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[Poland] Complex changes
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #461
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #462
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #463
Posted 29 March 2020 - 07:24
I noticed some channels having gaps, especially in the morning:,,, has also epg shifted up by 1 hour - this happend prior to time change so must be something with grabber or schedule source.
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #464
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #465
Posted 29 March 2020 - 10:49
In addition to above entire epg is available only for next 2 days- not updated since 24th of March on source. Is it switched off?
It is not switched off by my knowledge.
I will contact the webmaster.
However it should not be a problem, if this website is not updated. Any website with info older than 2 days will be automatically skipped.
~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)
Synology NAS
Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #466
Posted 29 March 2020 - 12:12
I noticed some channels having gaps, especially in the morning:,,, has also epg shifted up by 1 hour - this happend prior to time change so must be something with grabber or schedule source.
I see I havbe this warning:
[ Debug ] multiple entry of a show at 20200401124000 +0200
[ Debug ] multiple entry of a show at 20200402162500 +0200
And indeed there shows listed with the same start time. This will play havoc with the grabbed schedule.
~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)
Synology NAS
Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #467
Posted 29 March 2020 - 15:30
...However it should not be a problem, if this website is not updated. Any website with info older than 2 days will be automatically skipped.
I use my own script on my router to download it once a day for all my receivers to save resources. Will have to add another source as backup to avoid such situation in the future.
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #468
Posted 30 March 2020 - 06:39
Server is repaired.
PS: In your script download the file LastUpdate.txt.
This file should contain today's or yesterday's date. If not, the server is outdated.
Edited by doglover, 30 March 2020 - 06:41.
~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)
Synology NAS
Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #469
Posted 4 April 2020 - 10:03
File LastUpdate.txt contains inside only 1 date - the last updated one. Tested 3 different sources but will use it anyway for my needs. Better this than checking modification date of compressed files but the main point of my post is information that source I mentioned in my previous post is still broken. Even LastUpdate.txt show yesterday's date, epg is only for 2 days ahead. Other sources are ok.
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #470
Posted 4 April 2020 - 10:19
What and were are you trying to download?
I checked all 5 servers and they have a LastUpdate.txt file with today's date in it.....
~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)
Synology NAS
Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #471
Posted 7 April 2020 - 07:07
I tested 3 different one's. The first one is empty at the moment. At what time servers are run update? All of them at the same one?
root@R:/opt# date Tue Apr 7 08:05:22 CEST 2020 root@R:/opt# root@R:/opt# /opt/bin/wget --user-agent="User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12" -cq root@R:/opt# ls -la | grep Last -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 7 07:17 LastUpdate.txt root@R:/opt# cat LastUpdate.txt root@R:/opt# rm LastUpdate.txt root@R:/opt# /opt/bin/wget --user-agent="User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12" -cq root@R:/opt# ls -la | grep Last -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11 Apr 6 10:47 LastUpdate.txt root@R:/opt# cat LastUpdate.txt 2020-04-06 root@R:/opt# rm LastUpdate.txt root@R:/opt# /opt/bin/wget --user-agent="User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12" -cq root@R:/opt# ls -la | grep Last -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11 Apr 7 06:20 LastUpdate.txt root@R:/opt# cat LastUpdate.txt 2020-04-07 root@R:/opt#
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #472
Posted 7 April 2020 - 07:22
Updates start at 05h20 each morning. But not all files are ready by then.
Further updates are run at 6h20, 7h20, 8h20, 10h15 and 13h15
As to the above results:
I cannot even updatethis one today:
Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry...
So there is a problem.... is updating itself. And it is using the above website to do so.
Again problems.
Will contact the webmasters of these websites.
~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)
Synology NAS
Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #473
Posted 7 April 2020 - 08:56
~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)
Synology NAS
Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #474
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #475
Posted 7 April 2020 - 18:23
Please check this
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="rytec.channels.xml.xz">
<description>Polska - Dodatkowy (xz)</description></source>
Not get epg data from any this url
Most polish channels no have epg
Thanks in advance
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #476
Posted 8 April 2020 - 07:17
Checked this file. It looks OK to me.
