Good day everyone,
I faced an issue with the EPG systems, and i prefer to tell it in the very beginning of thread, I already RTFM :-)
HW: DreamBox 500 HD with external HD
Image: Openpli OpenPLi-4.0-20160521 (so the release of yesterday seeing that we are the 22 May 2016 today)
Plugins: xmltv-importer listed as EPGImporter
Manual action: Seeing that i ONLY run IPTV i added a script who syncronize the time. Result the DreamBox system have the good time
I safely download the EPG data using the EPGImporter, i do it manually and I saw the number of events downloaded and the last time when i download.
The problem is that i cannot see the data in my bouquet, seems that the data is not displayed or imported whitin the bouquet.
I see tons of discussion this night but nothing seems works.
Could you the experts give me some sudgestions?
I thank you in advance for your kind help!
Edited by cryos, 22 May 2016 - 10:10.