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IPTV Player - development thread

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Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2901 samsamsam

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Posted 4 January 2017 - 20:44


Could you publish the ®depends please? Reason is I want to make an IPK for it, with the correct dependencies, and as few as possible installs after installing the plugin itself (on first running the plugin).

Bud dependency for which image? As you know "dependency" is needed packages to install other package.
But names, and contain of packages can be different in different distribution.
So, you want to prepare package for specific distribution as I understand?
Anyway IPTV Player use other components written by me for it. So, I do not think that you can find them in package in any E2 distribution. 
This is a reason why IPTVPlayer make setup at first start after reboot.
Or maybe you are talking about python dependency? What modules are used by IPTVPlayer.
If you are asking about python modules dependency you can check source code I do not have such list. This will not be long list.

Edited by samsamsam, 4 January 2017 - 20:45.

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2902 kookesam

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Posted 4 January 2017 - 22:21

Good evening Mister SSS Thank you for your help.

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2903 Rob van der Does

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 07:09


Could you publish the ®depends please? Reason is I want to make an IPK for it, with the correct dependencies, and as few as possible installs after installing the plugin itself (on first running the plugin).

Bud dependency for which image? As you know "dependency" is needed packages to install other package.
But names, and contain of packages can be different in different distribution.
So, you want to prepare package for specific distribution as I understand?
Anyway IPTV Player use other components written by me for it. So, I do not think that you can find them in package in any E2 distribution. 
This is a reason why IPTVPlayer make setup at first start after reboot.
Or maybe you are talking about python dependency? What modules are used by IPTVPlayer.
If you are asking about python modules dependency you can check source code I do not have such list. This will not be long list.


Best for all possible images.
I still don't understand: on opening the plugin 'knows' what extra installs are needed, so there is some kind of list inside. If all items on that list would be added as (r-)depends, they would be installed on installing the plugin, irrespective of the source (the image feeds or your repos).

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2904 samsamsam

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 10:01

So, maybe you will be able to understand in practice.


Please try to prepare ipk with dependency only to f4mdump, _subparser.so, libgstifdsrc.so


But I'm afraid you will NOT find package containing such components because they are written by me.

But any way you can try.




Edited by samsamsam, 5 January 2017 - 10:01.

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2905 doubledip

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 13:15



A small video resolution bug in Host TVP Vod


Host Configuration


Peferowany format video: HLS/m3u8

Uzywaj domyslnej jakosc video: Yes


Domyslna Jakosc video 1600x900 -> Videos play with 1280x720i

Domyslna Jakosc video 1280x720 -> Videos play with 960x540i

Domyslna Jakosc video 950x540 -> Videos play with 800x450i





Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2906 rossi2000

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 13:19



Im trying to build your plugin from gitlab.


I started to make a BB for it, so we can build it from source and add to our images feeds etc.:-

SUMMARY = "Enigma2 plugin for IPTV"DESCRIPTION = "IPTVPlayer for E2"
HOMEPAGE = "https://gitlab.com/iptvplayer-for-e2/iptvplayer-for-e2/tree/master"
SECTION = "multimedia"
require conf/license/license-gplv2.inc


SRC_URI = "git://gitlab.com/iptvplayer-for-e2/iptvplayer-for-e2.git;protocol=http"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"

inherit gitpkgv
PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}"
PKGV = "1.0+git${GITPKGV}"
PR = "r2"

inherit distutils-openplugins

PACKAGES =+ " ${PN}-src"
RDEPENDS_{PN}-src = "${PN}"
FILES_${PN}-src = "${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/*.py"

I am getting this error upon do_package_qa


ERROR: enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer-1.0+gitAUTOINC+d6df6b307a-r2 do_package_qa: QA Issue: Architecture did not match (8 to 40) on work/vuduo2-oe-linux/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer-1.0+gitAUTOINC+d6df6b307a-r2/packages-split/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/armv7/platformtester

