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SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000

ET-9x00 PiP xtrend

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#1 Pr2

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Posted 21 April 2015 - 10:04


On Hotbird 13°E (11727 V) the channels SCT5 and SCT7 can be unscrambled without any problem when they are in the main screen.

But when I enable PiP the PiP windows remains black.


All other SCT channels are working fine in the PiP windows except SCT5 and SCT7.


A few weeks ago it was working fine, does drivers of Xtrend ET9000 get updated recently?

Can somebody confirm this bug?



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Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #2 betacentauri

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Posted 21 April 2015 - 10:10

There was no driver update.
Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #3 Pr2

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Posted 21 April 2015 - 10:59

So the bug came from OpenPLi itself. 

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Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #4 littlesat

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Posted 21 April 2015 - 11:10

Parental control blocks it.....? Or the main channel and transponder/tuner available issues...?

Edited by littlesat, 21 April 2015 - 11:11.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #5 Pr2

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Posted 21 April 2015 - 12:18



I zap to the channel so it is displayed full screen.

i press twice blue button (to enable PiP or press the PiP button) so the main screen and the PiP Windows should display the same channel and it is not the PiP windows remains black.

So it is not a tuner issue since it is the same channel.


The channel is of course parental blocked but the setup is to unlock them and keep the unlock for 1 hour. And it is unlocked because I have it in the main screen.


I can have one of those channels on the main screen and zap into another SCT in the PiP windows and it works.


On every other channels it work, I have the same program in the main screen and in the PiP windows.


I saw two possible problems:

- either the resolution of the channel gives troubles to the resizer to generate the PiP windows

- there is an issue in the PiP windows between image and sound synchronisation so no image because it cannot sync audio/video.  If I am right, ET9000 is one of the only STB that can have the sounds from the PiP Windows since it has 2 decoder for both video and audio while other STB doesn't have audio decoder.



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Wanna help with OpenPLi Translation? Please read our Wiki Information for translators

Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #6 littlesat

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Posted 21 April 2015 - 14:35

But it "sounds" driver related....

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #7 betacentauri

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Posted 21 April 2015 - 15:20

Afaik et9x00 don't have 2 audio decoders. Only 2 video decoders for PIP. But I can check that later.
Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #8 Taapat

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 14:01

But where, without pip, in enigma is used the second audio decoder?
I am, for myself, on non mipsel receiver, disable a second audio decoder usage to disable the sound in pip channel: https://bitbucket.or...1d2174f713a0131
I do not know how others used pip, I used it to skip advertisement. Maybe I am missing something, but it seems to me, that if there is sound from both channels in pip mode, is not possible in normal use it.

Edited by Taapat, 22 April 2015 - 14:04.

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #9 Pr2

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 16:13

On Xtrend there was a plugin available to select the PiP Windows audio instead of the Main screen audio.
When I ask to have this feature by default in OpenPLi I have a got an answer that this was only possible on Xtrend because others doesn't have second audio.
I am pretty sure that searching the forum it will be possible to find back this answer or I have dream it but I don't think so. :-)

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Wanna help with OpenPLi Translation? Please read our Wiki Information for translators

Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #10 demosat1

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 17:44



Yes pr2, it's audiopip plugin and work well with ET9x00.



Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #11 betacentauri

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 18:07

But still the box don't have 2 audio decoders afaik. The plugin "only" sets pip to fullscreen and you can hear sound from invisible main screen.

Edited by betacentauri, 22 April 2015 - 18:07.

Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #12 Erik Slagter

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 18:31

The difference would then actually be that the Z-order of both video decoders could be set.

* Wavefrontier T90 with 28E/23E/19E/13E via SCR switches 2 x 2 x 6 user bands
I don't read PM -> if you have something to ask or to report, do it in the forum so others can benefit. I don't take freelance jobs.
Ik lees geen PM -> als je iets te vragen of te melden hebt, doe het op het forum, zodat anderen er ook wat aan hebben.