Only 4 channels had problems with grabbing:
<channel update="i" site="" site_id="583" xmltv_id="E!.pl">E! Entertainment</channel> <channel update="i" site="" site_id="629" xmltv_id="">Eurochannel</channel> <channel update="i" site="" site_id="647" xmltv_id="">Kino Polska International</channel> <channel update="i" site="" site_id="664" xmltv_id="">H2</channel>
This is far from "Most Polish channels no have EPG"
Although these channels have a remark in the grabbing, they still contain EPG. The errors are for some missing descriptions.
I will now try to import these on my own receiver.
~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)
Synology NAS
Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #477
Posted 8 April 2020 - 07:27
Import on the HD2400
[EPGImport] nextImport, source= Polska - Dodatkowy [EPGImport] afterDownload /home/Fritz/epg/rytecPL_Misc.xz [EPGImport] afterChannelDownload None [EPGImport] Using twisted thread [EPGImport] Parsing channels from '/etc/epgimport/custom.channels.xml' [EPGImport] Parsing channels from '/home/Fritz/epg/rytec.channels.xml.xz' [EPGImport] Parsing channels from '/home/Fritz/epg/rytec.channels.xml.xz' [XMLTVConverter] Enumerating event information Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: [EPGImport] ### thread is ready ### Events: 31437 [EPGImport] imported 31437 events [EPGImport] Save last import date and count event [EPGImport] Wait for parse autotimers 30 sec. [EPGImport] Run start parse autotimers [EPGImport] #### Finished ####
EPG of E! on the receiver:
E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Z kamerą u Kardashianów 08:00 - 09:00 (60 min.) [reality show] (Keeping Up With The Kardashians 15)Koszmar przed świętami (S15E4) (2018) Historia rodziny amerykańskiego prawnika Roberta Kardashiana, zmarłego w 2003 r. Głównymi bohaterami programu są córki mężczyzny: Kim, Khloé i Kourtney oraz ich przyrodnie siostry - Kendall i Kylie. E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Plastyczna fuszerka 09:00 - 10:00 (60 min.) [serial dokumentalny] (Botched 2)Strefy aseksowne (S2E15) (2015)Dwaj chirurdzy plastycznymi, Terry Dubrow i Paul Nassif, próbują pomóc ofiarom nieudolnych lub wręcz oszpecających operacji plastycznych. E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Plastyczna fuszerka 10:00 - 11:00 (60 min.) [serial dokumentalny] (Botched 2)Podwójny kłopot (S2E13) (2015)Dwaj chirurdzy plastycznymi, Terry Dubrow i Paul Nassif, próbują pomóc ofiarom nieudolnych lub wręcz oszpecających operacji plastycznych. E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Z kamerą u Kardashianów 11:00 - 12:00 (60 min.) [reality show] (Keeping Up With The Kardashians 15)Piękna za wszelką cenę (S15E3) (2018)Historia rodziny amerykańskiego prawnika Roberta Kardashiana, zmarłego w 2003 r. Głównymi bohaterami programu są córki mężczyzny: Kim, Khloé i Kourtney oraz ich przyrodnie siostry - Kendall i Kylie. E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Z kamerą u Kardashianów 12:00 - 13:00 (60 min.) [reality show] (Keeping Up With The Kardashians 15)Koszmar przed świętami (S15E4) (2018)Historia rodziny amerykańskiego prawnika Roberta Kardashiana, zmarłego w 2003 r. Głównymi bohaterami programu są córki mężczyzny: Kim, Khloé i Kourtney oraz ich przyrodnie siostry - Kendall i Kylie. E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Z kamerą u Kardashianów 13:00 - 14:00 (60 min.) [reality show] (Keeping Up With The Kardashians 15)Amerykańska familiada (S15E5) (2018)Historia rodziny amerykańskiego prawnika Roberta Kardashiana, zmarłego w 2003 r. Głównymi bohaterami programu