From what I understand it is this time an enigma image which does the damage.
How is this possible:
Somebody has produced an enigma2 image which is preconfigured. The XMLTVimport plug-in is activated and set at a certain time. Now everybody who installed this image (or buy's a preconfigured receiver) starts downloading at exact the same time. To prevent this, the XMLTVimport plug-in when first configured proposes a random download time somewhere in the morning. You are free to alter this. But once you alter this the import takes place at that time. If the configuration file is distributed with the image, all receivers installing this will download at the same time.
In order to find out where it comes from, I removed the Polish file on the WanWizard server. The OpenPLi version of XMLTVimport would then automatically go to another server and download the file from that server. The OE-Alliance version (it is called EPGimport in OpenATV and OpenVIX) works slightly different. When it cannot download the file from a server, it loads a small config file (hidden) from which it picks at random one server, downloads the sources file from that server, and subsequently downloads all the XMLTV and channel files from that server. I have taken the Wanwizard server out of the small config file.
After the removal of the WanWizard server, you should expect that traffic on the other servers would increase, because the automatic server selection procedure. This has not happened.
And this puzzled me for a while.
However, it is possible that an old version of the XMLTVimport plug-in still floats around and is installed (pre-installed) on less official images. Also enigma2 images are produced for unusual receivers with scraps of code gathered together from the net. Because no increased traffic has been seen on other servers, it looks like an old version of XMLTVimport (without the automatic server selection) is the culprit here.
There is nothing wrong with the EPG import done by this old version. And it can be used if the user want it. The problem is they all start downloading on a predefined fixed and the same time.
The solution to this is simple: Anyone downloading the Polish file should check their XMLTVimport configuration. And change the time of import to something not nice (use a time like 12h23 etc..). One time we have seen as especially bad is 13h40
Problem to this is: most of the people which installed this image with predefined XMLTVimport would not even know they are importing EPG. Maybe they do not even need the Polish EPG. But the import is taken place without them even knowing it. Why should they start reading forums and read about it? Let's alone fix it.
Also anyone which publishes or distributes images for enigma2 receiver, should not activate (pre-installing is fine) the XMLTVimport module. Leave the activation up to the user pls.
Edited by doglover, 7 December 2015 - 09:50.