But what is it that you want? I thought this was about reducing the eDebug overhead?
I actually was busy to find the problems enigma2(pli) versus well playing media. This for now so what two years.
Guess You known in the mean time that it's a very big till extreme problem off enigma2.
What I found (unfortunately a lot off pli moderators always do ignore it gladly ) It is a major but "OK" it may just cause a major runtime error ?????
We do have a couple off pli moderators wo blame always the stb drivers. Ok for shure every of versions may have some problems , but very far from the main problem.
One off the majors I discovered , actually it is theparasol who discovered it . The negatif impact off the used eDebug into e2 c or cpp files. He was 100 %, right .
I brought it out told it ,and just proposed some actions.
result : -1 on my proposals several times . Tempo solutions completely ignored and .....
Sorry but I'm just straight forward . This eDebug one off the major blockers for a stb and maybe the BLOCKER . If the pli moderators do not want to see this we are done and pli will die.
It may be a slow dyeing process but it will be at the end.
So MiLo what I wan't ?
Open the Eyes and test test test.
My vuduo2 does work 100 or lets say for 99 % perfect since the debug is a 0 everywhere.
Force the moderators who do not believe me to really test themselves. I already posted the patches on e2 to make their task easy. And yes it's a hell off a job and time to do it , .... But since they really do not believe me , they will have to do it.