The XMLTV files are not meant to be used on these devices.
If you can use them, fine. But it seems these devices are not properly programmed to recognize the timezone and take this into account when reading EPG.
Let's give me an example. You are in the UK. The timezone is now there UTC+1, So when you read the XMLTV files, do you want me that I provide everything in UTC+1?
But the same EPG is being used by somebody in Greece (UTC+3). For this person the EPG needs to be in UTC+3. Impossible to provide.
There is a system for this. Called the timezone. It is the +0200 or +0000 in the timings in the XMLTV file.
The user should use these values correctly.
You are addressing your complaint at the wrong place. Complain about this to the provider of the software you are using.
Tip: If you are using playlists, take a look here:
tvg-shift is value in hours to shift EPG time. This tag can be used in #EXTM3U for apply shift to all channels or in #EXTINF for apply shift only to current channel.
Use tvg-shift in the #EXTINF entry for the channels involved.
Find this: #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="(.+)" tvg-name="(.+)" tvg-logo="(.+)" group-title="(.+)",(.+)
Replace it with this: #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="\1" tvg-name="\2" tvg-shift="+1" tvg-logo="\3" group-title="\4",\5
Edited by doglover, 24 October 2017 - 07:58.