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Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug

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Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #61 christophecvr

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Posted 9 March 2016 - 23:03

And I start it so nicely  .



If some off the devs (actually a lot off them ), do continue to hide themselves behind some expressions like :


- Wrong attitude (sorry I'm the messenger and do have a lack off diplomacy but I'm 100 % honnest)

- I do have no problems ?? (well that's just you're test in a to limited area)

- It's the driver (sometimes it is trough but so what in not more then 10 % of the cases)

- and ..... so what a lot off complete things which make no sense .


What to do : .....


What are the current moderators,core members or ... for guys well I guess :P :P :P

Edited by christophecvr, 9 March 2016 - 23:03.

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #62 MastaG

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Posted 9 March 2016 - 23:48

Great to see you again chris! :-)

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #63 christophecvr

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 17:12

Great to see you again chris! :-)

Wel thanks but a lot off persons do not like me and prefer to keep e2 at the stone age.

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #64 christophecvr

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Posted 15 March 2016 - 17:56

Sorry to barge in here not being a developer - but I do have a question.


Reading the several threads about this - it looks like this is the bug that's been bothering me on our DM8000 for a few years already - watching movies and noticing that sometimes subtitles cause issues, ending up in completely freezing the machine.


If this is basically caused by something filling up because of excessive debug information - Is there currently a way in the latest OpenPli image to disable debugging? Or - has this been fixed/applied recently?


Apologies if the answer was in the threads already - but it's difficult for me to understand what's part of coding speak and what's part of standard configuration / commands.



You are really right , but some like mirakels do not agree actually he even abused his moderators account two times by adding a minus one by me ..... Just cause I tell the trough and he is scared of that.

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #65 MastaG

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Posted 17 March 2016 - 10:36


Just flash my unofficial build to your DM8000 and test it for yourself.

I have chris' patch merged and you can set the debug level to 0 in the Menu -> Settings -> User-interface screen.

My testing shows that it improves subtitles being delayed or disappearing for a while.

Edited by MastaG, 17 March 2016 - 10:37.

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #66 christophecvr

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Posted 21 March 2016 - 18:21



I did a tremendous amount off search and testing in enigma2 this on dm8000 and vuduo2.

But Why ?

Well now since more ten two years I know there is somewhere a very very severe base bug in enigma2 actually there is more then one bug in e2 .


Now one of the majors have been found . Ok it's  not the only but well a very deadly one.


Result of my reports about it proved by 100 % ...... completely ignored  (actually one off the moderators abused his power by putting -1 )


I know Masta that You have been busy for quit a while in compiling images advanced with gst-1.xx  and did never had the proper support from the actual site moderators who think they are Gods.


But it's shure that the current pli4 with gst0.1 is a middle aged image and completely inapt with any modern development.


The new  oncoming image ?????? Well so long that improvement and comments are treated like shit it will never come. And pli WILL DIE that's a fact

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #67 littlesat

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Posted 21 March 2016 - 18:43

Completely ignored


This is a not true fact... In between you have 'levels' of debug logging.... you can disable the logging in servicemp3 by default... And more improvemens are made in the debug logging...

And please note all thanks to your proved remarks..!!!!


The biggest stuff here is that you cannot expect everything you're creating will be merged (accepted directly). Note that sometimes it takes time to get a better solution...


Please let us know if we should give more eDebugs different priority...


And the priority settings by the config... I'm afraid you still do not understand how we would like to have this integrated... But I think there are more miss-understandings...

Edited by littlesat, 21 March 2016 - 18:46.

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Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #68 christophecvr

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Posted 21 March 2016 - 19:14


This is a not true fact... In between you have 'levels' of debug logging.... you can disable the logging in servicemp3 by default... And more improvemens are made in the debug logging...

And please note all thanks to your proved remarks..!!!!


Before I made any remark there have been MORE THEN ONE YEAR RESEARCH AND TESTING !!!!!!!!

With at the end real proves . You still do not get it rather do not want to understand it. It's about WHOLE enigma2 not and not only servicemp3 any more . A fact is that servicemp3 is quit touched by this issue  but its much much more deeper.

And on top of it , the faster and more per formant the hardware is the worse the problems will be.


But give me -1 one endlessly as prove off the base current completely ignorant pli moderators.

Edited by christophecvr, 21 March 2016 - 19:18.

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #69 MiLo

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Posted 22 March 2016 - 15:47

But what is it that you want? I thought this was about reducing the eDebug overhead?
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Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #70 christophecvr

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Posted 30 March 2016 - 16:59

But what is it that you want? I thought this was about reducing the eDebug overhead?

I actually was busy to find the problems enigma2(pli) versus well playing media. This for now so what two years.


Guess You known in the mean time that it's a very big till extreme problem off enigma2.

What I found (unfortunately a lot off pli moderators always do ignore it gladly ) It is a major but  "OK" it may just cause a major runtime error ?????

We do have a couple off pli moderators wo blame always the stb drivers. Ok for shure every of versions may have some problems , but very far from the main problem.

One off the majors I discovered , actually it is theparasol who discovered it . The negatif impact off the used eDebug into e2 c or cpp files. He was 100 %, right .


I brought it out told it ,and just proposed some actions.


result :  -1  on my proposals several times . Tempo solutions completely ignored and .....


Sorry but I'm just straight forward . This eDebug one off the major blockers for a stb and maybe the BLOCKER . If the pli moderators do not want to see this we are done and pli will die.

