I agree with WanWizard, we could also change the default log level (not MAX_DEBUG_LEVEL), like this in main/enigma.cpp, line 189.
debugLvl = getenv("ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL") ? atoi(getenv("ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL")) : 3;
instead of current default which is 4.
@littlesat: media playback, not just mkvs, mp4 as well, flv/avi with external subs too.
Why search which eDebug makes more trouble? eDebug, as the name shows is for debug purposes. Anyone who wants to view that, can make the change himself. A user doesn't want to run a debug enabled version, he is not a beta tester. He has to get the best performance possible. We the developers can handle the change, the average Joe can't.