I've noticed a small bug in the duration bar - the filling color stops in the last section near completion while there are still some minutes to go (see attached images).
Posted 3 January 2015 - 18:43
Mmh, it seems the length of the colored bar is ok (the fourth part has the same length as the three parts before). But the grey background is longer and the elapsed time is scaled with regards to the total length of the grey background.
Posted 3 January 2015 - 19:22
The progress bar is WRONG in both HD1 and HD2 skins.
This brown bar (pbar.png) is taken from PLi-HD infobar folder, and its size is 840 x 8 .
PLi-HD skin uses its correct size in skin_templates.xml file , but both PLi-HD1 and PLi-HD2 don't.
PLi-HD1 uses size 940 x 8, and PLi-HD2 uses 900 x 8 , so it's easy, they have to be created two more PNG files which suit their needs, or adapt skins to use 840 x 8 actual size.
Edited by jpuigs, 3 January 2015 - 19:23.
Enigma is getting old....
Posted 3 January 2015 - 21:25
ims, in your commit - in the section for PLi-HD2 you change the line 712 in skin.xml to the new pbar.png (900x8 px) but size remains still 840,8 ??
+ <widget source="session.Event_Now" render="Progress" pixmap="PLi-HD2/infobar/pbar.png" position="220,105" size="840,8" ...
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