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EPG shows double entries for same TV program

epg import

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#1 polomora

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 19:36



I recently updated my OpenPLi to v4.0. At the same time, I also installed the EPG Import plugin, which installed itself as the following plugin entries:

- xmltvimport (1.0+git45)

- xmltvimport-rytec (20150629-r0.0)

I have configured the EPG import to get the EPG data for Benelux and UK.


I now notice that on the EPG, some (not all) programs are displayed twice, time-shifted by about 10 minutes. I have attached a screenshot to show the effect.


I've also noticed a separate EPG Setting on the Setup -> System menu screen, with the following settings:

Enable EIT EPG: yes

Enable MHW EPG: no

Enable freesat EPG: yes

Enable ViaSat EPG: yes

Enable Netmed EPG: yes

Enable Virgin EPG: no

Maintain old EPG data for: 0


Is it possible that these settings are also updating the displayed EPG, so that some programs are displayed twice?

I don't even know what EIT, MHW, etc are or how they get their data, if that is their purpose.


Has anyone else seen this?




Attached Files

Re: EPG shows double entries for same TV program #2 mattiL

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 20:09

I have seen it too, but I usually don't use the graphical view but rather the list of programs, but it is the same problem there.

When it happens to me I drop EPG and restart enigma.


I have installed System Tools plugin, it has a menu alternative to Clean Epg data and restart enigma.

Re: EPG shows double entries for same TV program #3 hemertje

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 20:54

The epg from The selection updates over air
XML import imports over internet

Deselect The epg over air readers

on the Glassfibre 1GB DVB-C...

Re: EPG shows double entries for same TV program #4 Rob van der Does

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 21:55

The epg from The selection updates over air
XML import imports over internet

Deselect The epg over air readers

But as this is a global setting, and not per satellite or service, that would mean that there will be only EPG on services supported by XMLTV.

Re: EPG shows double entries for same TV program #5 Robinson

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 22:33

Besides, this may not solve things 100% because XMLTV Import can also create double entries if schedules are changed day-to-day on websites.

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

HD51, OpenPLi 6.2, 75E - 30W

Re: EPG shows double entries for same TV program #6 polomora

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 22:40

Do you mean:

disable EIT EPG, MHW EPG, freesat EPG, etc


The epg from The selection updates over air
XML import imports over internet

Deselect The epg over air readers

Re: EPG shows double entries for same TV program #7 hemertje

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Posted 31 July 2015 - 10:31


Do you mean:

disable EIT EPG, MHW EPG, freesat EPG, etc


The epg from The selection updates over air
XML import imports over internet

Deselect The epg over air readers



yes, then you use xmltvimport as an alternative

on the Glassfibre 1GB DVB-C...

Re: EPG shows double entries for same TV program #8 hemertje

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Posted 31 July 2015 - 10:32

Besides, this may not solve things 100% because XMLTV Import can also create double entries if schedules are changed day-to-day on websites.


never experienced this

on the Glassfibre 1GB DVB-C...

Re: EPG shows double entries for same TV program #9 Robinson

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Posted 31 July 2015 - 10:42

It happened all the time on Supertennis and Eurosport PL but I trust Willy changed something in the case of Supertennis and probably changed a website for Eurosport PL, which solved things.

ET9000, OpenPLi 4.0, 13E, 19E

HD51, OpenPLi 6.2, 75E - 30W

Re: EPG shows double entries for same TV program #10 polomora

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Posted 1 August 2015 - 17:52



Many thanks!



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