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #13 Taapat

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 18:32

@Pr2 I understand correctly that in your receiver, the sound goes from the main screen and from the pip?


If this plugns is the same that source code can be found here: http://forums.openpl...rking-any-more/
then nailed watching, looks like it just displays the pip as a main screen, and the main screen as a pip, and does not operate with audio decoders.
I think it's funny hack.
When audio come from both channels, it remains. If the drivers do not work strange, and nothing changes in their work after these operations, then this plugin does not change anything, and works only on receivers with one audio decoder.

Edited by Taapat, 22 April 2015 - 18:34.

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #14 Pr2

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 20:06

No with this plugin we can have the sound from the PiP windows and have another service displayed in main screen.

Thanks demosat for the head-up I just reinstall it on my box.

By the way, can we come back to the main problem? Why those 2 channels are not displayable in PiP window?

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Wanna help with OpenPLi Translation? Please read our Wiki Information for translators

Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #15 betacentauri

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 22:38

No, but as you said this is not the topic ;)

Perhaps an e2 log shows some error messages? Or shows that PIDs are missing or PAT not found or something like this.
Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #16 Pr2

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Posted 23 April 2015 - 08:19


Here is the log.
< 91221.025548> poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 57(16)

< 91262.037364> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
playing 1:0:19:2329:442:1:C00000:0:0:0:
< 91262.043951> [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:2462:440:1:C00000:0:0:0:
< 91262.044431> [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:2462:440:1:C00000:0:0:0:
< 91262.092534> decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
< 91262.092834> DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
< 91262.093528> DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
< 91262.094412> VIDEO_STOP - ok
< 91262.110614> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_STOP - audio0
< 91262.110786> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_STOP - audio0ok
< 91262.116930> [eDVBAUDIO] DEMUX_STOP - audio0 - ok
< 91262.117821> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_CONTINUE - audio0 ok
< 91262.119466> DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
TuxTxt stopped service 29
cleaning up
TuxTxt cache cleared
< 91262.133404> [eDVBResourceManager] start release channel timer
getResolvedKey config.usage.remote_fallback failed !! (Typo??)
< 91262.208236> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
< 91262.251833> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
not pauseable.
< 91262.255088> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
not pauseable.
< 91262.260254> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
not pauseable.
< 91262.265214> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
new service started! trying to download cuts!
download failed, no cuesheet interface
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
< 91262.271108> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x1add298
< 91262.271364> [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x1add298
< 91262.275161> [eDVBResourceManager] allocate channel.. 0442:0001
< 91262.277696> (0)tune
< 91262.277951> RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
< 91262.278267> prepare_sat System 1 Freq 12207000 Pol 1 SR 29700000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 1
< 91262.278418> tuning to 1607 mhz
< 91262.278551> [eDVBChannel] OURSTATE: tuning
< 91262.278679> allocate Channel: res 0
< 91262.279050> [eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:19:2329:442:1:C00000:0:0:0:
< 91262.279258> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
< 91262.279413> [eDVBResourceManager] allocate demux cap=00
< 91262.279536> [eDVBResourceManager] allocating demux adapter=0, demux=0, source=0
< 91262.290907> [SEC] set static current limiting
< 91262.292291> set sequence pos 3
< 91262.292614> set sequence pos 3
< 91262.292828> [SEC] update current switch params
< 91262.293068> [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
< 91262.293698> [SEC] setFrontend 1
< 91262.293875> setting frontend 0
< 91262.487141> (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
< 91262.487504> [SEC] sleep 500ms
< 91262.555248> (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
< 91262.555534> [eDVBChannel] OURSTATE: ok
< 91262.555646> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x1add298 running
< 91262.555829> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
< 91262.558388> [eEPGCache] channel 0x1add298 running
< 91262.558771> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
< 91262.560269> [EPGC] next update in 54 min
