First be indulgent with my poor english, i'm french!
I have a VU+ Duo2 with the 2016-04-08 OpenPli image
I have a fiber connection with 70MB UP and 500MB Down
I have a problem with the streaming:
I want for security reasons securise http streams
In local (At home) i can stream witout problems un 8001 and transcode 8002 ports after giving the correct user and password (The sames on 8001 & 8002)
I open 80, 8001 and 8002 ports and redirect them on my VU fixed adress
When i am in an external place i can without problem streaming the transcode stream (8002) after giving the correct user and password but when i want streaming without transcoding on 8001 port, vlc ask me user and password, i give them but vlc loop on asking user and password.
If i remove the security authentification for http streaming it work fine on 8001 and 8002 ports on external place.
I have enough flow to stream but the authentification failed only on external and only with the non-transcoding stream.
I don't have this problem with BlackHole, OpenATV or VTI but i prefer using OpenPli
Thank you for your help