct.


I have to request that you go through your list again and delete all channels (lines) which already have the correct epg.

On a receiver which has access to these sats this should be relatively easy.  (I do not have access to most of these sats)

Report only those who are not correct or missing.  And note what is wrong with it (no EPG, wrong EPG etc...)


Pls. Also tell me in which language you want it.

Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian or Slovenian

Edited by doglover, 27 May 2021 - 14:42.

~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
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Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #274 djakac9

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Posted 27 May 2021 - 17:04

Ok thanks,I'm wondering if I can insert that list of mine in etc / epg import and what to call it,thanks

Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #275 doglover

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Posted 28 May 2021 - 07:37

Ok thanks,I'm wondering if I can insert that list of mine in etc / epg import and what to call it,thanks

Not this way.

Your links to the EPG are not good.  (Channel id=)


But if you want to do this, you can enter this info into a file name custom.channels.xml in etc/epgimport.

This will then be automatically used.  If this file does not exist, create one.

~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)

Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #276 djakac9

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Posted 28 May 2021 - 08:05

these channels have no epg and the 1.9e epg satellite is not working well at the moment


<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="ADRIA MUSIC TELEVISION.hr">1:0:19:D5D:C738:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- ADRIA MUSIC TELEVISION -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="FOLX SLOVENIJA MUSIC TELEVISION.hr">1:0:19:D5E:C738:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- FOLX SLOVENIJA MUSIC TELEVISION -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="ONE MUSIC TELEVISION,ADRIA.hr">1:0:19:D5F:C738:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- ONE MUSIC TELEVISION,ADRIA -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="DM-SAT.rs">1:0:1:1:A78:1:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- DM-SAT -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Nova24 TV.slo">1:0:16:57:3:40:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- NOVA 24 -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Super SAT.rs">1:0:1:770:C6D4:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Super SAT -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="P-TV Vienna.rs">1:0:16:77C:C6D4:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- P-TV Vienna -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Red HD.rs">1:0:19:4E:CB2C:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Red HD -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Pink Fashion.rs">1:0:1:A7:CB2C:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Pink Fashion -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Pink Folk 2.rs">1:0:1:44:CB2C:0:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Pink Folk 2 -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Pink Hits 1.rs">1:0:1:B8:CB2C:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Pink Hits 1 -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Pink Hits 2.rs">1:0:1:3E:CB2C:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Pink Hits 2 -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Bravo Music.rs">1:0:1:C1:CB2C:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Bravo Music -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Pink&Roll.rs">1:0:1:A6:CB2C:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Pink&Roll -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="FilmBox Premium HD.hr">1:0:19:A8D:9DD0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Filmbox Premium HD -->
<!-- 13.0E --><channel id="HRTInt. HD.hr">1:0:19:4208:2F44:13E:820000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- HRTInt. HD -->
<!-- 0.8W --><channel id="Crime + Investigation Europe.org">1:0:1:1E88:14:46:E080000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Crime+Investigation -->
<!-- 23.5E --><channel id="Uci Doma 2.hr">1:0:1:4FB0:C8B:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Uci Doma 2 --> 
<!-- 23.5E --><channel id="Uci Doma 3.hr">1:0:1:4FB1:C8B:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Uci Doma 3 --> 

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Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #277 doglover

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Posted 28 May 2021 - 10:12

<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="FOLX SLOVENIJA MUSIC TELEVISION.hr">1:0:19:D5E:C738:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- FOLX SLOVENIJA MUSIC TELEVISION -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="ONE MUSIC TELEVISION,ADRIA.hr">1:0:19:D5F:C738:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- ONE MUSIC TELEVISION,ADRIA -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="P-TV Vienna.rs">1:0:16:77C:C6D4:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- P-TV Vienna -->
<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="FilmBox Premium HD.hr">1:0:19:A8D:9DD0:16E:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Filmbox Premium HD -->
<!-- 0.8W --><channel id="Crime + Investigation Europe.org">1:0:1:1E88:14:46:E080000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Crime+Investigation -->
<!-- 23.5E --><channel id="Uci Doma 2.hr">1:0:1:4FB0:C8B:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Uci Doma 2 -->
<!-- 23.5E --><channel id="Uci Doma 3.hr">1:0:1:4FB1:C8B:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Uci Doma 3 -->


Where can I find the schedule?

<!-- 16.0E --><channel id="Nova24 TV.slo">1:0:16:57:3:40:A00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- NOVA 24 -->


Is in the Slovenian Basic file

<!-- 13.0E --><channel id="HRTInt. HD.hr">1:0:19:4208:2F44:13E:820000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- HRTInt. HD -->

Other have been added / Corrected.

