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OpenMultiboot for openPLi

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Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #281 Dimitrij

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Posted 2 October 2016 - 19:25

have not checked, but I think that the update will work without problems.

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #282 Lost in Space

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Posted 2 October 2016 - 21:01

Images booted with BA update nicely on my 7080, 820 and 520 (uncluding the non-official PLi and ATV) - but this is OT in this thread and in this board.


You are only in trouble when you get newer drivers and/or newer kernel than flash image. Then it is time to upgrade this too ...

Edited by gutemine, 2 October 2016 - 21:04.

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #283 zeros

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Posted 3 October 2016 - 20:42

Thank you for the info, I'm going to take this thing to the test again (as soon as I can).

DM920UHD DVB-S2X TRIPLE tuner + Triple M.S tuner DVB-S2X, DVB-T2/T, QboxHD, QboxHD Mini, Icecrypt T2300HD,
Qviart Lunix3 4K, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB & 8GB

Vertex 4K60 4:4:4 600MHz

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #284 asdas11

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Posted 4 October 2016 - 18:43

have not checked, but I think that the update will work without problems.

with OpenATV - ok, but Openpli - no....something happend with kernel ( dflash no function)

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #285 Lost in Space

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Posted 7 October 2016 - 18:02

dFlash ist DISABLED in BA, as BA has it's OWN backup funktion which takes care of the Multiboot cjhanges - which dFlash does NOT.


And dFlash will work nicely in the Flash image btw.


No update log = no help, but as BA for the old Dreamboxes is frozen, there is hardly any chance that you will get help.


And once more BA is OT here in this thread and in this board.


I will only correct you if you post nonsense about it  like dFlash not working - which is intentionally - as I explained ...

Edited by gutemine, 7 October 2016 - 18:03.

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #286 asdas11

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Posted 10 October 2016 - 19:47

dFlash ist DISABLED in BA, as BA has it's OWN backup funktion which takes care of the Multiboot cjhanges - which dFlash does NOT.


And dFlash will work nicely in the Flash image btw.


No update log = no help, but as BA for the old Dreamboxes is frozen, there is hardly any chance that you will get help.


And once more BA is OT here in this thread and in this board.


I will only correct you if you post nonsense about it  like dFlash not working - which is intentionally - as I explained ...

How to do exactly -  log ?

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #287 Lost in Space

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Posted 10 October 2016 - 19:56

opkg update

opkg upgrade


Output in telnet should tell you your problem.


Probably the DNS Setup is simply broken.

Edited by gutemine, 10 October 2016 - 19:57.

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #288 asdas11

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Posted 10 October 2016 - 20:27

Yes, did

openpli 4 dm800se

dm800se login:





-------------------- < Script > ----------------------------

uname -r >/tmp/boxtype.dcc; echo ">>> DONE <<<";


>>> DONE <<<

root@dm800se:~# [6n


[H[Jroot@dm800se:~# [6n

-------------------- < Script > ----------------------------

df -m > /tmp/meminfo.dcc; echo ">>> DONE <<<";


>>> DONE <<<

root@dm800se:~# [6n

opkg update


opkg update


opkg upgrade

Downloading http://downloads.pli...0se/Packages.gz.




Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-3rd-party-dm800se.

Downloading http://downloads.pli...rty/Packages.gz.


Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-3rd-party.


Downloading http://downloads.pli...all/Packages.gz.


Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-all.


Downloading http://downloads.pli...0se/Packages.gz.


Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-dm800se.


Downloading http://downloads.pli...2el/Packages.gz.


Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-mips32el.



root@dm800se:~# opkg upgradeopkg update


opkg: unknown sub-command upgradeopkg

usage: opkg [options...] sub-command [arguments...]

where sub-command is one of:


Package Manipulation:

        update                          Update list of available packages

        upgrade                         Upgrade installed packages

        install <pkgs>                  Install package(s)

        configure <pkgs>                Configure unpacked package(s)

        remove <pkgs|glob>              Remove package(s)

        flag <flag> <pkgs>              Flag package(s)

         <flag>=hold|noprune|user|ok|installed|unpacked (one per invocation)


Informational Commands:

        list                            List available packages

        list-installed                  List installed packages

        list-upgradable                 List installed and upgradable packages

        list-changed-conffiles          List user modified configuration files

        files <pkg>                     List files belonging to <pkg>

        search <file|glob>              List package providing <file>

        info [pkg|glob]                 Display all info for <pkg>

        status [pkg|glob]               Display all status for <pkg>

        download <pkg>                  Download <pkg> to current directory

        compare-versions <v1> <op> <v2>

                                        compare versions using <= < > >= = << >>

        print-architecture              List installable package architectures

        depends [-A] [pkgname|glob]+

        whatdepends [-A] [pkgname|glob]+

        whatdependsrec [-A] [pkgname|glob]+

        whatrecommends[-A] [pkgname|glob]+

        whatsuggests[-A] [pkgname|glob]+

        whatprovides [-A] [pkgname|glob]+

        whatconflicts [-A] [pkgname|glob]+

        whatreplaces [-A] [pkgname|glob]+



        -A                              Query all packages not just those installed

        -V[<level>]                     Set verbosity level to <level>.

        --verbosity[=<level>]           Verbo

sity levels:

                                          0 errors only

                                          1 normal messages (default)

                                          2 informative messages

                                          3 debug

                                          4 debug level 2

        -f <conf_file>                  Use <conf_file> as the opkg configuration file

        --conf <conf_file>

        --cache <directory>             Use a package cache

        -d <dest_name>                  Use <dest_name> as the the root directory for

        --dest <dest_name>              package installation, removal, upgrading.

