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New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W

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#1 ametza

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Posted 3 July 2016 - 16:11

Hello Willy
Could you add it?
1:0:1:A82:4:1:E0830EF:0:0:0 Ozone Network
1:0:19:FB4:D:1:E082E2F:0:0:0 Digisport 1
1:0:19:FDC:D:1:E082E2F:0:0:0 Digisport2
1:0:1:407:3:1:E083163:0:0:0 Digisport3
1:0:19:FD2:D:1:E082E2F:0:0:0 DigiWorld Hungary
1:0:1:77F7:2C3:600:E080000:0:0:0 Nat Geo Wild
1:0:19:FBE:AF4:BB:E08B1B3:0:0:0 Viasat Nature
1:0:1:A82:4:1:E0830EF:0:0:0 Ozone Network
1:0:1:78B6:2C5:600:E080000:0:0:0 TLC
1:0:1:2AFC:B:1111:E082F62:0:0:0 AXN
1:0:1:7604:2BE:600:E080000:0:0:0 Echo TV
1:0:19:12CB:30:46:E080000:0:0:0 FixHd
1:0:1:785B:2C4:600:E080000:0:0:0 Discover id extra
Thank You

Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #2 doglover

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Posted 4 July 2016 - 07:33



With the exception of Fix (for which a grab is added) these channels already existed in the Hungarian package, but with a sligthly different service ref.


An example:

<channel id="OzoneNetwork.hu">1:0:1:A82:4:1:E0630EF:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- OzoneNetwork -->
<channel id="OzoneNetwork.hu">1:0:1:A82:4:1:E0730EF:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- OzoneNetwork -->
<channel id="OzoneNetwork.hu">1:0:1:A82:4:1:E0830EF:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- OzoneNetwork -->

The name space is different (E06,E07,E08), which is caused by a wrong satellite.xml file in the receiver.  The position of Thor can be denoted by 0.8W, 0.9W or 1 W.  And causes these different Namespaces. 


The only correct one is 0.8W and the E08 Namespace.  But there are stubborn people out there which use the wrong position for Thor.  They start distributing this faulty satellite.xml file.  Other people produce setting lists with them.  Bingo...  EPG does not work anymore, Picons do not work etc.. etc...



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Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #3 ametza

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Posted 4 July 2016 - 15:56

Ok, Thx  :)  :)  :)

Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #4 ametza

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Posted 5 July 2016 - 17:59

Thanks, Willy, for the latest added channels.


I'm still missing EPG on Digi Sport 3


I found this id in rytec.channels.xml  :


<channel id="DigiSport3.hu">1:0:1:407:3:1:E063163:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- DigiSport3 -->
Correct is:
Please chek it.
Thank you for your work.

Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #5 doglover

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Posted 6 July 2016 - 09:07

Again a ref in the category as described above.

(Although you have the correct one).





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Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #6 ametza

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Posted 6 July 2016 - 14:28

Thx, but still no epg.


No Digi Sport3 entry in rytecxmltvmagyar file.


<channel id="DigiSport1.hu">
    <display-name lang="hu">Digi Sport 1</display-name>
  <channel id="ViasatNature.hu">
    <display-name lang="hu">Viasat Nature</display-name>
  <channel id="FilmboxPlus.hu">
    <display-name lang="hu">Filmbox Plus</display-name>
  <channel id="FilmboxFamily.hu">
    <display-name lang="hu">Filmbox Family</display-name>
  <channel id="DigiSport2.hu">
    <display-name lang="hu">Digi Sport 2</display-name>
Please chek it

Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #7 needz

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Posted 3 August 2016 - 13:07

PRO4 channel (PRO4.hu) is now called Mozi+ (MoziPlus.hu)


Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #8 doglover

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Posted 3 August 2016 - 15:39


(Channel was changed also on the website - new reference)



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Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #9 fabiandaniel

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Posted 24 September 2016 - 13:01

There aren't epg on RTLKlub.huMagyarATV.huCartoonNetworkTCM.hu and MuzsikaTV.hu channels.  