1.9E I have to look into it yet.

Is in the News file

~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
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Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #278 doglover

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Posted 28 May 2021 - 10:53

For 1.9E I have these assignments:

<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="AMC.hr">1:0:1:193:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- AMC Balkan -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="AMC.hr">1:0:1:1E8:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- AMC Balkan -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="AnimalPlanet.hr">1:0:1:191:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Animal Planet -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="AXNSpin.hr">1:0:1:1BB:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- AXN Spin -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="BabyTV.hr">1:0:1:184:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Baby TV -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="BabyTV.hr">1:0:1:18A:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Baby TV -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Balkanika.hr">1:0:1:188:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Balkanika -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="BNMusic.ba">1:0:1:1C1:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- BN Music -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="CinestarAction.hr">1:0:1:1AF:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Cinestar Action -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="CinestarFantasy.hr">1:0:1:1B8:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Cinestar TV Fantasy -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="CinestarTV.hr">1:0:1:1AE:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- CineStar TV -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ComedyCentralExtra.hr">1:0:1:199:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Comedy Central Extra -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="DaVinciLearning.hr">1:0:1:160:8:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Da Vinci Learning -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Discovery.hr">1:0:1:1D9:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Discovery Channel Serbia -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Duga.ba">1:0:1:1AA:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- TV Duga + -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="FashionTelevision.eu">1:0:1:17E:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Fashion Television Europe -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="FastFunBox.hr">1:0:1:261:1A:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Fast and Fun Box -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="HappyTV.hr">1:0:1:1D7:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Happy TV -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="IDXtra.hr">1:0:1:190:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- ID Xtra -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Mezzo.hr">1:0:1:18B:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Mezzo -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Minimax.hr">1:0:1:1DF:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Minimax -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="MTV90s.eu">1:0:1:17D:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- MTV 90s -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="MTVHits.eu">1:0:1:180:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- MTV Hits -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="NatGeoWild.hr">1:0:1:1AD:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- NG Wild -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="NGC.hr">1:0:1:1DD:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- National Geographic Srbija -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="NickJR.hr">1:0:1:18D:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Nick Jr Centr&Eastern Europe -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="OBN.hr">1:0:1:1E1:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- OBN -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Prva.hr">1:0:1:1D4:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Prva Srpska TV -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Prva.hr">1:0:1:B5:11:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Prva Srpska TV -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Prva.hr">1:0:1:B5:15:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Prva Srpska TV -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="SOS.hr">1:0:1:1E3:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- SOS Kanal -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="TLC.hr">1:0:1:18C:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- TLC Balkan -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="TravelChannel.hr">1:0:1:17F:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Travel Channel Europe -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="TVKCN.hr">1:0:1:1DA:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- KCN Kopernikus 1 -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ViasatExplorer.hr">1:0:1:192:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Viasat Explore East -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ViasatHistory.hr">1:0:1:182:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Viasat History -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ViasatNature.hr">1:0:1:183:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Viasat Nature East -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="WELT.de">1:0:1:1E6:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- WELT TV -->
<!-- HRV --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="">1:0:1:1AB:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Hobby Lov -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ClubMTV.eu">1:0:1:208:17:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Club MTV -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="DaVinciKids.eu">1:0:1:160:8:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Da Vinci Kids -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="DMSAT.rs">1:0:1:1B2:A:2:1330A7:0:0:0:</channel><!-- DM Sat -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="DMSAT.rs">1:0:1:1B2:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- DM Sat -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="FineLiving.eu">1:0:1:187:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Fine Living -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="FoodNetwork.eu">1:0:1:1B5:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Food Network -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="FoodNetwork.eu">1:0:1:78C5:2C5:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Food Network -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Gametoon.eu">1:0:1:260:1A:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Gametoon HD -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="MTV80s.eu">1:0:1:186:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- MTV 80s -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="MTV80s.eu">1:0:1:207:17:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- MTV 80s -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="MTV90s.eu">1:0:1:204:17:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- MTV 90s -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="MTVHits.eu">1:0:1:205:17:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- MTV Hits -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="TravelChannelHD.eu">1:0:1:17F:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Travel channel -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="VH1.eu">1:0:1:185:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- VH1 -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="VH1.eu">1:0:1:206:17:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- VH1 -->
<!-- Misc --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ViasatHistory.eu">1:0:1:46:C:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Viasat History HD-->
<!-- News --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="AlJazeera.nws">1:0:1:1B3:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Al Jazeera -->
<!-- News --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ChannelOneRussia.ru">1:0:1:1B6:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Perviy Kanal -->
<!-- News --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="DeutscheWelleEN.de">1:0:1:77:E:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Deutsche Welle -->
<!-- News --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTDocumentary.pl">1:0:1:1D3:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RT Documentary HD -->
