@doglover - there is a long Development and Discussion Thread on this in the DMM Board, which inlcudes all the necessary informations from the DMM devs and also at the end the code of the 2.1 version of the XMLTV Importer Mod I created for OE2.2.
For people too lazy to search there, I also created a Thread in OoZooN's board, where you might find also an EPGdbBackup Plugin.
My Mod is fully downward compatible with the current EPG Importer code as in case of DreamOS it uses an epgdb.py and for the old enigma2 it stays with epgdat.py
epgdb.py is just 2 pages of code, so it is NOTHING to be scared of, as using a database makes the whole live much easier and flexible then the 10 year old epg.dat which is fully of bugs and patches needed to keep it running.
I did also some minor enhancements to the existing code like kicking out the idiotic way to check if a channel is available by duoing a dummy recording and I added also the possibility to extract EPG Language form the xmls , as this is also a new feature that epg Database supports.
All this was done without doing harm to the existing code - it still runs for example in an OpenATV Image on my dm7080 and dm820. But this would need some testing to be confirmed.
I took the original plugin ipk from the rytec webpage as basis for my mod and as it is GPLv2 all my changes and enhancements are compliant to this and could be used by others too or even checked in into the git.
Edited by gutemine, 4 January 2015 - 12:45.