Architecture did not match (8 to 40) on work/vuduo2-oe-linux/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer-1.0+gitAUTOINC+d6df6b307a-r2/packages-split/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/armv7/lsdir

Architecture did not match (8 to 42) on work/vuduo2-oe-linux/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer-1.0+gitAUTOINC+d6df6b307a-r2/packages-split/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/sh4/platformtester

Architecture did not match (8 to 42) on work/vuduo2-oe-linux/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer-1.0+gitAUTOINC+d6df6b307a-r2/packages-split/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/sh4/lsdir

Architecture did not match (8 to 40) on work/vuduo2-oe-linux/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer-1.0+gitAUTOINC+d6df6b307a-r2/packages-split/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/armv5t/platformtester

Architecture did not match (8 to 40) on work/vuduo2-oe-linux/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer-1.0+gitAUTOINC+d6df6b307a-r2/packages-split/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/armv5t/lsdir

Architecture did not match (8 to 3) on work/vuduo2-oe-linux/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer-1.0+gitAUTOINC+d6df6b307a-r2/packages-split/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/i686/platformtester

Architecture did not match (8 to 3) on work/vuduo2-oe-linux/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer-1.0+gitAUTOINC+d6df6b307a-r2/packages-split/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/i686/lsdir [arch]

ERROR: enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvplayer-1.0+gitAUTOINC+d6df6b307a-r2 do_package_qa: QA run found fatal errors. Please consider fixing them.

is this an issue with the setup.py?
any help appreciated.

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2907 samsamsam

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 14:08



A small video resolution bug in Host TVP Vod


Host Configuration


Peferowany format video: HLS/m3u8

Uzywaj domyslnej jakosc video: Yes


Domyslna Jakosc video 1600x900 -> Videos play with 1280x720i

Domyslna Jakosc video 1280x720 -> Videos play with 960x540i

Domyslna Jakosc video 950x540 -> Videos play with 800x450i






Yes. I saw this. I will fix this today.

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2908 samsamsam

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 14:14



I am not familiar with bb. This receipt was prepared by @athoik.





only for valid platform mipsel or i686 or sh4 or armv7 or armv5t. If there is possible to know in setup.py which platform is used then setup.py should be changed.

package_data = {pkg: ['*.*', '*/*.*', '*/*/*.*', '*/*/*/*.*', '*/*/*/*/*.*', '*/*/platformtester', '*/*/lsdir']},

to take only valid platformtester, lsdir


But I do not know how to do this and if there is variable saying for which platform package is created.

Edited by samsamsam, 5 January 2017 - 14:16.

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2909 athoik

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 14:24

The recipe is here: https://gitlab.com/i...for-e2/issues/9
Wavefield T90: 0.8W - 1.9E - 4.8E - 13E - 16E - 19.2E - 23.5E - 26E - 33E - 39E - 42E - 45E on EMP Centauri DiseqC 16/1
Unamed: 13E Quattro - 9E Quattro on IKUSI MS-0916

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2910 rossi2000

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 15:10

many thanks.

I will test this later. :)

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2911 rossi2000

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 20:41

all worked fine, thanks!

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2912 MastaG

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 21:06

Hi there samsamsam.

For my DM800Se I'm running my own PLi with only ffmpeg 3.2.2, exteplayer git and serviceapp.

I've not installed gstreamer at all sinds it doens't fit the 64MB.


In serviceapp I've enabled software dts downmix, since the DM800Se cannot decode it in hardware.

However I get no sound on my videos with dts audio.


Would you happen to know whether exteplayer3 requires ffmpeg to be compiled with a certain configure option or dependency for software dts decoding?

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2913 MastaG

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 22:06

Ah found it.


Which stands for: DTS Coherent Acoustics.. should have known :P

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2914 samsamsam

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 22:08

Hmm there is no something like "software dts downmix".

What exactly options did you use?


You should use:

External player use software decoder for DTS.


And if you need downmix you should enable "Stereo downmix mode for software decoder".


And also you need to have ffmpeg libs with enabled DTS decoder.