<!-- News --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTPi.pt">1:0:1:1B8:A:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTPi -->
<!-- News --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RussiaToday.uk">1:0:1:AF:11:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RT News HD -->
<!-- News --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RussiaToday.uk">1:0:1:AF:15:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RT News HD -->
<!-- News --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="TRTworld.nws">1:0:1:83:E:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- TRTworld -->
<!-- News --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="WELT.de">1:0:1:1E6:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Welt -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="AgroTV.rs">1:0:1:1B0:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Agro TV -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ArenaSport1.rs">1:0:1:1CF:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Arena Sport 1 (Serbia) -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ArenaSport2.rs">1:0:1:1D0:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Arena Sport 2 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ArenaSport3.rs">1:0:1:1D1:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Arena Sport 3 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ArenaSport4.rs">1:0:1:1D2:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Arena Sport 4 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ArenaSport5.rs">1:0:1:1E2:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Arena Sport 5 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="AXNAdria.rs">1:0:1:1D8:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- AXN Adria -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="B92.rs">1:0:1:B4:11:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- O2 TV -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="B92.rs">1:0:1:B4:15:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- O2 TV -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="BelleAmie.rs">1:0:1:1A7:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- BelleAmie -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="BelleAmie.rs">1:0:1:B6:11:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- BelleAmie -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="BNsat.ba">1:0:1:AE:11:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- BN sat -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="BNsat.ba">1:0:1:AE:15:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- BN sat -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="DiscoveryScience.rs">1:0:1:1DB:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Discovery Science -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Docubox.rs">1:0:1:1B4:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Docu Box -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Eurosport1.rs">1:0:1:AC:15:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Eurosport 1 HD -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Eurosport2.rs">1:0:1:AD:15:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Eurosport 2 HD -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="FilmBoxExtra.hr">1:0:1:189:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- FilmBox Extra  -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="FilmBoxPlus.hr">1:0:1:1B7:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- FilmBox Plus -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="FilmKlub.rs">1:0:1:1E5:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Film Klub -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="FineLiving.rs">1:0:1:187:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Fine Living  -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="FoodNetwork.rs">1:0:1:1B5:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Food Network  -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="H2.rs">1:0:1:1D3:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- H2 (History 2) -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="HGTV.rs">1:0:1:10C:15:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- HGTV -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="KCN.rs">1:0:1:1DA:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- KCN Kopernikus -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="KCNMusic2.rs">1:0:1:1AC:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- KCN Music 2 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="KCNSvet3.rs">1:0:1:1C2:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- SvetPlus(KCN3) -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Nickelodeon.rs">1:0:1:195:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Nickelodeon -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Nickelodeon.rs">1:0:1:1EA:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Nickelodeon -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="NickJr.rs">1:0:1:1E9:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Nick Jr Centr&Eastern Europe -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Nicktoons.hr">1:0:1:1AD:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Nicktoons -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="no_epg_music">1:0:1:1A9:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- The Voice -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="O2.rs">1:0:1:1A6:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTV 2 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="O2.rs">1:0:1:1D6:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- O2 TV -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTRPlaneta.rs">1:0:1:18E:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Planeta TV -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS1.rs">1:0:1:1CD:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS 1 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS1.rs">1:0:1:B0:11:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS 1 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS1.rs">1:0:1:B0:15:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS 1 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS2.rs">1:0:1:1CE:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS 2 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS2.rs">1:0:1:B1:11:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS 2 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS2.rs">1:0:1:B1:15:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS 2 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS3.rs">1:0:1:1A5:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS 3 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS3.rs">1:0:1:B3:11:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS 3 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS3.rs">1:0:1:B3:15:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS 3 -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTSDrama.rs">1:0:1:1A8:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS Drama -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTSKolo.rs">1:0:1:1E4:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS Kolo -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTSMuzika.rs">1:0:1:1E0:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS Muzika -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTSMuzika.rs">1:0:1:BB:11:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS Muzika -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTSTrezor.rs">1:0:1:1BC:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS Trezor -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTSZivot.rs">1:0:1:1BD:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS Zivot -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTV1.rs">1:0:1:1DC:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTV1 (Vojvodina) -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTV2.rs">1:0:1:1A6:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTV2 (Vojvodina) -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTV2.rs">1:0:1:B7:11:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTV2 (Vojvodina) -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTVNoviPazar.rs">1:0:1:1D5:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTV Novi Pazar -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="SuperstarTV.rs">1:0:1:1B1:A:2:1330A8:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Superstar TV -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="TVPINK.rs">1:0:1:1DE:B:1:13305C:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Pink Srbija -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="TVPINK.rs">1:0:1:B2:11:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Pink Srbija -->
<!-- SRB --><!-- 1.9E --><channel id="TVPINK.rs">1:0:1:B2:15:2:13B095:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Pink Srbija -->

