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Gstreamer 1.x images for testing

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Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #41 Akki

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 15:25


here the Telnet Output libav of your image builds:

MastaG Builds Image (Gstreamer 1.51)

root@vuduo2:~# opkg list-installed | grep libav 
libavahi-client3 - 0.6.31-r11.1                 
libavahi-common3 - 0.6.31-r11.1                 
libavahi-core7 - 0.6.31-r11.1                   

here the Telnet Output from PLI Image with GStreamer 0.10.30

root@vuduo2:~# opkg list-installed | grep libav
libavahi-client3 - 0.6.31-r11.1.9              
libavahi-common3 - 0.6.31-r11.1.9              
libavahi-core7 - 0.6.31-r11.1.9                

Today was the OpenATV Image 5.1 published (GStreamer 1.51)
I sometimes made them a Telnet prompt.


here the Telnet Output from OpenATV Image 5.1 (Gstreamer 1.51)

root@vuduo2:~# opkg list-installed | grep libav
gstreamer1.0-libav - 1.5.1-r0                
libavahi-client3 - 0.6.31-r11.1              
libavahi-common3 - 0.6.31-r11.1              
libavahi-core7 - 0.6.31-r11.1                

In OpenATV 5.1 wmv files with sound are played just for info.


Maybe can help us yes @christophecvr , since he is also a
VU + Duo2 has.


Thanks anyway for  your  very nice Help @MastaG.


Greeting Akki


Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #42 MastaG

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 15:52

Yeah Akki, I seem to have made a mistake since libav is not included.
What a failure that was from my side.

I'll double check to get it right in my next build.
My apologies.

I hope this will fix pybear's problem as well.

Yes I will include those as well.
However some receivers like Dreambox only feature 64megs of flash.
I have to check how much space there is left for extra plugins but I'll do my best.

BTW: The current dm800se v2 and dm500HD v2 images are broken.
So don't flash those.
Gjstroom showed me how to fix those.
So it's best to try the new builds instead.

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #43 pybear38

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 16:24





I wait for the next image...


You make good work for us. You're great. Thank you so much



TNT/Sat : VU+ Duo 4K SE - Home cinema : Onkyo TX NR686 | Air Gay Radio

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #44 Akki

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 17:05

You have to not MastaG apologize, I have to thank that we can use your builds with new GStreamer.


Class that you found the mistake.


Looking forward to next build.


Greeting Akki

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #45 sportfootbol

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Posted 8 August 2015 - 22:16

Whether and when to use OpenPLiI 4.0 1.5.1 GST....Will it be update or a new image...Thanks..

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #46 ian1095

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Posted 9 August 2015 - 09:05

Please include python-pkgutil in your next bulid as its missing from the image.



Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #47 Andi316

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Posted 9 August 2015 - 10:46

What are the differences between gstreamer1.0-plugin-multibox-dvbmediasink and gstreamer1.0-plugin-dvbmediasink ?

I always thought christophcvr's Multibox Sink is better and more uptodate ???

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #48 ian1095

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Posted 9 August 2015 - 10:48

Great effort and very much appreciated and it has allowed me to see the vast improvements in Gstreamer 1.xx


But it cannot be used as a general image unfortunately as there are too many missing files such as unbinze and mkfs.ubifs and the liblzo2.so.2 symlink, there are others which escape me for the moment and without any connection to the feeds its proving very difficult indeed to get everything to work correctly as it should.


So sadly for now I'm going to have to go back to my backup image.


But thank you very much for the opportunity to test the new Gstreamer.



Edited by ian1095, 9 August 2015 - 10:53.

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #49 ian1095

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Posted 9 August 2015 - 11:37

I forgot to say (and its the most important part lol ) that during my tests everything with the new Gstreamer 1.xx worked perfectly and was very fast and impressive.


This was on a VU Solo gen 1 box and even 1080p HLS streams played without any stuttering caused by the minimal cpu power of this box.


So when can we expect to see the proper Pli release ? as its obviously ready after all the work that's been put into it.



Edited by ian1095, 9 August 2015 - 11:40.

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #50 sportfootbol

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Posted 9 August 2015 - 21:48

links for test image not working...

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #51 MastaG

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 16:55

I'm creating new images atm.

However unfortunately gstreamer1.0-libav is too large for 64MB receivers (like dm800se and dm500hd).

Even without CCcam, mgcamd and compressing /usr/bin/{enigma2, oscam, openssl} with upx I'm exceeding the 64meg limit...

So I guess I have to exclude it for those receivers, which means no extra audio codecs.

I hope to upload the new images tonight :-)

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #52 MiLo

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 17:25

Maybe patch the plugin to omit all video codecs e.g. using PACKAGECONFIG or EXTRA_OECONF?
Real musicians never die - they just decompose

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #53 betacentauri

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 18:16

The images are "only" for testing. Most important codecs should be supported also without libav. And libav means afaik software decoding. So only audio is possible.

Yes, VU+ boxes need it for wma decoding. So include it only for VU+ boxes and it should be fine.

Or do other boxes need it, too? Xtrend ones don't need it.

Xtrend ET-9200, ET-8000, ET-10000, OpenPliPC on Ubuntu 12.04

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #54 MastaG

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Posted 12 August 2015 - 11:23

It took me a little longer, but I've compiled a new build.