< 91262.564176> [eDVBResourceManager] stop release channel timer
< 91262.564433> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
< 91262.564520> ok ... now we start!!
< 91262.564597> [eDVBServicePlay] eventNewProgramInfo timeshift_enabled=0 timeshift_active=0
< 91262.564725> [eDVBServicePlay] have 1 video stream(s) (00a0), and 1 audio stream(s) (0052), and the pcr pid is 00a0, and the text pid is ffffffff
< 91262.565162> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=01
< 91262.565244> [eDVBResourceManager] allocate demux cap=01
< 91262.565327> [eDVBResourceManager] allocating shared demux adapter=0, demux=0, source=0
TuxTxt cache cleared
< 91262.576675> decoder state: play, vpid=160, apid=82
< 91262.576991> DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0xa0) - pcr0 - ok
< 91262.577249> DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
< 91262.578082> [eDVBAudio] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x52) - audio0 - ok
< 91262.578271> [eDVBAudio] DEMUX_START - audio0 - ok
< 91262.578740> [eDVBAudio] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(0) - audio0ok
< 91262.582434> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_PAUSE - audio0 ok
< 91262.582649> [eDVBAudio] AUDIO_PLAY - ok
< 91262.594300> Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
< 91262.594539> demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
< 91262.594723> VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 1 - ok
< 91262.594900> DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0xa0) - video0 - ok
< 91262.595124> DEMUX_START - video - ok
< 91262.595722> VIDEO_FREEZE - ok
< 91262.595924> VIDEO_PLAY - ok
< 91262.602223> VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
< 91262.602446> VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
< 91262.602683> VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
< 91262.602858> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_CONTINUE - audio0 ok
< 91262.603309> TTX: disable teletext subtitles page ffffffffffffffff (und)
[AutoRes] service changed
< 91262.644500> [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:2329:442:1:C00000:0:0:0:
< 91262.645064> [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:2329:442:1:C00000:0:0:0:
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
< 91262.768404> PATready
< 91262.768788> use pmtpid 0500 for service_id 2329
< 91262.854807> [eDVBServicePlay] eventNewProgramInfo timeshift_enabled=0 timeshift_active=0
< 91262.860172> [eDVBServicePlay] have 1 video stream(s) (00a0), and 3 audio stream(s) (0051, 0052, 0053), and the pcr pid is 00a0, and the text pid is ffffffff
< 91262.862740> decoder state: play, vpid=160, apid=82
< 91262.862977> VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
< 91262.863306> VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
< 91262.863615> VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
< 91262.863883> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_CONTINUE - audio0 ok
< 91262.918694> [eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT
< 91262.919123> [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice
< 91262.988114> [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
[Dish] tuning failed
< 91263.380512> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is -2
< 91263.380801> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
< 91263.381653> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
< 91263.381939> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 09:12:42
< 91263.382186> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is -2
< 91263.382351> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
< 91263.385567> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
< 91263.418494> sdt update done!
[AutoRes] determineContent
< 91264.449738> VIDEO_GET_EVENT - got FRAME_RATE_CHANGED 25000 fps
[AutoRes] got event evFramerateChanged
< 91264.452149> VIDEO_GET_EVENT - got SIZE_CHANGED 1920x1080 aspect 3
[AutoRes] got event evVideoSizeChanged
[AutoRes] got event evVideoProgressiveChanged
[AutoRes] determineContent
action ->  InfobarChannelSelection keyUp
action ->  ChannelSelectBaseActions showFavourites
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
action ->  ChannelSelectBaseActions keyRight
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
< 91286.047515> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
playing 1:0:1:35C7:1388:13E:820000:0:0:0:
< 91286.052443> [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:2329:442:1:C00000:0:0:0:
< 91286.052854> [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:2329:442:1:C00000:0:0:0:
< 91286.100489> decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
< 91286.100730> DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
< 91286.101418> DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
< 91286.102282> VIDEO_STOP - ok
< 91286.108306> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_STOP - audio0
< 91286.108491> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_STOP - audio0ok
< 91286.114504> [eDVBAUDIO] DEMUX_STOP - audio0 - ok
< 91286.115279> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_CONTINUE - audio0 ok
cleaning up
TuxTxt cache cleared
