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Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources"

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Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #81 doglover

  • Rytec EPG Team
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Posted 16 March 2015 - 09:49

The only reason I'm forced to still use crossepg is because I want episode numbers in the recorded file names of storage device (and on main titles of record list).


If you know what I'm talking about and know of any other EPG downloader that can do this somehow I'd love to know (I'm not talking about the episode details in the .eit file that shows when highlighting a program in the recorded list, episode number actually in the main show title/file name).


So for now, crossepg is still (in my opinion) the best epg downloader because of this useful feature.


It is actually a bug in Crossepg.  But if you want it, who am I to argue..


Besides this:  Once you start Crossepg, your box comes to a standstill.  You can still watch the current channel.  But you cannot do anything with the box. 

Whereas XMLTV import does it work in the background, but it slows down some other processes.  But at least you can still use the box.


Crossepg does not handle the Namespace of the service ref.  So you can have two channels with the same service ref, a channel on the sat and one on a cable provider f.i., except for the Namespace.  In Crossepg they both receive the same EPG although they can be totally different channels.


If you are not carefull in Crossepg (and use old published configuration files - from before I really dived into the workings of Crossepg) you can import the same XMLTV file 5 times each day.  No wonder it is slow.


Of course Crossepg has some features which XMLTV import does not have.  F.i. reading OpenTV EPG directly from the sat.



Edited by doglover, 16 March 2015 - 09:50.

~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #82 tension

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 10:03

I don't care about all other discussions. As free user of fantastic openpli work, i modified oe-alliance source on github to have a compiling

and openpli-working, i hope, crossepg081 version. All credits to original authors and oe-alliance. This for users like me, who want to use

openpli and crossepg081. Everyone can modify its openpli image recipe (openpli-enigma2-image.bb), adding this:

PREFERRED_VERSION_enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-crossepg ?= "0.8.1"

being able to choose which version (0.8.1 or old 0.6.2) of crossepg to compile and install, without change or waste own openpli build-environment

and without force openpli team to do something it does not like. This is the recipe (enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-crossepg.bb), put it in the custom

recipes dir (meta-local) or wherever you want:

DESCRIPTION = "Handle your EPG on enigma2 from various sources (opentv, xmltv, custom sources)"
HOMEPAGE = "https://github.com/tension9000/e2openplugin-CrossEPG"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.TXT;md5=4fbd65380cdd255951079008b364516c"

DEPENDS += "enigma2"
DEPENDS += "libxml2 zlib python swig-native curl"
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "libcurl"

inherit gitpkgv

SRCREV_pn-${PN} ?= "${AUTOREV}"
PV = "0.8.1+git${SRCPV}"
PKGV = "0.8.1+git${GITPKGV}"
PR = "r3"

inherit python-dir



FILES_${PN} = "/usr/*"
FILES_${PN}-dbg_append = " /usr/crossepg/scripts/mhw2epgdownloader/.debug"
FILES_${PN}-src_append = " /usr/lib/python2.7/crossepg.py"



SRC_URI = "git://github.com/tension9000/e2openplugin-CrossEPG.git;protocol=git;branch=${CROSSEPG_BRANCH}"

do_compile() {
   echo ${PV} > ${S}/VERSION
   echo version = \"${PV}\" > ${S}/src/enigma2/python/version.py
   oe_runmake SWIG="swig"

do_compile_append() {
    python -O -m compileall ${S}

do_install() {
   oe_runmake 'D=${D}' install

pkg_postrm_${PN}() {
   rm -fr /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/CrossEPG > /dev/null 2>&1

You can consider this as a workaround or a temporary solution, till the time someone will solve the crossepg incident :) .



(To compensate, I absolutely detest plugins that are only 'dumped' as ipk file.)
If you have a working recipe and repo for the plugin, I'll push it if it compiles.


If this words were directed to me, you were not so kind. The ipk posted was only for understand if it worked before post buggy code.

I did not have the github ready or a repo ready to be shipped, i did it all in these nights :blink:.


hi to all

Edited by tension, 16 March 2015 - 10:05.

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #83 Rob van der Does

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 10:20

Besides this:  Once you start Crossepg, your box comes to a standstill.  You can still watch the current channel.  But you cannot do anything with the box.

That is not completely true. Of course Cross uses a tuner (it selects a non-used tuner, if not possible it uses the tuner used for live-TV), but apart from the extra tuner usage the box continues doing what is was doing (playback/recording/live-TV).
But indeed: XMLTV-import is done completely in the background.

And of course: if Open-TV were to be read by e2 itself, no extra tuner would be used at all....

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #84 doglover

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 10:36

It is not a secret I do not love Crossepg, But some people do, so I keep searching for solutions.

Problem is of course I do not know how to build an installable file from the GitHub. (I tried, but it is not easy and up to now I failed miserably)

So I can only highlight the problems and try to define a solution or workaround. For the actual implementation I will need others.