                                        <dest_name> should be a defined dest name from

                                        the configuration file, (but can also be a

                                        directory name in a pinch).

        -o <dir>                        Use <dir> as the root directory for

        --offline-root <dir>            offline installation of packages.

        --add-arch <arch>:<prio>        Register architecture with given priority

        --add-dest <name>:<path>        Register destination with given path

        --add-exclude <name>              Register package to be excluded from install

        --prefer-arch-to-version        Use the architecture priority package rather

                                        than the higher version one if more

                                        than one candidate is found.

        --combine                       Combine upgrade and install operations, this

                                        may be needed to resolve dependency issues.


Force Options:

        --force-depends                 Install/remove despite failed dependencies

        --force-maintainer              Overwrite preexisting config files

        --force-reinstall               Reinstall package(s)

        --force-overwrite               Overwrite files from other package(s)


wngrade               Allow opkg to downgrade packages

        --force-space                   Disable free space checks

        --force-postinstall             Run postinstall scripts even in offline mode

        --force-remove                  Remove package even if prerm script fails

        --noaction                      No action -- test only

        --download-only                 No action -- download only

        --nodeps                        Do not follow dependencies


                                        Do not install any recommended packages


                                        Remove package and all dependencies

        --autoremove                    Remove packages that were installed

                                        automatically to satisfy dependencies

        -t                              Specify tmp-dir.

        --tmp-dir                       Specify tmp-dir.


 glob could be something like 'pkgname*' '*file*' or similar

 e.g. opkg info 'libstd*' or opkg search '*libop*' or opkg remove 'libncur*'


root@dm800se:~# opkg upgrade


Not selecting libtuxtxt32bpp0 2.0+git63+96a3708 as installing it would break existing dependencies.


Not selecting libtuxtxt0 2.0+git63+96a3708 as installing it would break existing dependencies.


root@dm800se:~# [6n

opkg update


Downloading http://downloads.pli...0se/Packages.gz.


Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-3rd-party-dm800se.


Downloading http://downloads.pli...rty/Packages.gz.


Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-3rd-party.


Downloading http://downloads.pli...all/Packages.gz.


Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-all.


Downloading http://downloads.pli...0se/Packages.gz.


Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-dm800se.


Downloading http://downloads.pli...2el/Packages.gz.


Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/openpli-mips32el.



root@dm800se:~# opkg upgrade

Edited by asdas11, 10 October 2016 - 20:28.

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #289 asdas11

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Posted 10 October 2016 - 21:34


dFlash ist DISABLED in BA, as BA has it's OWN backup funktion which takes care of the Multiboot cjhanges - which dFlash does NOT.


And dFlash will work nicely in the Flash image btw.


No update log = no help, but as BA for the old Dreamboxes is frozen, there is hardly any chance that you will get help.


And once more BA is OT here in this thread and in this board.


I will only correct you if you post nonsense about it  like dFlash not working - which is intentionally - as I explained ...

How to do exactly -  log ?


openmultiboot 1.81 - bad function

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #290 Lost in Space

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Posted 11 October 2016 - 21:45

again, dFlash is NOT for Multiboot Images, as the name suggests ist is for Images in FLASH.


Log from update looks OK, there is simply nothing to upgrade as you used a recent image, but as opkg update worked there is no problem.

Edited by gutemine, 11 October 2016 - 21:46.

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #291 angelo2507

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Posted 13 October 2016 - 19:16

openmultiboot 1.8 installed on the image SFteam5 works very well on the receiver vu + SoloSE

installed images normally operate without problems




Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #292 Dimitrij

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Posted 13 October 2016 - 19:25

Last version 2.1 in feed openPLi.

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #293 angelo2507

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Posted 13 October 2016 - 20:31

Dimitrij  installed


Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #294 fairbird

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Posted 16 October 2016 - 13:30

Hi Dimitrij


I have built openpli5 and openmultiboot to dm800se

root@dm800se:~# opkg install /tmp/*.ipk
enigma2-plugin-extensions-openmultiboot: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-nandsim
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-openmultiboot (1+git19+568747d) on root.
Main image is running - proceeding installation...
Not downgrading package openmultiboot on root from 1.0+git92+318e242-r5 to 1.0+git92+318e242-r0.
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-openmultiboot.

And after installed I got this error If I open plugin

Not found boxbranding.so!

Then I built boxbranding and installed it

root@dm800se:~# opkg install /tmp/*.ipk
Installing branding-compat (2.3+git537+6f32bf2) on root.
Configuring branding-compat.

 but after that I got this error ?!

You need the module kernel-module-block2mtd to use openMultiboot

So how can I build that module to dm800se ?!


Thank you




Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #295 Dimitrij

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Posted 16 October 2016 - 16:53


version 2.1?

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #296 fairbird

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Posted 16 October 2016 - 16:59

I have build Last version from git


and got this version



Edited by fairbird, 16 October 2016 - 17:02.




Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #297 Dimitrij

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Posted 16 October 2016 - 17:09

maybe need reinstall(delete and install) enigma2-plugin-extensions-openmultiboot

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #298 fairbird

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Posted 16 October 2016 - 17:14

Yes my friend ..

I have deleted and reinstalled 3 times ...




Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #299 Dimitrij

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Posted 16 October 2016 - 17:24

Thanks fairbird


that was my fault




new OMBManagerInstall.py replace /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenMultiboot/

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: OpenMultiboot for openPLi #300 fairbird

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Posted 16 October 2016 - 17:28

Thank you my friend

I will build it again and try it later .. Then I will give you feedback




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