Hello buddy,I hope you are well and can help me.
Im using Livestreamer and your excellent Livestreamersrv to stream HLS and HDS content.
The problem I'm having is one you encountered back in 2013 regarding high CPU and stuttering when streaming HDS streams.
Ive read your posts and your chat with the author of Livestreamer on the github and how you both worked towards a solution.
Im wondering if you ever got any further along with this solution or perhaps have any modified Livestreamer files you can pass along,that help towards reducing the CPU load ?
Ive tried all the suggestions and modified the HDS fragmented buffers but its not helped.
Any ideas or thoughts from you on this would be great and of course if you eventually solved this issue,then that would be even better.
Livestreamer is great apart from this issue and has to be used until gstreamer 1.44 is released.
Thanks for your time and I hope you are able to help.