Can you list the channels which do not have EPG pls.

~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)

Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #279 djakac9

  • Senior Member
  • 67 posts


Posted 28 May 2021 - 15:00

a lot of channels no epg it's not clear to me what the problem


<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS 1 HD">1:0:1:B0:11:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS 1 HD -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS 2 HD">1:0:1:B1:11:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS 2 HD -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS Drama">1:0:1:BA:11:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS Drama -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS Muzika">1:0:1:BB:11:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS Muzika -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS Kolo">1:0:1:1D6:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS Kolo -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTS Trezor">1:0:1:1D4:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTS Trezor -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTV1">1:0:1:1DC:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTV1 (Vojvodina) -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTV2">1:0:1:B7:11:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTV2 (Vojvodina) -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="BN Sat HD">1:0:1:AE:11:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- BN Sat HD -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Superstar TV">1:0:1:1B1:A:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Superstar TV -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RTV Novi Pazar">1:0:1:1D5:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RTV Novi Pazar -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Belle Amie">1:0:1:B6:11:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Belle Amie -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="OBN">1:0:1:1E1:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- OBN -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Agro TV">1:0:1:1B0:A:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Agro TV -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Arena Sport 1">1:0:1:1CF:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Arena Sport 1 -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Arena Sport 2">1:0:1:1D0:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Arena Sport 2 -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Arena Sport 3">1:0:1:1D1:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Arena Sport 3 -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Arena Sport 4">1:0:1:1D2:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Arena Sport 4 -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Arena Sport 5">1:0:1:1E2:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Arena Sport 5 -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="SOS Kanal">1:0:1:B8:11:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- SOS Kanal -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="AXN Adria">1:0:1:1D8:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- AXN Adria -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="AXN Spin">1:0:1:1E0:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- AXN Spin -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="CineStar TV">1:0:1:1E3:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- CineStar TV -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="CineStar TV Action">1:0:1:1AF:A:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Cinestar TV Action -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="CineStar TV Fantasy">1:0:1:1E7:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Cinestar TV Fantasy -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Film Klub">1:0:1:1E5:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Film Klub -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Discovery Science">1:0:1:1DB:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Discovery Science -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="National Geographic">1:0:1:1DD:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- National Geographic -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="NG Wild">1:0:1:1BA:A:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- National Geo Wild -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Food Network">1:0:1:1E4:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Food Network -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="RT Documentary">1:0:1:1D3:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- RT Documentary -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="ID Xtra">1:0:1:1AA:A:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- ID Xtra -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Nick Jr">1:0:1:1E9:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Nick Junior -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Minimax">1:0:1:1DF:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Minimax -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Nickelodeon">1:0:1:1EA:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Nickelodeon -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="KCN Kopernikus 1">1:0:1:1DA:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- KCN Kopernikus 1 -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="KCN Music 2">1:0:1:1AC:A:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- KCN Music 2 -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="Svet Plus">1:0:1:1C2:A:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Svet Plus -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="BN Music">1:0:1:1C1:A:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- BN Music -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="DM Sat">1:0:1:1B2:A:2:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- DM Sat -->
<!-- 1.9E --><channel id="TV Duga Plus">1:0:1:1E8:B:1:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- TV Duga Plus -->

Re: (Ex YU) No EPG #280 doglover

  • Rytec EPG Team
  • 17,500 posts


Posted 28 May 2021 - 15:39

I know what the problem is.

You have service refs with the standard Namespace (130000)

In my channels list are all special namespaces.


Added the above list.

But since all entries, already had a counterpart I did not check if there was EPG grabbed for that channel.

The new channels file will be upload with the next automatic update.

I would advise to check tomorrow.


PS:  Some channels have EPG in the News or Misc files (under General)

And some channels have EPG in the Croatian files.

~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)

Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

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