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Problem with usb tuner TNT when I start th...

sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 21 Dec 2014



Since a few months, I have problems with my USB Twintech UT40 TNT tuner. If I restart the box (Menu, "Restart" or "Restart Enigma"), if I am on a DVB channel, sometimes I loose the TNT channels (error message "no data on the pat...") or no picture without error message. If I do the same thing on a TNT channel, I always loose the TNT channels. The only way to get again these channels is to restart electrically the box.


I've done a flash now but there is the same problem.


I use the pack "kernel-module-dvb-usb-rtl2832" since 2 years and I have this problem only since 2 months maximum.


Does somebody have an explanation?


Thank you :) .


athoik's Photo athoik 21 Dec 2014

There is a solution, instead of installing kernel module, it will be an available package (under dvb drivers) that will install all prerequisites.

sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 21 Dec 2014

Ok but in the plugin driver list, I haven't found my USB key and a friend found me the pack kernel module and even if I can find the good plugin, I don't know how to remove the kernel module ("opkg uninstal kernel-module-dvb-usb-rtl2832" perhaps?).


Thank you.


athoik's Photo athoik 21 Dec 2014

The solution is not yet commited, until then run the following commands:
opkg update
opkg install kernel-module-dvb-usb-rtl2832 
opkg install kernel-module-dvb-usb-rtl28xxu 
opkg install kernel-module-rtl2832 
opkg install kernel-module-e4000 
opkg install kernel-module-r820t 
opkg install kernel-module-mt2266 
opkg install kernel-module-fc0013 
opkg install firmware-dvb-usb-af9035-01 
opkg install firmware-dvb-usb-af9035-02 
opkg install firmware-dvb-usb-af9015 
(don't worry if some kernel modules are missing, above command is for old and new kernels)
Edited by athoik, 21 December 2014 - 18:57.

sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 21 Dec 2014

I have to install all theses packs :huh: ?


sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 29 Dec 2014

Hi athoik,


Why have I to download all these packs? Pli will choice the good one?


Thank you :) .


athoik's Photo athoik 29 Dec 2014

Only the ones avaible for your kernel will be selected. BTW just select rtl from drivers (download plugins -> drivers -> rtl)

sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 29 Dec 2014

What is BTW? The boot loader? Ok I install all these packs because we don't know which is the good one but BTW choices only the good one(s). That's right?


athoik's Photo athoik 29 Dec 2014

BTW, if knew what is the correct no need install by the drivers.Install manually..

Simple users prefer simple solutions.
Edited by athoik, 29 December 2014 - 16:11.

sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 29 Dec 2014

Yes I'm a very simple user ;) . Ok I will install all these packs and BTM will choice the good one.


Thank you :) .


Pr2's Photo Pr2 29 Dec 2014



I think it is time for you to open up your ET-9200 and have a look at the condo on the power supply... I had similar issue with an USB stick some strange behavior unexplained lost, it was the condo that start failing so there was power supply problem on the USB ports. Change the defective ones before it is too late.




sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 29 Dec 2014

:blink: My ET9000 had died a few months ago (September), I hope the ET9200 doesn't die so quickly :angry: . And if you remember, I don't find the bad condo on the power supply :unsure: .


Pr2's Photo Pr2 31 Dec 2014

A friend of mine who own both a ET9000 and a ET9200 had to replace the capacitor on its ET9200 before he had to do it on its older ET9000...


hemertje's Photo hemertje 31 Dec 2014

:blink: My ET9000 had died a few months ago (September), I hope the ET9200 doesn't die so quickly :angry: . And if you remember, I don't find the bad condo on the power supply :unsure: .

Go to your supplier for your 2 Year warranty

sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 31 Dec 2014

Yes I can do it for the ET9200 if it's die, it's under warranty.


sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 1 Jan 2015

I think I have found the problem : when I've done a flash or an update, it took Cccam as softcam. I've just seen it and I replaced Cccam with Oscam. It seems the problem disappears.


imperia's Photo imperia 20 Jan 2015

I have the same problem with my et6000 maybe since 1-2 months (i think it was around the time when new kernel was implemented).

I am watching DVB-T with my rtl2832. If I reboot for update or something i get "no data on the pat". Only way to fix this is turn off power button on the back of the receiver.

After that It works for hours without issues.


sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 20 Jan 2015

If I can give you a trick, don't reboot on a TNT channel. If you reboot on a DVB S channel, the reboot is often good. On a TNT channel, it's never good and the only way to get the TNT channels is to switch off electrically the box.


As I have some problems with the last big version of OpenPli, I haven't try to download all the kernels athoik have given. Perhaps one oh them is better than rlt2832.


Pr2's Photo Pr2 20 Jan 2015



In OpenPLi you can define a startup service, this can be a work around for you.

If I remember well, in the channel selection screen press menu and choose: define as startup service  so normally you will no longer have to care to stand-by on a DVB-S channel but on the other side your STB will always wake up on the same channel.





sjlouis's Photo sjlouis 20 Jan 2015

Hello Pr2 ;) ,


Unfortunately, sometimes (it's unpredictable :( ), you can reboot on a DVB S channel and lost the TNT tuner. Every time I reboot the box, I verify if it's good for TNT :unsure: .
