←  [EN] Rytec XMLTV and EPG support



EPG for IPTV channels

's foto sjlouis 24 nov 2018

As I wrote previously, the EPG with RMC Sport was present before I did anything. As Willy said, these channels must have the same reference as a file in the rytec.sources.xml. I have to search in these files.


's foto doglover 25 nov 2018

As I wrote previously, the EPG with RMC Sport was present before I did anything. As Willy said, these channels must have the same reference as a file in the rytec.sources.xml. I have to search in these files.



No, no, no.   You misread.  If they have the same references, you are into trouble.  And the wrong EPG is loaded.  Exactly what you are experiencing.




's foto sjlouis 26 nov 2018

Secondly.  Search for this service ref in the rytec channels.xml file.  If it is there and it is assigned to a wrong channel.  Then the only thing to do is assign a different  service ref to the channel in the bouquet file.

Willy, I don't understand your last response. As I read it above, I understood I have to search the IPTV channel reference which gives a bad EPG in the standard rytec channels.xml file. No ?


The good EPG is given with the IPTV channel reference in the custom.channels.xml.


's foto doglover 26 nov 2018

In you IPTV bouquet you may have a channel for instance:


TF1 with service ref  4097:0:19:2014:430:1:C00000:0:0:0:


If you check now the rytec.channels.xml file for this reference: 2014:430:1:C00000:0:0:0:

you will find that this reference has EPG assigned for TFX.fr


<!-- 19.2E --><channel id="TFX.fr">1:0:19:2014:430:1:C00000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- TFX -->


Which is wrong.


What you have to do now is assign a different service ref to the TF1 channel in the bouquetfile.

And add line to custom.channels.xml file with this newly assigned ref, and the correct EPGref (TF1.fr)




's foto sjlouis 26 nov 2018

OK Willy, I think I have understood :P . I shall try it.


Thank you very much :lol: .


's foto Pr2 26 nov 2018

For IPTV it is really better to handle your own unique reference with custom.channels.xml, especially for french channels because every 3 to 6 months CSat is changing its channel order and during this they also swap some service references between channels. So maintaining your own IPTV reusing the satellite references can became a nightmare.


's foto sjlouis 26 nov 2018

Pr2, as I explained it previously, the channels I want the EPG have disappeared from Csat. Then no problem with it ;) (I think) .


Willy, with 1:0:19:19CB:444:1:0:0:0:0: I tried 1:0:19:19CB:444:1:0:0:0:A:, I don't have any EPG, then I tried 1:0:19:19CB:44A:1:0:0:0:0: and I got the good EPG.


Thank you Willy :lol: .


's foto Pr2 26 nov 2018

No because probably that CSAT then reuse the same service reference for another channel. They often do it.


's foto sjlouis 27 nov 2018

Yes "my" channels disappeared from Csat but their references are used by RMC Sports channels which are new on Csat.


's foto eozen81 31 dec 2018

Everything has became a lot easier with the new EPGimport from a month ago.

If you do not have that one yet, just update EPGimport.


This version of EPGimport uses by default a file called custom.channels.xml

Place this file in /etc/epgimport/


The contents of the file are channel links which you want to make for some special files.  (in this case some IPTV channels)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin-1"?>
<channel id="PrivateTV.ero">4097:0:1:23:0:4:0:0:0:0:http%3a//example.com</channel><!-- Private TV 24 hours -->
<channel id="ChannelName1">1:0:1:1000:1000:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//example.com</channel> <!-- Channel Name 1 -->
<channel id="ChannelName2">1:0:1:1000:1000:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//example.com</channel> <!-- Channel Name 2 -->

If the schedule is still present in the rytec XMLTV files.  You are done.  No need to create a special source file.




Hi Willy,


Greetings from Turkey  :D  With latest update of EPGImport, my question is:


1. I have created my custom.channels.xml file and put it under /etc/epgimport/

2. I have another source xml file (for Turkish channels) but how should I name it and put again into /etc/epgimport/  ?


Regards  ;)


's foto Pr2 31 dec 2018



You need to create both a:


- turkish.channels.xml

- turkish.sources.xml


In the turkish.channels.xml you can create a single dummy entry. 


So you select this new source and the custom.channels.xml will automatically be added to the channels loaded from turkish.channels.xml

But every turkish.sources.xml need to refer to a channels file, so you can also point your turkish.sources.xml directly to the custom.channels.xml


Or if you already add all your channels into your turkish.channels.xml then you don't need to have them into the custom.channels.xml

It is up to you to decide how to proceed.