są córki mężczyzny: Kim, Khloé i Kourtney oraz ich przyrodnie siostry - Kendall i Kylie. E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Z kamerą u Kardashianów 14:00 - 15:00 (60 min.) [reality show] (Keeping Up With The Kardashians 15)Uwielbiamy Chicago (S15E6) (2018)Historia rodziny amerykańskiego prawnika Roberta Kardashiana, zmarłego w 2003 r. Głównymi bohaterami programu są córki mężczyzny: Kim, Khloé i Kourtney oraz ich przyrodnie siostry - Kendall i Kylie. E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Plastyczna fuszerka 15:00 - 16:00 (60 min.) [serial dokumentalny] (Botched 2)Strefy aseksowne (S2E15) (2015) Dwaj chirurdzy plastycznymi, Terry Dubrow i Paul Nassif, próbują pomóc ofiarom nieudolnych lub wręcz oszpecających operacji plastycznych. E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Z kamerą u Kardashianów 16:00 - 17:00 (60 min.) [reality show] (Keeping Up with the Kardashians 10)Specjalne wydanie, część 2 (S10) (2015)Historia rodziny prawnika Roberta Kardashiana, który zmarł na raka przełyku w 2003 roku. Głównymi bohaterami programu są jego córki i żona. E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Insta życie Nat & Liv 17:00 - 18:00 (60 min.) [reality show] (Relatively Nat \u0026 Liv)Jesteśmy w Londynie (E4) (2019) E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Insta życie Nat & Liv 18:00 - 19:00 (60 min.) [reality show] (Relatively Nat \u0026 Liv)Wasza Wysokość (E5) (2019) E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Insta życie Nat & Liv 19:00 - 20:00 (60 min.) [reality show] (Relatively Nat \u0026 Liv)Oznaki starości (E6) (2019) E! Entertainment wo 08.04.2020 Nowe ciało z Khloe Kardashian 20:00 - 21:00 (60 min.) [reality show] (Revenge Body With Khloe)Kochaj mnie takim, jaki jestem (S3E1) (2019)
~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)
Synology NAS
Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #478
Posted 8 April 2020 - 07:53
But when trying to download from the web, it is another matter.
See here: https://forums.openp...s-on-the-blink/
Still has problems. (and to matters more problematic it delivers a corrupt file)
while epgspot has a changed URL. Pls update EPGimport-rytec.
When I tried to import from the web, I obtained the following:
[EPGImport] nextImport, source= Polska - Dodatkowy (xz) [EPGImport] Downloading: to local path: /tmp/epgimport.xz [EPGImport] checkValidServer serverurl [EPGImport] afterDownload /tmp/epgimport.xz [EPGImport] unlink /tmp/epgimport.xz [EPGImport] afterChannelDownload None [EPGImport] Using twisted thread [EPGImport] Parsing channels from '/etc/epgimport/custom.channels.xml' [EPGImport] Parsing channels from 'rytec.channels.xml.xz' [XMLTVConverter] Enumerating event information Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: Unknown channel: [EPGImport] ### thread is ready ### Events: 31437 [EPGImport] imported 31437 events [EPGImport] Save last import date and count event [EPGImport] Run check deep standby after import [EPGImport] #### Finished ####
~~Rytec Team~~
Maxytec Multibox SE OpenPli (used as mediaplayer)
Mutant HD2400 OpenPli
Vu+ Duo OpenPli (backup)
Synology NAS
Sat: 13E, 19.2E, 23.5E and 28.2E
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #479
Posted 8 April 2020 - 09:59
For almost all yesterday (trying many times) only this was
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tv generator-info-name="Rytec" generator-info-url="">
in rytecPL_Misc.xz file (nothing more)
But today is OK of course
Thanks for answer
Re: [Poland] Complex changes #480
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