Edited by doglover, 16 March 2015 - 10:37.

~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
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Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #85 doglover

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 14:48

the box continues doing what is was doing (playback/recording/live-TV).




But try to change a channel.  the volume, look at the EPG -  no sir.  Not possible




~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)

Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #86 Rob van der Does

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 14:59

Correct, spinners during the read & parse process. And that's why I said "the box continues doing what is was doing (playback/recording/live-TV)."
The plugin can perfectly be set to auto-read at night times, so one has no problem at all.

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #87 MiLo

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 18:38

"spinners" indicate a dead main thread. Which also means that the box will not start any new recordings, just to name one very annoying effect of blocking the main thread while you're away.
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Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #88 MiLo

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 18:43


(To compensate, I absolutely detest plugins that are only 'dumped' as ipk file.)
If you have a working recipe and repo for the plugin, I'll push it if it compiles.

If this words were directed to me, you were not so kind. The ipk posted was only for understand if it worked before post buggy code.
I did not have the github ready or a repo ready to be shipped, i did it all in these nights :blink:.

These words were not directed to you or your ipk in particular, but to all plugin writers in general.

Just a few minors:
- Remove the "PR" line, it will be the first recipe ever of that version, so PR should be empty.
- Use a fixed SRCREV instead of autorev. How else can you claim this to be 0.8.1 if it actually just build whatever happened to be there.
- The "postrm" action should not be needed. If the plugin leaves orphaned files behind on uninstall, it means that the install is broken. Fix the install by adding all files to the package's list.
- Remove the ALLOW_EMPTY directive, the plugin's package shouldn't be empty, should it?

Fix these and I can push it for you.
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Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #89 Lost in Space

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 21:11

>>>> It is not a secret I do not love Crossepg


May I join this club :)


After having a look at the CrossEPG code I decided NOT to port it to DreamOS as I did for the XMLTV Plugin.


Instead I've cut out ONLY the OpenTV Part to load EPG from the Transponder into an extra OpenEPG Plugin and recommend for all the other EPG needs the users might have the XMLTV Plugin - which also has room for improvement btw.


Which means OpenEPG only uses the crossepg binaries needed and I took the freedom to ignore the rest of the Plugin.


It took me quite some time to make the Loading of EPG from the transponder work also completely in background (when having > 1 Tuner) or with only a minimal stopping of Live TV (with 1 Tuner boxes), but this now works also smooth and stable.


But this doesn't help you, except that I share your dissapointment :rolleyes:





Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #90 tension

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 22:59

Just a few minors:
- Use a fixed SRCREV instead of autorev. How else can you claim this to be 0.8.1 if it actually just build whatever happened to be there.


sorry, i do not understand. if i use a fixed version-num (SRCREV = 0..8.1) i get this:

Parsing recipes...ERROR: ExpansionError during parsing /home/malo/OEDev/Openpli/openpli4/openpli-oe-core/meta-local/recipes-local/plugins/enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-crossepg.bb: 
Failure expanding variable SRCPV, expression was ${@bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(d)} which triggered exception FetchError: Fetcher failure: Unable to resolve '0.8.1' in upstream 
git repository in git ls-remote output

i have no tags in repo, ls remote cannot find info about version. i missed something.....
post-rm removes configfile, not shipped cause created at first run.

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #91 MiLo

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 11:48

SRCREV should be the big GIT hash that's attached to the last commit that you want. If you have a clone of the repository, "git log" will display it. Alternatively, you can use "git ls-remote [url]" to get it, or just copy it from the github website if the repo is there.
Real musicians never die - they just decompose

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #92 MiLo

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 11:50

post-rm removes configfile, not shipped cause created at first run.

configfile should NEVER be inside the plugin's source dir.

If you want it removed on uninstall, just add an empty file to the package in the Makefile or do_install script. You probably want to add it to the CONFFILES too.
Real musicians never die - they just decompose

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #93 tension

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 15:13

config: i'll change something

srcrev: ok, if i  put the hash of now last commit i get no error on fetching the git source, but next pull requests will retrieve the commits that will be added to the repo from now on?

thank you fot the explanation

Edited by tension, 17 March 2015 - 15:16.

