I am trying to use vtunerc on a vu+ solo2 with openpli. Tuner 1 and 2 (internal physicals) are in "not configured" state. Every time I boot the box, I see the third tuner (vtuner) as a switchable DVBS2/DVBC device, selected as DVBC by default. My box is connecting as a DVBS2 client to a DVBS2 server box. (with option vtunerc.mipsel -f s2)
If I switch vtuner as DVBS2, store it, exit the menu, and try to change channel, I get the error "channel not available".
I go back to the tuner settings, DVBS2 is selected yet. If try to I exit (without change anything), I get a message something like "exit without store?", channels in the channel list going grey, and if I go back to the tuner settings, vtuner is selected as DVBC device again! Why? I see vtuner only as a DVBS2 device:
cat /proc/bus/nim_sockets
NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: BCM7356 DVB-S2 NIM (internal)
Frontend_Device: 0
NIM Socket 1:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: BCM7356 DVB-S2 NIM (internal)
Frontend_Device: 1
NIM Socket 2:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: vTuner
Frontend_Device: 2
If I play with stop enigma (init 2), start again (init 3), store vtuner again as DVBS2 many times, sometimes there will be a vtuner option "expert" also at DVBC selection, and if I after that select and store DVBS2 mode, vtuner start to work and I get picture. At the next boot, vtuner is on DVBC mode again.
Please help!