It may be a slow dyeing process but it will be at the end.


So MiLo what I wan't ?


Open the Eyes and test test test.


My vuduo2 does work 100 or lets say for 99 % perfect since the debug is a 0 everywhere.


Force the moderators who do not believe me to really test themselves. I already posted the patches on e2 to make their task easy.  And yes it's a hell off a job and time to do it , .... But since they really do not believe me , they will have to do it.

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #71 MiLo

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Posted 30 March 2016 - 17:40

I was sort of hoping for a technical description. A patch or pull request would be ideal, but a simple textual explanation of what you want to change in the code or design is fine as well.

I don't care about politics, and I'm totally not interested in the history. Just pretend that this is the first time you ever came across the problem, which you've never ever discussed before, and how you want to solve it.
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Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #72 MastaG

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Posted 30 March 2016 - 17:48

Well I cant go into detail on the eDebug matter due to my lack of knowledge regarding the code.

However I have to step in and say that the PLi team did thank me more than enough for building their sources with gstreamer 1.x and publishing the testing builds.

Personally I am including your patch and I can verify that setting the debug level to 0 solves some odd issues where subtitles show late for a few moments.
However unfortunately I didnt get much feedback from the testers apart from that debug level 0 will make the overal user experience more snappy on slow (and old) receivers.

So for the above reasons I would vote the patch upstream in enigma2.

Anyways I hope you all can get to an arrangement regarding this matter.

I wouldn't like to see chris leave.
He contributed a lot to PLi to get e2 running great with gst 1.x, let alone his pause/unpause improvements, cd/dvd support and his (unmerged) dvbmediasink with improvements for dreambox, vu+ and xtrend.

Just my 2 cents..

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #73 christophecvr

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Posted 30 March 2016 - 17:58

I was sort of hoping for a technical description. A patch or pull request would be ideal, but a simple textual explanation of what you want to change in the code or design is fine as well.

I don't care about politics, and I'm totally not interested in the history. Just pretend that this is the first time you ever came across the problem, which you've never ever discussed before, and how you want to solve it.

Actually I already issued a patch with technical description of the goal. It was rejected on a very very brutal way . Perhaps they could have asked me more details, they never did. On the contrary they did give me a -1 one on the message and patches a proposed and on the technical explanations and they even did not test or wanted to test. I know it's not you're way off proceeding , but unfortunately the one who most off you're colleges are doing  now.

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #74 littlesat

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Posted 30 March 2016 - 19:11

It was not rejected that way at all.... We did implement eDebug levels as we really prefer to go to a right solution... So we only took out the major issue temporary... That was already something you did not like... The when the eDebug levels were there you made a user interface config for it...,we had comments on that, that it could be made better and/or differently... But somehow,you did not like these comments so you started to do really strange....

You are working here with a team... So you must listen to each other... And accept comments.... And accept not everything you offer can be excepted...

The same we have e.g. with Jess... Huevos did work on.. And even I had to revert the 1920x1080 skin for this moment due to overwcan issues... And believe me we had internally a hard discussion about this, before I did abort the 1920x1080 skin... But you have to learn to accept compromises... And learn to accept not everything you offered will and can be accepted...

Edited by littlesat, 30 March 2016 - 19:18.

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Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #75 christophecvr

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Posted 30 March 2016 - 19:15

It was not rejectd that way at all.... We did implement eDebug levels as we really prefer to go to a right solution... So we only took out the major issue temporary... That was already something you did not like... The when the eDebug levels were there you made a user interface config for it...,we had comments on that, that it ccould be made better and differently... But somehow,you did not like these comments so you started to do really strange....

I always really liked You and even respect you littlesat . But can You translate what You just wrote above ?

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #76 littlesat

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Posted 30 March 2016 - 19:19

Please also except that ipad typing is sometimes not that easy ;)

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Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #77 Rob van der Does

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Posted 30 March 2016 - 19:40

Please also except that ipad typing is sometimes not that easy ;)

There is a simple and user friendly solution for that: use a PC or a laptop....  (that is: if 'except' actually means 'accept').

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #78 christophecvr

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Posted 30 March 2016 - 19:44

Please also except that ipad typing is sometimes not that easy ;)

O yes I fully agree that a Ipad and or Iphone is very difficult to write a message. And yes my nephews did told I'm old fashion an hopeless due to that. I really only write +- ok whit an old fashion pc keyboard.


The use off the current eDebug is ALWAYS actif and you're personally happy with it for a crash report or so but actually I now just discovered that just the eDebug on it is a cause of unstable till e2 crashes . and thats TROUGH !!!

Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #79 littlesat

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Posted 30 March 2016 - 20:18

Then the solution should be fix the eDebug instead of commenting it out....But I'm afraid you need google translate to understand what I mean here....

@rvdd... Good observation... :)

Edited by littlesat, 30 March 2016 - 20:20.

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Re: Enigma2 severe(blocker) bug caused by use off eDebug #80 christophecvr

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Posted 30 March 2016 - 20:50

Then the solution should be fix the eDebug instead of commenting it out....But I'm afraid you need google translate to understand what I mean here....

@rvdd... Good observation... :)

Sorry You do not get it. Commenting out was indeed what I proposed for some to heavy debugging rules (the ones which has so what x up to 60(actually this by then 1000) rules into a second)


But sorry ... I'm again waisting my time and yourse so bye again ... it's really hoppeless

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