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #94 tension

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 23:37

DESCRIPTION = "Handle your EPG on enigma2 from various sources (opentv, xmltv, custom sources)"
HOMEPAGE = "https://github.com/tension9000/e2openplugin-CrossEPG"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.TXT;md5=4fbd65380cdd255951079008b364516c"

DEPENDS += "enigma2"
DEPENDS += "libxml2 zlib python swig-native curl"
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "libcurl"

inherit gitpkgv
SRCREV_pn-${PN} ?= "${AUTOREV}"
PV = "0.8.1+git${SRCPV}"
PKGV = "0.8.1+git${GITPKGV}"

inherit python-dir


FILES_${PN} = "/usr/*"
FILES_${PN}-dbg_append = " /usr/crossepg/scripts/mhw2epgdownloader/.debug"
FILES_${PN}-src_append = " /usr/lib/python2.7/crossepg.py"



SRC_URI = "git://github.com/tension9000/e2openplugin-CrossEPG.git;protocol=git;branch=${CROSSEPG_BRANCH}"

CONFFILES += "/usr/crossepg/crossepg.config"

do_compile() {
   echo ${PV} > ${S}/VERSION
   echo version = \"${PV}\" > ${S}/src/enigma2/python/version.py
   oe_runmake SWIG="swig"

do_compile_append() {
    python -O -m compileall ${S}

do_install() {
   oe_runmake 'D=${D}' install

I read something about vars, conffiles, etc in openembedded discussions, not enough i think.

I want the recipe retries always the upstream code, so i did not change srcrev.

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #95 doglover

  • Rytec EPG Team
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Posted 22 March 2015 - 09:55

@Milo:  Do you make progress with Crossepg?



~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)

Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #96 tension

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Posted 27 March 2015 - 22:27


I think we should start from a common source of crossepg, cause it seems the main problem here. I use crossepg source of oe-alliance which seems perfectly working. I adapted source for compile into openpli and added some futil features i needed. I put here this 0.8.1 version, updated today to the latest oe-alliance commits. Again: i use it on vuduo2 openpli4 without any problem, so i propose it to you.




little changes vs oe-alliance version:

- auto download: chance to program the download every x days, or weekly

- view log screen to check what and why

- info on next download in database info screen

- button clean to delete crossepg related files (starts script /usr/bin/clean_epg, to provide yourself, to do the clean job)


all credits to original author and to oe-alliance. obviuosly, if of interest sources are available.

I Inserted plug but after selecting the provaider that interest me in " boot order provaider I do not find anything.
Can you explain to me why ??




I did not use this skin..... so it's crossepg skin issue

--- a/git/usr/share/enigma2/PLi-HD/skin_plugins.xml
+++ b/git/usr/share/enigma2/PLi-HD/skin_plugins.xml
@@ -728,7 +728,17 @@
   <screen flags="wfNoBorder" name="CrossEPG_Ordering" position="fill" title="Cross EPG - Providers start order">
     <panel name="PigTemplate"/>
     <panel name="ButtonTemplate_RGYB"/>
-    <widget name="list" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" selectionPixmap="PLi-HD/buttons/sel.png" font="Regular;22" position="590,110" size="600,500" transparent="1" />
+    <widget source="list" render="Listbox" selectionPixmap="PLi-HD/buttons/sel.png" transparent="0" position="590,110" size="600,500" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand">
+      <convert type="TemplatedMultiContent">
+	{"template": [
+	MultiContentEntryText(pos = (12, 1), size = (440, 32), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_TOP, text = 0),
+	MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaTest(pos = (438, 0), size = (40, 40), png = 1),
+	],
+	"fonts": [gFont("Regular", 18)],
+	"itemHeight": 30
+	}
+      </convert>
+    </widget>
   <!-- AtmoLight -->

Attached Files

Edited by tension, 27 March 2015 - 22:32.

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #97 doglover

  • Rytec EPG Team
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Posted 28 March 2015 - 07:01

Provider is not selected.  When selecting a provider. Press OK.  After this a selection mark will appear behind the provider.

This is not present in your screenshot.



~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)

Synology NAS

Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #98 tension

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Posted 28 March 2015 - 08:41

Provider is not selected.  When selecting a provider. Press OK.  After this a selection mark will appear behind the provider.

This is not present in your screenshot.




you are right, i simplified copying the template for the providers screen.

but it's the same cause in the ordering providers screen the mark is not used. you put the selection on the line of provider

and move it where you want. no mark will appear, cause not needed. so we can delete the mark pixmap in the template skin screen:

+    <widget source="list" render="Listbox" selectionPixmap="PLi-HD/buttons/sel.png" transparent="0" position="590,110" size="600,500" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand">
+      <convert type="TemplatedMultiContent">
+	{"template": [
+	MultiContentEntryText(pos = (12, 1), size = (480, 32), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_TOP, text = 0),
+	],
+	"fonts": [gFont("Regular", 18)],
+	"itemHeight": 30
+	}
+      </convert>
+    </widget>

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #99 pigz1g

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Posted 28 March 2015 - 18:16

As a new member...joined today, I now have the Rytec sources working and a full EPG....so just like to say THANK YOU for all your hard work..... :)

Re: Crossepg "cannot retrieve rytec sources" #100 isteric2005

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Posted 28 March 2015 - 21:50

Thank Tension


Could you please tell me what is the file i have to correct and how many stripes i have to change to obtain you results.

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