DiscoveryWorld.hu channel's epg is wrong because its epg is RTLKlub channel's epg. 

I also would like to ask you to add DTX, M5, Mozi+, Filmbox Premium,Slager Tv channels to  channels.xml. 

Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #10 doglover

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Posted 24 September 2016 - 13:36

I also would like to ask you to add DTX, M5, Mozi+, Filmbox Premium,Slager Tv channels to  channels.xml.

Can you provide the service refs pls.



There aren't epg on RTLKlub.hu, MagyarATV.hu, CartoonNetworkTCM.hu and MuzsikaTV.hu channels.

Changed the grabber site for these. 


DiscoveryWorld.hu : Grabber corrected (Indeed wrong channel)



~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #11 fabiandaniel

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Posted 24 September 2016 - 16:23

I also would like to ask you to add DTX, M5, Mozi+, Filmbox Premium,Slager Tv channels to  channels.xml.

Can you provide the service refs pls.



There aren't epg on RTLKlub.hu, MagyarATV.hu, CartoonNetworkTCM.hu and MuzsikaTV.hu channels.

Changed the grabber site for these. 


DiscoveryWorld.hu : Grabber corrected (Indeed wrong channel)




I also would like to ask you to add DTX, M5, Mozi+, Filmbox Premium,Slager Tv channels to  channels.xml.

Can you provide the service refs pls.



There aren't epg on RTLKlub.hu, MagyarATV.hu, CartoonNetworkTCM.hu and MuzsikaTV.hu channels.

Changed the grabber site for these. 


DiscoveryWorld.hu : Grabber corrected (Indeed wrong channel)




<channel id="m5.hu">1:0:19:773A:2C1:600:E060000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- m5 -->
<channel id="m5.hu">1:0:1:7794:2C2:600:E060000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- m5 -->
<channel id="m5.hu">1:0:1:7799:2C2:600:E060000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- m5 -->
<channel id="mozi+.hu">1:0:1:766B:2BF:600:E060000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Mozi+ -->
Filmbox Premium:
<channel id="FilmboxPremium.hu">1:0:1:FB8:AF4:BB:E060000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Filmbox Premium -->
<channel id="FilmboxPremium.hu">1:0:1:3F4:5:1111:E062DE3:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Filmbox Premium -->
<channel id="FilmboxPremium.hu">1:0:16:772B:2C1:600:E060000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Filmbox Premium -->
<channel id="FilmboxPremium.hu">1:0:19:7E3:AF2:BB:E060000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Filmbox Premium -->
Slager TV:
<channel id="SlagerTV.hu">1:0:1:7859:2C4:600:E060000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Slager TV -->
<channel id="SlagerTV.hu">1:0:1:77F9:2C3:600:E060000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Slager TV -->
<channel id="DTX.hu">1:0:1:BBA:2:5E:E06B00F:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- DTX -->
Thank you in advance.

Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #12 fabiandaniel

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Posted 25 September 2016 - 08:35

DiscoveryWorld.hu channel's epg is still wrong because its epg is DTX channel's epg.


Other channel's epg has been working well.


Thank you.

Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #13 doglover

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Posted 25 September 2016 - 12:35

I am sorry, but you are correct.

Changed it.



~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #14 doglover

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Posted 25 September 2016 - 12:39

You should however correct your satellites.xml file

This gives service refs like this:



The namespace being E060000.  However the Thor sat should give E08000


The reason being a faulty satellites.xml file on your receiver.

The correct entry for Thor is:

<sat name="0.8W Intelsat 10-02..Thor 5/6/7 Ku Band" flags="1" position="-08">

You have there something else.  Either it comes from your image provider, or most likely from installing a dodgy bouquetlist.



~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #15 fabiandaniel

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Posted 25 September 2016 - 14:07


You should however correct your satellites.xml file

This gives service refs like this:



The namespace being E060000.  However the Thor sat should give E08000


The reason being a faulty satellites.xml file on your receiver.