< 91286.126877> [eDVBResourceManager] start release channel timer
getResolvedKey config.usage.remote_fallback failed !! (Typo??)
< 91286.185101> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
not pauseable.
< 91286.188645> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
not pauseable.
< 91286.194451> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
not pauseable.
< 91286.199677> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
new service started! trying to download cuts!
download failed, no cuesheet interface
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
< 91286.205633> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x1add298
< 91286.206058> [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x1add298
< 91286.209576> [eDVBResourceManager] allocate channel.. 1388:013e
< 91286.212240> (0)tune
< 91286.212650> RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
< 91286.212906> prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11727480 Pol 1 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 3 orbpos 130 system 0 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 0
< 91286.213101> tuning to 1127 mhz
< 91286.213243> [eDVBChannel] OURSTATE: tuning
< 91286.213376> allocate Channel: res 0
< 91286.213721> [eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:1:35C7:1388:13E:820000:0:0:0:
< 91286.213915> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
< 91286.214243> [eDVBResourceManager] allocate demux cap=00
< 91286.214376> [eDVBResourceManager] allocating demux adapter=0, demux=0, source=0
< 91286.237849> [SEC] set static current limiting
< 91286.263241> [eDVBServicePlay::timeshift]
< 91286.310794> [SEC] setTone 0
< 91286.315440> [SEC] sleep 25ms
< 91286.529655> set sequence pos 7
< 91286.529948> [SEC] invalidate current switch params
< 91286.542946> [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f1(?)
< 91286.543581> [SEC] sleep 50ms
< 91286.593765> set sequence pos 3
< 91286.594090> [SEC] setTone 1
< 91286.611793> [SEC] sleep 10ms
< 91286.621961> [SEC] update current switch params
< 91286.622223> [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
< 91286.622472> [SEC] setFrontend 1
< 91286.622584> setting frontend 0
< 91286.669798> (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1
< 91286.670053> [SEC] sleep 500ms
< 91286.765561> (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2
< 91286.765733> [eDVBChannel] OURSTATE: ok
< 91286.765820> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x1add298 running
< 91286.765949> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
< 91286.767436> [eEPGCache] channel 0x1add298 running
< 91286.767584> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
< 91286.768591> [eDVBResourceManager] stop release channel timer
< 91286.768657> [EPGC] next update in 2 sec
< 91286.768746> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
< 91286.769386> ok ... now we start!!
< 91286.769572> [eDVBServicePlay] eventNewProgramInfo timeshift_enabled=0 timeshift_active=0
< 91286.769753> [eDVBServicePlay] have 1 video stream(s) (125c), and 1 audio stream(s) (125d), and the pcr pid is 125c, and the text pid is ffffffff
< 91286.770315> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=01
< 91286.770399> [eDVBResourceManager] allocate demux cap=01
< 91286.770483> [eDVBResourceManager] allocating shared demux adapter=0, demux=0, source=0
TuxTxt cache cleared
< 91286.781209> decoder state: play, vpid=4700, apid=4701
< 91286.781527> DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x125c) - pcr0 - ok
< 91286.781868> DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
< 91286.782556> [eDVBAudio] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x125d) - audio0 - ok
< 91286.782743> [eDVBAudio] DEMUX_START - audio0 - ok
< 91286.783414> [eDVBAudio] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(1) - audio0ok
< 91286.787073> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_PAUSE - audio0 ok
< 91286.787293> [eDVBAudio] AUDIO_PLAY - ok
< 91286.797737> Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
< 91286.797883> demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
< 91286.798063> VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 1 - ok
< 91286.798175> DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x125c) - video0 - ok
< 91286.798273> DEMUX_START - video - ok
< 91286.798604> VIDEO_FREEZE - ok
< 91286.798722> VIDEO_PLAY - ok
< 91286.805115> VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
< 91286.805242> VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
< 91286.805345> VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
< 91286.805449> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_CONTINUE - audio0 ok
< 91286.805725> TTX: disable teletext subtitles page ffffffffffffffff (und)
[AutoRes] service changed
< 91286.849364> [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:35C7:1388:13E:820000:0:0:0:
< 91286.849839> [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:1:35C7:1388:13E:820000:0:0:0:
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
< 91286.883316> PATready
< 91286.883606> use pmtpid 0048 for service_id 35c7
< 91286.920807> [eDVBServicePlay] eventNewProgramInfo timeshift_enabled=0 timeshift_active=0
