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PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080

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Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #281 topinomio

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Posted 8 May 2017 - 13:12

That's what I'm wondering though if skin change works

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #282 GT8k

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Posted 26 May 2017 - 04:54


Could you PLEASE make some changes to the skin:

I would be greatful if you remove the PiG from the extensions menu and from audio track selection - just leave the channel playing in the background and make a transparent menu in the front or whatever you like, because if you want to change the audio you lose the full screen picture!


P.S.:Also for some reason the split screen extention is not working with the skin

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #283 Loui (PD1LOI)

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Posted 26 May 2017 - 18:12


Could you PLEASE make some changes to the skin:

I would be greatful if you remove the PiG from the extensions menu and from audio track selection - just leave the channel playing in the background and make a transparent menu in the front or whatever you like, because if you want to change the audio you lose the full screen picture!


P.S.:Also for some reason the split screen extention is not working with the skin

Split screen just works here, only the skin stays normal.
But what pictures do you actually do? Create a screenshot.

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #284 GT8k

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Posted 27 May 2017 - 02:15

Nevermind for the splitscreen...

I don't quite understand what you mean by "what pictures do you actually do?"

so here are some screens


Attached File  1_0_19_206.jpg   49.71KB   52 downloads

this is your audio selection where the 85% of the screen is just black


and this is an exmple how it could be (imho)

Attached File  5A0000_0_0_0.jpg   53.89KB   33 downloads


you can preserve everything (color, style),  just as it is on your original skin, make it maybe non transparent (noblem!), but scale it down to the middle of the screen and let the selected channel running in the background so the view is not disturbed 


That is my wish for your skin

Edited by GT8k, 27 May 2017 - 02:16.

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #285 Loui (PD1LOI)

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Posted 27 May 2017 - 09:41

Nevermind for the splitscreen...

I don't quite understand what you mean by "what pictures do you actually do?"

so here are some screens



this is your audio selection where the 85% of the screen is just black


and this is an exmple how it could be (imho)



you can preserve everything (color, style),  just as it is on your original skin, make it maybe non transparent (noblem!), but scale it down to the middle of the screen and let the selected channel running in the background so the view is not disturbed 


That is my wish for your skin

Create a backup and delete it in skin.xml.

<screen flags="wfNoBorder" name="AudioSelection" position="fill" title="Audio">
<panel name="PigTemplate"/>
<widget name="config" selectionPixmap="Pd1loi-HD-night/buttons/sel4.png" position="900,105" size="990,180" itemHeight="45" font="Regular;32" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand"/>
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<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>
<widget source="key_yellow" render="Pixmap" pixmap="Pd1loi-HD-night/buttons/yellow.png" position="810,200" size="34,34" alphatest="on">
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>
<widget source="key_blue" render="Pixmap" pixmap="Pd1loi-HD-night/buttons/blue.png" position="810,245" size="34,34" alphatest="on">
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>
<widget source="streams" render="Listbox" selectionPixmap="Pd1loi-HD-night/buttons/sel4.png" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" position="810,300" size="1080,562" zPosition="3" transparent="1" >
<convert type="TemplatedMultiContent">
{"default": (37, [
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (7,1), size = (67,37), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 2), # key,
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (75,1), size = (15,37), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 1), # number,
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (90,1), size = (300,37), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 3), # description,
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (390,1), size = (660,37), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 4), # language,
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (1050,6), size = (22,37), font = 1, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT, text = 5), # selection,
], True, "showNever"),
"notselected": (37, [
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (7,1), size = (67,37), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 2), # key,
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (75,1), size = (15,37), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 1), # number,
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (90,1), size = (300,37), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 3), # description,
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (390,1), size = (660,37), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 4), # language,
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (1050,6), size = (22,37), font = 1, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT, text = 5), # selection,
], False, "showNever")
"fonts": [gFont("Regular",30), gFont("Regular",24)],
"itemHeight": 37

Edited by Loui (PD1LOI), 27 May 2017 - 09:43.

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #286 GT8k

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Posted 27 May 2017 - 23:23


I've removed the lines and got

Attached File  great2.jpg   6.91KB   18 downloads what I want


Can you think of something similar with the extentions menu?!!

Attached Files

Edited by GT8k, 27 May 2017 - 23:25.