The correct entry for Thor is:

<sat name="0.8W Intelsat 10-02..Thor 5/6/7 Ku Band" flags="1" position="-08">

You have there something else.  Either it comes from your image provider, or most likely from installing a dodgy bouquetlist.




I know, but I use own channels.xml with own service refs. Unfortunatelly, your rytechxmltv-Hungar.gz is wrong because DiscoveryWorld.hu channel's EPG is the same as DTX.hu channel's EPG. 


For example:



  <programme start="20160925145300 +0200" stop="20160925151800 +0200" channel="DTX.hu">
    <title lang="hu">Horogra akadva - extrém kapások</title>
    <sub-title lang="hu">(4. rész)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="hu">Eric mindössze egy szigonypuskával felfegyverkezve, légzőberendezés nélkül búvárkodik 40 kilométerre Puerto Rico partjaitól, a cápáktól hemzsegő tengerben</desc>
  <programme start="20160925151800 +0200" stop="20160925160500 +0200" channel="DTX.hu">
    <title lang="hu">Ász horgászok</title>
    <sub-title lang="hu">(8. rész)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="hu">Gyors iramú, akciódús sorozatunkban 10 tapasztalt horgász méri össze a tudását vad, eddig soha nem látott próbákon</desc>
  <programme start="20160925160500 +0200" stop="20160925162700 +0200" channel="DTX.hu">
    <title lang="hu">Mennyit ér a kocsim?</title>
    <sub-title lang="hu">(5. rész)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="hu">Keith és Josh felidézi a nyolcvanas éveket, amikor találnak egy klasszikus Ferrarit. Keith pedig tesztvezetésre visz egy Morgan Roadstert és egy legendás Aston Martint</desc>
  <programme start="20160925162700 +0200" stop="20160925165000 +0200" channel="DTX.hu">
    <title lang="hu">Mennyit ér a kocsim?</title>
    <sub-title lang="hu">(6. rész)</sub-title>

DiscoveryWorld.hu: (The correct EPG: HERE)

<programme start="20160925145300 +0200" stop="20160925151800 +0200" channel="DiscoveryWorld.hu">
    <title lang="hu">Horogra akadva - extrém kapások</title>
    <sub-title lang="hu">(4. rész)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="hu">Eric mindössze egy szigonypuskával felfegyverkezve, légzőberendezés nélkül búvárkodik 40 kilométerre Puerto Rico partjaitól, a cápáktól hemzsegő tengerben</desc>
  <programme start="20160925151800 +0200" stop="20160925160500 +0200" channel="DiscoveryWorld.hu">
    <title lang="hu">Ász horgászok</title>
    <sub-title lang="hu">(8. rész)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="hu">Gyors iramú, akciódús sorozatunkban 10 tapasztalt horgász méri össze a tudását vad, eddig soha nem látott próbákon</desc>
  <programme start="20160925160500 +0200" stop="20160925162700 +0200" channel="DiscoveryWorld.hu">
    <title lang="hu">Mennyit ér a kocsim?</title>
    <sub-title lang="hu">(5. rész)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="hu">Keith és Josh felidézi a nyolcvanas éveket, amikor találnak egy klasszikus Ferrarit. Keith pedig tesztvezetésre visz egy Morgan Roadstert és egy legendás Aston Martint</desc>
  <programme start="20160925162700 +0200" stop="20160925165000 +0200" channel="DiscoveryWorld.hu">
    <title lang="hu">Mennyit ér a kocsim?</title>
    <sub-title lang="hu">(6. rész)</sub-title>
    <desc lang="hu">Az Auctions America eladásra ajánl egy Maserati Ghibli 4.9 SS-t, Josh pedig egy Lamboghini Gallardóban és egy régi Lincoln Continentalban süvít az utakon</desc>

Edited by fabiandaniel, 25 September 2016 - 14:07.

Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #16 doglover

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Posted 25 September 2016 - 15:25

Changed Discovery World.  Will be correct after the next update.