When you use software decoding then you can also select mode in which RAW audio frame will be injected to audio decoder.

You can use Software decoding as PCM or LPCM.

Edited by samsamsam, 5 January 2017 - 22:11.

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2915 MastaG

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 22:34

Thank you samsamsam.


Yes, I have all these options.

But I'm no expert on audio codecs/conversion.

I'll try both PCM and LPCM.


All I know is that christophecvr showed us that the DM800Se was capable of software decoding dts audio on the cpu (due to having an FPU) using libdca with the gstreamer multibox dvbmediasink.

However I'm using a heavily customized recipe for building ffmpeg.


It starts with: --disable-decoders \

And then I enable only the ones I may need.


I'm using the one from Taapat: https://github.com/T...eg_3.%.bbappend


As you can see the PCM ones are mostly there, however the dca one is missing, so I've added it :)


I'll test it later this week and report back :)


Hopefully the wife will be able to watch her series in the bedroom again :P

(getting tired of coverting dts->ac3)...

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2916 marthijn009

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Posted 5 January 2017 - 22:42

Hi @samsamsam


I reflashed my box and installed everything again.

So everything should be okay, I didn't get any error when installation.


I checked the players, the setting is auto.

When I set this setting at external gtsplayer.

I get an error when playing something.


So I think this player is not installed?



Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2917 samsamsam

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Posted 6 January 2017 - 11:31

What error do you get?

Why I must ask you about this?

I thinks this is pretty basic that when you have error message you should quote all message.




Edited by samsamsam, 6 January 2017 - 11:33.

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2918 marthijn009

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Posted 6 January 2017 - 12:40

Oh I thought it was clear that the error is because external error is not installed.

The error is : it seems that the video player external gstplayer does not work properly.


STS: nice: can't execute /hdd/movie//.iptv_buffering.flv: Permission denies Error code: 126


When I tried extplayer3 I get:

STS: nice: can't execute -w Permission denies Error code: 127


​At my xsarius is now everything working, I did there get the message to install gstplayer. I didn't get it at my mutant.

The only thing that I now noticed that is not working is serie prisonbreak from icefilms.

Than I get an error. video/x-gst-fourcce-hev1 decoder. But maybe the file type is not recognized by gsplayer or extplayer3 (I tried both)


Kind regards

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2919 doubledip

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Posted 6 January 2017 - 13:47




A small video resolution bug in Host TVP Vod


Host Configuration


Peferowany format video: HLS/m3u8

Uzywaj domyslnej jakosc video: Yes


Domyslna Jakosc video 1600x900 -> Videos play with 1280x720i

Domyslna Jakosc video 1280x720 -> Videos play with 960x540i

Domyslna Jakosc video 950x540 -> Videos play with 800x450i






Yes. I saw this. I will fix this today.


Thank you for fixing it and the proxy-url adjustments in iptv player configuration.

Re: IPTV Player - development thread #2920 samsamsam

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Posted 6 January 2017 - 14:53

Oh I thought it was clear that the error is because external error is not installed.

The error is : it seems that the video player external gstplayer does not work properly.


STS: nice: can't execute /hdd/movie//.iptv_buffering.flv: Permission denies Error code: 126


When I tried extplayer3 I get:

STS: nice: can't execute -w Permission denies Error code: 127



Kind regards


So, you do not have installed gstplayer not exteplayer3. 

Please enable debugs logs IPTVPlayer, restart E2 and provide debug logs from /hdd/iptv.dbg 


I will check what is missing in your image and why IPTPVlayer not ask to install gstplayer.



The only thing that I now noticed that is not working is serie prisonbreak from icefilms.

Than I get an error. video/x-gst-fourcce-hev1 decoder. But maybe the file type is not recognized by gsplayer or extplayer3 (I tried both)


video/x-gst-fourcce-hev1 mean HEVC (h265) does your STB support this codec?


Also on icefilms you have so manny diffrent links you can simple use other hosting for example openload.




Edited by samsamsam, 6 January 2017 - 14:53.

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