Changes since last image:

- Include 0001-dvbaudiosink-fix-creation-of-ADTS-header-for-AAC-aud.patch by mx3L

  Also wrote the same patch against chistophecvr's multibox mediasink for Dreambox receivers

- (hopefully) Fixed DM800Se V2 and DM500HD V2 images (thx to gjstroom for helping me out)

  Please test these images and report back

- Include crossepg, xmltvimport and autoresolution

- Bumped oscam to r10940 (see http://www.streamboa...oscam/timeline)

- All receivers with flash bigger than 64MB should include gstreamer1.0-libav now

- Extra wifi drivers for DM800 (thx to ToySoft)


Enigma2 changes:


Openpli OE-Core changes:



Dreambox DM8000: https://mega.co.nz/#...KIlm0XWk4G1fGvg

Dreambox DM7020HD: https://mega.co.nz/#...lFHsAFnFCOCLrXI

Dreambox DM800Se: https://mega.co.nz/#...vzQBkVdMYrg6rRQ

Dreambox DM800Se V2: https://mega.co.nz/#...lQrGRLVdmpG6MxM

Dreambox DM500HD: https://mega.co.nz/#...bHq_QYO0MVBcLUE

Dreambox DM500HD V2: https://mega.co.nz/#...XRiMzD3tN7nK2-k

Dreambox DM800: https://mega.co.nz/#...-HNEEOCuQ2vpXsU


Formuler F1: https://mega.co.nz/#...3i0juq6yrvuJhFU

Formuler F3: https://mega.co.nz/#...OEjasJ3xvVQO4J8


Xtrend ET10000: https://mega.co.nz/#...kEQJ4Xyl4C-H-J0

Xtrend ET9x00: https://mega.co.nz/#...ajv7twkU0FA6dJE

Xtrend ET8500: https://mega.co.nz/#...mN0540IY7XOdOr0

Xtrend ET8000: https://mega.co.nz/#...mrlAKSFrmWWrdys

Xtrend ET7x00: https://mega.co.nz/#...94jPKQqYaq4KqJU

Xtrend ET6x00: https://mega.co.nz/#...ZK9tk518mP04vvg

Xtrend ET5x00: https://mega.co.nz/#...XwBSUklPR5fjXZw

Xtrend ET4x00: https://mega.co.nz/#...4kI0igb_NfWvixs


Mut@nt HD2400: https://mega.co.nz/#...YYjx2oUxGoTyhD0

Mut@nt HD1200: https://mega.co.nz/#...IWhCnel6D2D1vzw

Mut@nt HD1100: https://mega.co.nz/#...yJn2OKwi5Es-H1o


MaxDigital XP1000: https://mega.co.nz/#...zjfBbnjBiRahlWE


VU Duo: https://mega.co.nz/#...9C4xRy4qTXxDFy4

VU Duo 2: https://mega.co.nz/#...2UKgbUPNEUzVTzQ

VU Solo: https://mega.co.nz/#...Gu1ZZh6PaY0k7jU

VU Solo 2: https://mega.co.nz/#...M0F_0RPLwa2ju9A

VU Solo Se: https://mega.co.nz/#...qRQ3FdvQGlm4_58

VU Ultimo: https://mega.co.nz/#...vp0IMAqqtx-D3iw

VU Uno: https://mega.co.nz/#...6I9ggz-tf5gGlZ8

VU Zero: https://mega.co.nz/#...vlrapX563xRVQlI


Again, if you have any problem with one of the images, a feature request or a patch you'd like to include, please let me know.

I'll do my best to help.


For IPTV / Streaming / Playback issues, always make sure your media is playing fine in VLC first.


Happy testing!

Edited by WanWizard, 12 August 2015 - 11:25.
Remove the Zgemma image, no OpenPLi reference to clones and unsupported boxes please

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #55 Akki

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Posted 12 August 2015 - 23:59

Hi MastaG


thanks for checking out new test builds with GStreamer 1:51 and included gstreamer1.0-libav.


Now the sound with wmv files on the VU + Duo2 plays, good Work.


Greeting Akki

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #56 pybear38

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Posted 13 August 2015 - 01:44



Always black screen for me.


If I reboot the gui IPTV is ok (for each channel) but if I change of channel, black screen !


So video and sound is OK when I have the channel.


To remember : with an old gstreamer 0,10 it was OK when zapping (but sound not very good)


thank MastaG

TNT/Sat : VU+ Duo 4K SE - Home cinema : Onkyo TX NR686 | Air Gay Radio

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #57 Akki

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Posted 13 August 2015 - 02:13



can these errors with me at IPTV channels not confirm all ok
to switch to a different IPTV stream.


Greeting Akki

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #58 pybear38

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Posted 13 August 2015 - 02:49



IPTV are all OK with VLC.


black screens are permanent except when I restart the gui on each desired channels


My IPTV are all on the same format SD and HD (channels from my isp)

TNT/Sat : VU+ Duo 4K SE - Home cinema : Onkyo TX NR686 | Air Gay Radio

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #59 rizwanawan

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Posted 13 August 2015 - 04:41

Can I use these test Images on multiboot or only in flash in Solo2 ?

DM 800 HD

VU+ Solo2

Wetek Play2

Octagon SF 8008

Re: Gstreamer 1.x images for testing #60 MastaG

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Posted 13 August 2015 - 08:09


I'm not sure, someone else tried and reported the internal hdd wasn't mounting.

But IPTV was working.

So you have to try it for yourself.



Glad to hear your wmv audio is playing well now :-)



If I understand correctly Enigma2  will only play your IPTV stream once when it starts.

When you zap to another IPTV stream you'll get a black screen (no audio/video) and you have to restart Enigma2 to get picture on that stream again.

So it only works once?

What if you zap away from your IPTV stream to a DVB-channel for example, does it give picture?

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