's foto eozen81 31 dec 2018

@Pr2 thank you for your prompt reply, once I add these two files into /etc/epgimport/ folder, will I be able to see in "Sources" or it will not be visible but will run once Rytec starts download?

's foto Pr2 31 dec 2018

You need to go into EPGImport press the blue button to view the Source and you need to select you own source then save (green), followed by Yellow (to start a manual download).


's foto eozen81 1 jan 2019

Thank you but I created 2 files and put into folder but I cannot see them once I checked for Sources in the plugin, only Rytec sources. What might be the problem?

Files are attached

Bijgevoegde Bestanden


's foto doglover 1 jan 2019

The sources file you provided above is the guide/xml file not the sources file.

To construct a custom sources file. see as an example the rytec.sources.xml file on your receiver in /etc/epgimport


For your purpose  you can skip the <mappings> section

And remember you can use local file files, just provide in the <url> tag the full folder and filename instead of an URL.

Also uncompressed xml files are allowed.


Such a local sources.xml file could look":

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sourcecat sourcecatname="Rytec General XMLTV">
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="/home/Fritz/epg/rytec.channels.xml.xz">
<description>News Channels XMLTV </description>
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="/home/Fritz/epg/rytec.channels.xml.xz">
<description>Erotic Channels</description>
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="/home/Fritz/epg/rytec.channels.xml.xz">
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="/home/Fritz/epg/rytec.channels.xml.xz">
<description>Rytec IPTV XMLTV</description>
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="/home/Fritz/epg/rytec.channels.xml.xz">
<description>Rytec Miscellaneous XMLTV</description>

's foto eozen81 1 jan 2019

Hi Willy, thank you.

1. Ok, I now understood and created a good source file i.e. local.sources.xml and this will be like Rytec source file but a simplier version


2. I have got a Turkish guide file which includes Turkish channels' guides but this file is produced buy a third party developer and does not include channels' service mapping so somehow I need to create another file to tell EPGImport which service is which channel? Or can I do this mapping by inputting some lines into my local.sources.xml file?




's foto doglover 1 jan 2019

2. I have got a Turkish guide file which includes Turkish channels' guides but this file is produced buy a third party developer and does not include channels' service mapping so somehow I need to create another file to tell EPGImport which service is which channel? Or can I do this mapping by inputting some lines into my local.sources.xml file?


Make local.channels.xml file to include the channels mappings.  Just like the rytec.channels.xml file, but only containing your channels.

And reference this file in the Local.sources.xml file




's foto eozen81 1 jan 2019

Thank you Willy, solved it thanks to you guys  ;)


's foto solliso 4 jan 2019

Hi Willy

You can check the EPG for the following channels because it does not work



#SERVICE 4097:0:1:60:1:48:0:0:0:0:http%3a// Relax



Lech Tv changed its name to Inea Stadion , epg does not work


#SERVICE 4097:0:1:11:1:48:0:0:0:0:https%3a//ec05.waw2.cache.orange.pl/jupiter/o1-cl3/live/wtk-b-lechtv/live.m3u8:Inea Stadion


I found a program for Imperium TV Gliwice ,please add


#SERVICE 4097:0:1:1:1:48:0:0:0:0:https%3a//stream.tvimperium.pl/ram/hls_adaptive/tvimperium_hi/index.m3u8:Imperium TV Gliwice

#DESCRIPTION Imperium TV Gliwice


please add epg to the following tv channels



#SERVICE 4097:0:1:57:1:48:0:0:0:0:http%3a// Zabrze



#SERVICE 4097:0:1:50:1:48:0:0:0:0:http%3a// TV


Thank you :)





's foto doglover 5 jan 2019

#SERVICE 4097:0:1:60:1:48:0:0:0:0:http%3a// Relax

Should work.  Data and link are present.

Lech Tv changed its name to Inea Stadion , epg does not work
http://onlinetv.inea.pl/#SERVICE 4097:0:1:11:1:48:0:0:0:0:https%3a//ec05.waw2.cache.orange.pl/jupiter/o1-cl3/live/wtk-b-lechtv/live.m3u8:Inea Stadion

Need to write a new grabber for this webpage.  (Looks possible)