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #287 GT8k

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Posted 29 May 2017 - 19:35

Sorry for asking again, but you haven't replied, is it possible to make extensions menu without pig?! Attached File  uploadfromtaptalk1496082901675.jpg   87.99KB   29 downloads

Sent from my XZs

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #288 Loui (PD1LOI)

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Posted 3 June 2017 - 07:52

Sorry for asking again, but you haven't replied, is it possible to make extensions menu without pig?! attachicon.gifdreampic.jpg

Sent from my XZs

Why do you want this, so is the skin not complete?
Pli does not have this either.

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #289 hdfed

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Posted 5 June 2017 - 08:36

Lautstärkeanzeige ( Luxusproblem )
Ich benutze den Skin PLi-HD-FullNight und steuere die Lautstärke über meinen AV-Receiver.

Bei der Auflösung 1080 kann ich bei der Regelung der Lautstärke die Lautstärken-Anzeige im TV sehen.
Bei der Auflösung 2160 wird im TV keine Lautstärken-Anzeige angezeigt !?

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #290 Loui (PD1LOI)

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Posted 5 June 2017 - 11:23

Lautstärkeanzeige ( Luxusproblem )

Ich benutze den Skin PLi-HD-FullNight und steuere die Lautstärke über meinen AV-Receiver.

Bei der Auflösung 1080 kann ich bei der Regelung der Lautstärke die Lautstärken-Anzeige im TV sehen.
Bei der Auflösung 2160 wird im TV keine Lautstärken-Anzeige angezeigt !?


Können Sie sich einen Bildschirm nehmen, so kann ich sehen, was Sie gemeint.

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #291 Loui (PD1LOI)

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Posted 9 July 2017 - 11:22

Werkt weer volledig in OpenPli 6.0 voor DM8000HD. Vergeet niet het weather c1.1 bestand te installeren om in infobalk het weer te zien.

Attached Files

Edited by Loui (PD1LOI), 9 July 2017 - 11:25.

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #292 fankoosh

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Posted 9 July 2017 - 12:05

this skin is so awesome , thank u for ur hard work

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #293 clasicrock

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Posted 10 July 2017 - 21:49

Attached File  screen1.jpg   79.56KB   30 downloads


How to remove age categories?Thanks

Edited by clasicrock, 10 July 2017 - 21:49.


Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #294 Loui (PD1LOI)

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Posted 11 July 2017 - 16:14



How to remove age categories?Thanks

Remove in skin_templates.xml  First, make a backup.


<widget source="session.Event_Now" render="Label" position="1180,984" size="300,33" font="Regular;30" halign="right" foregroundColor="orange" backgroundColor="secondBG" transparent="1" zPosition="1">
  <convert type="EventName">SmallRating</convert>
ant This
<widget source="session.Event_Next" render="Label" position="1180,1029" size="300,33" font="Regular;30" halign="right" foregroundColor="orange" backgroundColor="secondBG" transparent="1" zPosition="1">
  <convert type="EventName">SmallRating</convert>

Edited by Loui (PD1LOI), 11 July 2017 - 16:15.

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #295 clasicrock

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Posted 11 July 2017 - 18:56



Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #296 Shadje60

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Posted 30 July 2017 - 10:12



Kan ik de skin ook gewoon op PLI 4.0 op mijn solo zetten.



Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #297 Loui (PD1LOI)

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Posted 31 July 2017 - 19:25



Kan ik de skin ook gewoon op PLI 4.0 op mijn solo zetten.



Ik kan hier geen direct antwoord op geven, ik zou zeggen gewoon proberen.

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #298 Loui (PD1LOI)

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Posted 9 August 2017 - 13:49

De plugin IPTVplayer menu toegevoegd zodat dit er beter uitziet. verder geen verandering.


The plugin IPTVplayer menu added to make it look better. No further change.



Attached Files

Edited by Loui (PD1LOI), 9 August 2017 - 13:51.

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #299 rsync

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Posted 12 August 2017 - 10:16

Hi loui,


How i can delete name provider, also is possible to raise the position of the icon weather. 


Thanks and congratulations for skin.

Attached Files

Re: PD1LOI-Full-HD test skin (PLi-FullNightHD skin Mod) 1920x1080 #300 Tech

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Posted 12 August 2017 - 17:04

I was just curious what WanWizard wrote, I just translated it and this came out
"I think it is a huge Christmas tree , but (fortunately) tastes differ"
on German would be like
"für mich ist das ein Riesenweihnachtsbaum, die Geschmäcker sind (glücklicherweise) verschieden"

Du hast es richtig verstanden :) und ich teile diese Meinung.

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