Hi, I am a newbie. I have KodiDirect on my box. Normally I use genvideos to watch movies. Since last few weeks am getting an error.
Steps to display error on the TV screen.
1. I select 'Genvideos' option.
2. On the right hand side I can see the description which says Genvideos(movies)
Source genvideos from plugin.video.exodus
3. I browsed to recent movies >> Page 1/2 >> After 10 seconds I get an error message which says "Error! Try another item OR exit and submit
log/tmp/e.log. More info in 'Tips' in first screen"
I tried re-installing genvideos from add-ons >> Kodi Direct list.
Unfortunately it didnt help.
Also, how do I get the log file. TMP folder is empty.
Could someone help me please?