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Bulgaria EPG

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Re: Bulgaria EPG #21 doglover

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Posted 15 March 2019 - 08:14

This is in the channels file


<!-- BG --> <!-- 1.9E --> <channel id=" Eurosport2.bg "> 1:0:1:181:9:3:130000:0:0:0: </channel><!--  Eurosport 2  -->



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Re: Bulgaria EPG #22 adskiqt

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Posted 8 June 2019 - 18:48

Wrong time for Bulgarian EPG:

  <programme start="20190608170000 +0300" stop="20190608173000 +0300" channel="BNT1.bg">
    <title lang="bg">По света и у нас</title>
    <desc lang="bg">информационна емисия. Информационна емисия, представяща най-важните и актуални събития случили се през деня в България и по света</desc>

must be

  <programme start="20190608200000 +0300" stop="20190608203000 +0300" channel="BNT1.bg">
    <title lang="bg">По света и у нас</title>
    <desc lang="bg">информационна емисия. Информационна емисия, представяща най-важните и актуални събития случили се през деня в България и по света</desc>

Re: Bulgaria EPG #23 doglover

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Posted 8 June 2019 - 20:58

Is this only for this channel?

Or are there more channels having this?


Checked the grab and it corresponds with this:  http://tv.etcc.bg/ep...rvice=BNT 1.xml


I cannot find any obvious error



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Re: Bulgaria EPG #24 adskiqt

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Posted 12 June 2019 - 14:14

For all channels time is wrong with 3 hours.

Re: Bulgaria EPG #25 doglover

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Posted 12 June 2019 - 14:30

No it is not:

<programme start="20190612030000 +0000" stop="20190612053000 +0000" channel="BNT1.bg">
    <title lang="bg">Сутрешен блок</title>
    <desc lang="bg">информационна програма с водещи Ели Гигова, Боряна Каменова, Даниел Михайлов и Илия Илиев</desc>

Is the same as in your timezone:


06.00Сутрешен блок

информационна програма с водещи Ели Гигова, Боряна Каменова, Даниел Михайлов и Илия Илиев



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Re: Bulgaria EPG #26 didozgemma

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Posted 31 December 2019 - 12:21

Some changes in BG sat operators(39,0E,45,0E):

7/8 TV      1:0:1:20:2:1:1862FA2:0:0:0:            -new Bulsatcom 39,0E

7/8 TV      1:0:1F:D0:B2:39E:1860000:0:0:0:   -new A1 39,0E

Sport+      1:0:1:26:2:1:1862FA2:0:0:0:            -same as Sport+HD 39,0E






Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Bulgaria EPG #27 doglover

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Posted 31 December 2019 - 14:23





BTW:  both the epg for kodi and etcc have disappeared from the net.

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Re: Bulgaria EPG #28 didozgemma

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 10:09

BNT4     1:0:1:26:2:1:1862FA2:0:0:0:  - this channel is replaced with the one I wrote above

Sport+      1:0:1:26:2:1:1862FA2:0:0:0:    -EPG is same as Sport+HD 39,0E (but it is still for bnt4).
Sometimes BG EPG is incomplete or missing some programs. Sometimes epg for AutoMotorSportHD is on polish, sometimes in german.
I have described a stable link for epg.kodibg in the topic for IPTV - hope it is useful.

Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Bulgaria EPG #29 doglover

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 11:00



Left his one in the channels file:


<!-- BG --> <!-- 39.0E --> <channel id=" BNT4.bg "> 1:0:1:26:2:1:1862FA2:0:0:0: </channel> <!--  BNT 4  -->


Removed it now.




PS:  AutoMotorSportHD  is used by different providers,  including German and Polish providers. 

Will se what can be done to give you a more reliable Bulgarian EPG

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Re: Bulgaria EPG #30 doglover

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 11:03

Checking AutoMotorSport, I noticed it was not in the Bulgarian file.


Can you give met the exact name and service ref we are talking about.



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Re: Bulgaria EPG #31 didozgemma

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 11:33

1:0:1F:453:B11:39E:1860000:0:0:0: - A1 BG 39E - Auto Motor Sport HD

1:0:19:17D7:C91:3:EB0000:0:0:0: - BetaDigital 23.5E - AutoMotorSport HD


Sorry, on my favorite list I watch with bg language is the second channel of 23.5E, but at the moment there is no EPG on A1 BG 39E.

Edited by didozgemma, 14 January 2020 - 11:34.

Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Bulgaria EPG #32 doglover

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 11:41

This link exist:


<channel id="AutoMotorundSportChannel.eu">1:0:19:17D7:C91:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Auto Motor und Sport -->


The schedule is taken from a German website, and is probably in German.


Also this:


<channel id="AutoMotorundSportChannel.eu">1:0:1F:453:B11:39E:1860000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Auto Motor Sport HD -->


is in the rytec.channels.xml file.

So the same EPG is attached. 


I will try to attach the Bulgarian EPG to the 39E channel.