I know, but I use own channels.xml with own service refs



This works. However why do not report the correct service ref, so I can correct them, and they will be correct for everybody.

I do not have Thor.  So it is impossible (may not be impossible - but very difficult) to maintain the channels list.


~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #17 fabiandaniel

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Posted 25 September 2016 - 20:44



This works. However why do not report the correct service ref, so I can correct them, and they will be correct for everybody.

I do not have Thor.  So it is impossible (may not be impossible - but very difficult) to maintain the channels list.



I use an automatic update channel list and its satellite.xml is wrong. I have been asked the maker of the channel list to edit the service refs and he promised me that it will be corrected soon. 


Many thanks to you that you always fix errors in EPG as quickly as possible

Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #18 fabiandaniel

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Posted 26 September 2016 - 08:59

Unfortunately, DiscoveryWorld.hu channel's EPG is still wrong. In my opinion  this channel's TV guide has been terminated on the website where you grab EPG. ( if you grab from animare tv) 

Could you grab this channel"s EPG from another website? This channel's TV guide is only available HERE.

Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #19 doglover

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Posted 26 September 2016 - 09:08

No problem.  Changed.

Sorry I did not pick this up earlier.  (I have to renew the channels list from animare)



Edited by doglover, 26 September 2016 - 09:09.

~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: New Hungarian Channels on Thor 0.8W #20 Alex_NL

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Posted 1 October 2016 - 01:38

You should however correct your satellites.xml file
This gives service refs like this:
The namespace being E060000.  However the Thor sat should give E08000
The reason being a faulty satellites.xml file on your receiver.
The correct entry for Thor is:

<sat name="0.8W Intelsat 10-02..Thor 5/6/7 Ku Band" flags="1" position="-08">
You have there something else.  Either it comes from your image provider, or most likely from installing a dodgy bouquetlist.



A question related to this: What is your opinion when using C-band and Ka-band?

In my satellites.xml C-band is offset by one and Ka-band is offset by two, f.e. 5W is:

<sat name="5.0W Eutelsat 5 West A Ku Band" flags="1" position="-50">
<sat name="5.0W Eutelsat 5 West A C Band" flags="1" position="-51">

For Ka-band it will be:

<sat name="19.2E Astra 1KR/1L/1M/1N Ka Band" flags="1" position="194">
<sat name="19.2E Astra 1KR/1L/1M/1N Ku Band" flags="1" position="192">

So that would also result in a namespace offset by one.
F.e. on 5W:
C-band: (BB24, 4154L) is 1:0:1:1:1:1:DDD103A:0:0:0:
Ku-band (TF1, 11508H) is 1:0:19:601:6:20FA:DDE0000:0:0:0:
Another example 11W:

<sat name="11.0W Express AM44 Ku Band" flags="1" position="-110">
<sat name="11.0W Express AM44 C Band" flags="1" position="-111">

C-band: (Perviy kanal America, 3662R) is 1:0:1:6:2:111:DA18E4E:0:0:0:

Ku-band: (Capri Casinò, 11566H) is 1:0:1:5:39:217C:DA20000:0:0:0:


The offset in the parameter 'position' is correct because otherwise you cannot separate Ku-band and C-band for sending the correct DiSEqC-command.
Although I don't think a lot of C-band (or Ka-band) channels are allready part of xmltv-EPG, it should be possible to add them, right?
(Furthermore there is still the problem with service references starting with 1:0:1:1:1:1 so that would make the serv.ref, above unusable but that's another challange...)

Dreambox DM920:2x Triple tuner (2x DVB-S2X MIS and DVB-C/T2) Xtrend ET10000: 2x DVB-S2, 2x DVB-C, IPTV Xtrend ET9500 (defect)
Channel Master 120cm offset + Black Ultra LNB (Ku-band): 42°E-37,5°W - 100cm SAB draaibaar: 45.1°E-60°E - 80cm vast: 28.2°E/23.5°E/19.2°E/13°E
DVB-T2 en DAB via een combi VHF/UHF-antenne op zolder gericht op Schoten.

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