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#1 Dimmie

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 02:35

Kan ABM in de feed aub geupdated worden ?


Je krijgt nu steeds:


Incompatible versions 2.7>2.8


omdat via het applicatiemenu de verouderde versie 2.7 wordt gedownload terwijl de configs die je in die plugin ophaalt alleen werken met versie 2.8.

Re: ABM #2 WanWizard

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 11:31

In een release versie wordt niets geupdate (anders zou de ene 6.0 anders zijn dan de andere), die zijn "stable".

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Re: ABM #3 Abu Baniaz

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 11:34



Latest commit for ABM is


Re: ABM #4 WanWizard

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 11:38

I know that. It is pinned on commit hash for the reason I have given. There will be no nightly builds, and no incremental updates, on stable release images.


We can't help it that plugin builders don't deal with backward compatibiity in the way they should, but make it the problem of the end-user (who in turn makes it the problem of the image builder).

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: ABM #5 Abu Baniaz

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 11:49

The version is only increased when required to prevent people updating only the provider files when other files also need updating.

It is made backward compatible.One recent example, is the namespace subnet, it works on images with it, and also works on images without.


Other plugins have been added/updated, so the double standards is rather confusing.


I also asked for the plugin to be removed from the PLi build process, people can then install the version of their choice without pestering the image builders. That got refused too.

Re: ABM #6 WanWizard

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 11:55

That will only move the problem to pestering the end-users.


Point remains that the changes being made (to the plugin as a whole) are backwards incompatible. Otherwise users wouldn't get a "you're out of luck, update first" message, but there version would remain operational, albeit without the functionality of the newer release.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: ABM #7 Abu Baniaz

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 12:18

My response was to the OP.


The reason for the version increase, is that we added a check of ONID/TSID. It seems there is an issue in E2 where it locks to a frequency on the wrong satellite. These changes were made to the providers and main py files, the values were then added to the provider files. Dvbscanner and main were then adapted to check on motorised dishes. Allowing people to update just the provider files will cause issues for the users.


As Huevos' post in the other thread, the isvalid tsid/onid check in the images is useless as the values are all out of date.


I do wish you would just remove the plugin from your feeds if you won't be updating it. Anyway, mustn't argue with a moderator.


For anyone interested, download the updated files from GitHub and replace them in the ABM folder.


Re: ABM #8 WanWizard

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 13:15

I don't see it as arguing, and whether or not I am a moderator is not relevant, I am not someone to misuse his powers to get his point across.


I do understand why it is needed, it is not the point of this conversation. My point is, what would your grandparents do if they wanted to update the bouquets, and get a message like "though luck bro, update first!"? If the answer is "I don't know, they would be clueless", you're doing something wrong. You have built something in, that technically disables the plugin for your users, which is like a remote-controlled timebomb. And I think that is not done.


Instead, make changes that are backwards compatible. For example, if you need to update data files, and those require code updates too, don't update them seperately. Or if you need to be able to update data files remotely, have a mechanism that their structure remains compatible with previous versions of your code.


The general rule of code development is: NEVER break backward compatibility in your code. If you must, do it only on major releases, and even then. excercise great care. I would consider sacking any of my developers if they'd ignore that rule!   ;) Considering the circumstances of your users must always come first.


p.s. this is not meant to be critisism, please don't see it as such. 

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: ABM #9 Abu Baniaz

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 14:06

The plugin will work. The only thing that will stop it from working, is the data on the satellite changing. No image team has any say on this. I suspect that the OP wants to update the UPC provider file.

As you want to use an old version, please remove the plugin from your feeds. People who want to use it will find it.

Edited by Abu Baniaz, 15 October 2017 - 14:07.

Re: ABM #10 WanWizard

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 18:01

You seem to have a problem reading.


I don't want to remove the plugin, that is of no use to end-users. I want you to stop pestering the end-users by changing some central data file end-users have no control over, which suddenly renders their plugin useless. Which worked perfectly until the second you changed something. 


You're behaviour is like a bank suddenly changing its payment protocol. So that when an unsuspecting user wants to make an online payment, he gets the message he first has to go into a branch to have his bank card swapped.


This problem can be easily avoided by implementing some well know development practices. And trying to think more from an end-user perspective. "People who want to use it will find it" is absolute bollocks, if you are a "normal end-user", you would not have a clue where to find it, and how to install it. A normal end-user wouldn't even know what telnet or a commandline, or an ipk file was. They want to press a button and get a bouquet update.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: ABM #11 Abu Baniaz

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 19:54

So why peg the version on the feeds to an older one? Most people update their image regularly, the plugins get updated too. If you update it, the grannies will be happy.

You claim you want to to keep to a stable version and wont increase the version because of this. Yet other plugins have been updated and added.

Huevos and I test the commits before they are added. We are always making improvements. Recent changes tell you what tuner a failure was on.

Re: ABM #12 WanWizard

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 20:00

Problem is not that an older version is used. Problem is that you change something outside the box and outside the control of the enduser, after which the endusers software is broken. The rest is not relevant. You change something, and that breaks it for end users.


Imagine that Apple or Microsoft did this. You start Excel in the afternoon to do some work, and suddenly it says "sorry, you can't open this spreadsheet anymore, you need to upgrade your software first". You would be outraged, and with reason.


And what really bothers me, is that "letting me know on what tuner a failure was" is enough reason for you to disable my sofftware. On my box. Without telling me, without asking me, without a way to say "I don't want that".

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: ABM #13 Dimmie

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 21:09

Ik heb de files eroverheen gekopieerd zoals was aangegeven door Abu Baniaz maar dat werkt dus niet.

Verder kun je dan niks meer met die plugin omdat er bij scannen nu op een gegeven moment een foutmelding komt. Je moet de config files updaten om die foutmelding weg te krijgen maar dat kan dus niet omdat dan eerst de plugin geupdated moet zijn naar versie 2.8.


Verder ga ik me niet in de discussie mengen, ik vroeg alleen om een goed werkende versie in de feed, als dat niet gehonoreerd kan worden (om wat voor reden dan ook) dan houd het voor wat betreft de PLI feed op.



Maybe Abu Baniaz can post the files here that must be overwritten ? Or simply post an ipk for installation of 2.8 version. Because replacing all files doesn't work.

Re: ABM #14 WanWizard

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 21:19

Dan snap je gelijk waarom ik zo tegen dit geknutsel ben. Als je gewoon verder had gekunt met de geinstalleerde versie, dan was deze hele discussie academisch geweest.


Nu moet je wachten tot de eerstvolgende release update, en wordt het nog onze schuld gemaakt ook dat je nu in deze positie verkeerd.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: ABM #15 Dimmie

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Posted 15 October 2017 - 23:46

Nee hoor, ik geef niemand de schuld. Was handig geweest als er een oplossing zou zijn. Is die er niet dan wordt het weer handmatig de zenderlijsten bijhouden. Het is niet anders.

Re: ABM #16 Abu Baniaz

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 11:36

Please uninstall the existing one before trying to install the attached.

Attached Files

Edited by Abu Baniaz, 16 October 2017 - 11:37.

Re: ABM #17 WanWizard

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Posted 16 October 2017 - 11:37

Nee hoor, ik geef niemand de schuld. Was handig geweest als er een oplossing zou zijn. Is die er niet dan wordt het weer handmatig de zenderlijsten bijhouden. Het is niet anders.


Dat hoeft niet, je moet nu alleen op de eerstvolgende release build wachten.


edit: de nodige commits zijn daarvoor zojuist gebeurd.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: ABM #18 Dimmie

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Posted 19 October 2017 - 10:51

@Abu Baniaz: it works, thanks !


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