< 91286.926047> [eDVBServicePlay] have 1 video stream(s) (125c), and 1 audio stream(s) (125d), and the pcr pid is 125c, and the text pid is ffffffff
< 91286.927574> decoder state: play, vpid=4700, apid=4701
< 91286.927743> VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
< 91286.928355> VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
< 91286.928538> VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
< 91286.928709> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_CONTINUE - audio0 ok
< 91286.975797> [eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT
< 91286.976166> [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice
< 91287.173831> sdt update done!
< 91287.174528> [SEC] set dynamic current limiting
< 91287.306425> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is -453
< 91287.306614> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] we have correction 454
< 91287.306755> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff after add correction is 1
< 91287.307626> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] use stored correction(corr < 2 min)
< 91287.308682> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] update RTC
< 91287.308901> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 09:13:08
< 91287.309391> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is 1
< 91287.309540> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time
< 91287.315168> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
[Dish] tuning failed
[AutoRes] determineContent
< 91288.129805> VIDEO_GET_EVENT - got FRAME_RATE_CHANGED 25000 fps
[AutoRes] got event evFramerateChanged
< 91288.131807> VIDEO_GET_EVENT - got SIZE_CHANGED 704x576 aspect 2
[AutoRes] got event evVideoSizeChanged
[AutoRes] got event evVideoProgressiveChanged
[AutoRes] determineContent
< 91288.775076> [EPGC] start caching events(1429773190)
action ->  InfobarPiPActions activatePiP
playing pip service 1:0:1:35C7:1388:13E:820000:0:0:0:
getResolvedKey config.usage.remote_fallback failed !! (Typo??)
< 91294.390341> [eDVBResourceManager] use cached_channel
< 91294.390496> allocate Channel: res 0
< 91294.390855> [eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:1:35C7:1388:13E:820000:0:0:0:
< 91294.391164> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
< 91294.391301> ok ... now we start!!
< 91294.391414> [eDVBServicePlay] eventNewProgramInfo timeshift_enabled=0 timeshift_active=0
< 91294.391731> [eDVBServicePlay] have 1 video stream(s) (125c), and 1 audio stream(s) (125d), and the pcr pid is 125c, and the text pid is ffffffff
< 91294.392452> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=01
< 91294.393656> decoder state: play, vpid=4700, apid=4701
< 91294.393951> DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x125c) - pcr1 - ok
< 91294.394203> DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
< 91294.394943> [eDVBAudio] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x125d) - audio1 - ok
< 91294.395210> [eDVBAudio] DEMUX_START - audio1 - ok
< 91294.395660> [eDVBAudio] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(1) - audio1ok
< 91294.395832> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_PAUSE - audio1 ok
< 91294.395980> [eDVBAudio] AUDIO_PLAY - ok
< 91294.489593> Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video1
< 91294.489927> demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
< 91294.490277> VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 1 - ok
< 91294.490464> DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x125c) - video1 - ok
< 91294.490636> DEMUX_START - video - ok
< 91294.491158> VIDEO_FREEZE - ok
< 91294.491549> VIDEO_PLAY - ok
< 91294.497896> VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
< 91294.498356> VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
< 91294.498628> VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
< 91294.498884> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_CONTINUE - audio1 ok
< 91294.499453> [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 1 service 1:0:1:35C7:1388:13E:820000:0:0:0:
< 91294.499672> [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice
< 91294.506486> [eDVBChannel] getDemux cap=00
< 91294.563365> PATready
< 91294.563587> use pmtpid 0048 for service_id 35c7
< 91294.622372> [eDVBServicePlay] eventNewProgramInfo timeshift_enabled=0 timeshift_active=0
< 91294.627388> [eDVBServicePlay] have 1 video stream(s) (125c), and 1 audio stream(s) (125d), and the pcr pid is 125c, and the text pid is ffffffff
< 91294.628992> decoder state: play, vpid=4700, apid=4701
< 91294.629258> VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok
< 91294.629865> VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok
< 91294.630112> VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok
< 91294.630289> [eDVBAUDIO] AUDIO_CONTINUE - audio1 ok
< 91294.635316> [eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT
< 91294.635511> [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice
< 91295.819141> [EPGC] abort non avail nownext reading
< 91295.824626> [EPGC] abort non avail schedule reading
< 91295.833325> [EPGC] abort non avail schedule other reading
So main screen OK, PiP remains black.


