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Recover plugin.py

's foto tension 15 mei 2015

Accident! i deleted plugin.py and plugin.pyo from the plugin dir with filezilla, either on pc and vuduo2.

Is there a way to recover the .py from vuduo?



's foto tension 15 mei 2015

the plugin runs again in enigma even if i deleted the files, did not restart yet.

is it possible recover the .py :wacko: ?


's foto betacentauri 15 mei 2015

If you used FAT32 you have a good change to recover the files. With NTFS there is also a chance. With ext3/ext4 I think you have no change.


Do you still have .pyo file? If yes, then you can use uncompiler to get .py file. This is no problem.


You don't have a backup at all? Sorry, have to say: Learn the hard way. I also did it ;)


's foto MiLo 15 mei 2015

Since E2 gets rebuilt quite a lot, this should work (telnet or ssh):

opkg update ; opkg upgrade

otherwise "opkg install --force-reinstall enigma2" might do the trick.

By far the easiest method is to just reflash the box. Run autobackup to put your settings on a stick or hdd.

's foto betacentauri 15 mei 2015

I guess he means self build plugin (http://forums.openpl...ns-and-screens/)

Then opkg don't help.


's foto tension 15 mei 2015

Yes, my pluuuuuuuug!

with filezilla accidentally i deleted the file pluin.py on the vuduo2 and on my ubuntu

on the pc no way, i tried with photorec, i will try extundelete. but changes occurred after operation on the pc.

on the vuduo root filesystem? what sholuld i do? could i operate with a proper program?

i think this is impossible, isn't it?

thanks to all


's foto betacentauri 15 mei 2015

Vuduo filesystem is UBIFS. I don't know any undelete tool which can handle that filesystems.


's foto tension 15 mei 2015

save the partition of filesystem as img and mount and manage it on the ubuntu?
