This service reference is not in use for Sky Replay anymore: 1:0:19:75:4:85:C00000:0:0:0:
The only ref I can find is:
<!-- Cable --><channel id="">1:0:19:75:4:85:FFFF0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Sky Replay -->
But this is a cable entry.
And here we go again still with the issue what I cannot resolve that my receiver doesn't look at the namespace for EPG.
I don't know what to do, we talked about this before, you saying that I use other EPG tools which I don't.
And when you explained it further I don't understand it anymore.
How is it possible that I am the only one with this issue?
I do not know how it is possible.
You can do the following.
In /etc/epgimport/channel_id_filter.conf voegt U toe:
This will elininate the import of EPG with this reference. But also all links are eliminated.
This can be fixed by adding:
<!-- 19.2E --><channel id="">1:0:19:7C:C:85:C00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Sky Replay -->
to file /etc/epgimport/custom.channels.xml
And selecting in the import set-up not to apply the channel filer to the customs file.
However it is possible that this does not have the desired effect on your receiver.
If you do not have any cable connections, you can try to modify the rytec sources.xml file
Edited by doglover, Today, 09:13.