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If you think that my answer helps you, you can press the up arrow in bottom right of the answer.

Wanna help with OpenPLi Translation? Please read our Wiki Information for translators

Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #17 Dimitrij

  • PLi® Core member
  • 10,371 posts


Posted 23 April 2015 - 09:29


So main screen OK, PiP remains black.


If PiP  black --> PiP enabled

Check for two fta service.

This question is for softcam.

Edited by Dimitrij, 23 April 2015 - 09:34.

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #18 Pr2

  • PLi® Contributor
  • 6,189 posts


Posted 23 April 2015 - 10:58

This is not a softcam issue.

Please read the full thread, the problem only occurs on the 2 mentioned channels.
So PiP is working on every channels (FTA or Scrambled) except for the two mentioned: SCT5 and SCT7 other SCT are also working fine.

The main screen in the log is SCT7 and I just press PiP key and the PiP Windows remains black! So same channel properly descrambled not displayed in PiP window.

And to be complete, I can have SCT7 in main screen and watch another SCT in PiP windows no problem (except SCT5 and SCT7).
If I have another channel in main screen, I can watch any SCT in PiP windows except SCT5 and SCT7.

I have 2 Xtrend ET-9000 one have 2 dedicated independant cables 1 per tuner and the other one only have one cable that is in loopback to tuner B, and both ET9000 have the same problem.


NO SUPPORT by PM, it is a forum make your question public so everybody can benefit from the question/answer.
If you think that my answer helps you, you can press the up arrow in bottom right of the answer.

Wanna help with OpenPLi Translation? Please read our Wiki Information for translators

Sat: Hotbird 13.0E, Astra 19.2E, Eutelsat5A 5.0W
VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
Edision OS Mio 4K: 1*DVB-S2X + 1*DVB-C/T/T2

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #19 Taapat

  • PLi® Core member
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Posted 23 April 2015 - 11:36

I'm not a big expert, but in the log I see that video is sent to /dev/dvb/adapter0/video1, and if this is not a softcam issue, i will agree with littlesat that it "sounds" driver related.
Is it really the drivers have not changed?

Re: SCT 5 & 7 doesn't work in PiP windows on Xtrend ET9000 #20 goldeneye

  • Senior Member
  • 1,030 posts


Posted 23 April 2015 - 11:42

Are you such a "dog" you need to watch 2 **** channels simultaneously ??? :o  :blink:  :o

Edited by WanWizard, 23 April 2015 - 12:39.
lets keep it light here please...

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ET-9x00, PiP, xtrend

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