I tried to display a transcoded remote channel from Duo2 to Duo2
#SERVICE 1:0:1:250:251:1010:EEEE0000:0:0:0:http%3A// News 24
It failed with "Timeout reading PAT". Non-transcoded remote channel works correctly (from port 8001 duo2 to duo2) but the internet bandwidth is not sufficient. The transcoded stream (from port 8002) works well to my PC with VLC over the same internet link.
I read somewhere on this forum that the ET10000 has the same problem and that it is caused by the driver implementation failing to repeat the PAT/PMT information regularly within the transcoded stream.
Apparently VLC doesn't care, but enigma2 cannot cope without the repitition.
Is my understanding correct, and is it possible to fix without Vu+ changing their drivers?