~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Bulgaria EPG #33 doglover

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 11:52



On Vivacom the schedule is also in German:

<programme start="20200114143000 +0200" stop="20200114144500 +0200" channel="Auto Motor Sport">
    <title lang="bg">Die Tester KLASSIK: Opel Astra Sportstourer vs. Skoda Octavia Kombi</title>
    <desc lang="bg">Die Begriffe "modern" und "veraltet" liegen in der Autowelt so nah beieinander wie in kaum einer anderen Industrie. "Die Tester Klassik" beleuchtet die Modellgenerationen, die zwar nicht mehr taufrisch sind.</desc>

In the kodi file I can find the same schedule under 360TuneBox:

<programme start="20200114143000 +0200" stop="20200114144500 +0200" channel="360TuneBoxHD">
    <title lang="bg">Die tester klassik: opel astra sportstourer vs. Skoda octavia kombi</title>
    <desc lang="bg">Die Begriffe "modern" und "veraltet" liegen in der Autowelt so nah beieinander wie in kaum einer anderen Industrie. "Die Tester Klassik" beleuchtet die Modellgenerationen, die zwar nicht mehr taufrisch sind.</desc>

But also in German.


So  not much chance to find a Bulgarian schedule.


(In order to get the German schedule - Import the Misc file in the General section pls.)



Edited by doglover, 14 January 2020 - 11:52.

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Re: Bulgaria EPG #34 didozgemma

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 12:04


(In order to get the German schedule - Import the Misc file in the General section pls.) - If possible add channel (by A1 BG) to Rytec Bulgariya XMLTV.



Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Bulgaria EPG #35 doglover

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 13:32

Correction:  The Misc file contains a castrated Czech schedule.  Will change this to the German schedule.



Edited by doglover, 14 January 2020 - 13:36.

~~Rytec Team~~
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Re: Bulgaria EPG #36 doglover

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 13:36


(In order to get the German schedule - Import the Misc file in the General section pls.) - If possible add channel (by A1 BG) to Rytec Bulgariya XMLTV.




Lets consider that we do what you ask, i.e. add it to each file that can receive this channel, and considering that there is only one schedule to be found (except a castrated Czech schedule) then I have to add this channel to 6 different files.  (And grab it 6 times)


For this reason this channel has been placed in the Misc file (which contians also a lot of music channels which are all the same)

Line 608: <!-- 23.5E --><channel id="AutoMotorundSportChannel.eu">1:0:19:17D7:C91:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Auto Motor und Sport -->
Line 1943: <!-- Cable --><channel id="AutoMotorundSportChannel.eu">1:0:19:2444:4A:1:FFFF0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Auto Motor + Sport HD -->
Line 2445: <!-- 23.5E --><channel id="AutoMotorundSportChannel.eu">1:0:86:17D7:C91:3:EB0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- AutoMotorSport HD -->
Line 2999: <!-- 9.0E --><channel id="AutoMotorundSportChannel.eu">1:0:1:1F8:2134:9C:5A0000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- auto motor und sport channel -->
Line 6921: <!-- 0.8W --><channel id="AutoMotorundSportChannel.eu">1:0:1:778E:2C2:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Auto Motor Sport -->
Line 8602: <!-- 39.0E --><channel id="AutoMotorundSportChannel.eu">1:0:1F:453:B11:39E:1860000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Auto Motor Sport HD -->
Line 11030: <!-- 0.8W --><channel id="AutoMotorundSportChannel.eu">1:0:1:76DB:2C0:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Auto Motor Sport -->
Line 11031: <!-- 0.8W --><channel id="AutoMotorundSportChannel.eu">1:0:1:778E:2C2:600:E080000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Auto Motor Sport -->


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Re: Bulgaria EPG #37 didozgemma

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 13:56

Ok, thanks for the hard work.

Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Bulgaria EPG #38 didozgemma

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 10:06

I noticed a few problems on Bulsatcom 39E channels.
There is no epg on several channels - Hobby TV HD , H2 ,MagicTV.
(Тhere are others that are not important for now.Later I will describe them with a s.ref in a file.)
The letters of the Perviy Kanal are in Latin and the meaning is in Cyrillic - 
Perviy Kanal
10:30 — 11:00     Novosti (+16 min)
11:00 — 12:00     Ezhegodnoe poslanie Prezidenta RF V.V.Putina Federal'nomu So (60 min)


Mutant HD60_Zgemma H9S_Max HD_30W--56E

Re: Bulgaria EPG #39 doglover

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 10:58

1. H2


Cannot find a schedule except in kodibg.
And in this file the schedule is missing.


Hobby TV and Magic should have EPG - at least there is data in the XMLT file.

Although the Magic schedule seems to be incomplete.  (will look into it)

HobbyTV should be OK.  Service refs are:

Line 777: <!-- 1.9E --><channel id="HobbyTV.bg">1:0:1:18F:9:3:130000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Hobby TV -->
Line 1006: <!-- 39.0E --><channel id="HobbyTV.bg">1:0:1:3F6:1:1:1862FEF:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Hobby TV -->
Line 1007: <!-- 39.0E --><channel id="HobbyTV.bg">1:0:1:3F6:1:1:18630EC:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Hobby TV -->

Perviy Kanal (Channel One Russia)


This channel is thus Channel One Russia.  See: https://en.wikipedia...nnel_One_Russia

Problem is I cannot find a schedule for it in Cyrillic.  Can you point me to a schedule pls?



Edited by doglover, 15 January 2020 - 11:05.

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Re: Bulgaria EPG #40 doglover

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 11:09

Maybe it is this one:


<channel update="i" site="tv.boxbg.net" site_id="52##Первый канал" xmltv_id="Первый канал">Первый канал</channel>

or this


<channel update="i" site="vivacom2.bg" site_id="Первий канал России" xmltv_id="Первий канал России">Первий канал России</channel>



Edited by doglover, 15 January 2020 - 11:11.

~~Rytec Team~~
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