Quite some time I'm satisfactorily using the e2 plugin extension: " remotechannelstreamconverter " .
Yet I extended it for use over my VPN connection, which works remarkably well.
However occasionally a small glitch/hickup can be experienced in the stream, which is not uncommon as the stream travels over the Internet encrypted in the end.
Still I hope this behaviour can be prevented for example by introducing an additional stream buffer to this plugin?
Thus once a "vpn" switch is set on tuning in to a station its stream is buffered for some additional seconds ( user configurable ), so the stream will play flawlessly.
Please note I do not refer to transcoding, just 1-1 (U)HD)) streams over VPN which requires roughly a continuous 20Mbit VPN connection on both ends.
Can this "enhancement" be achieved/developed easily, or is such plugin available perhaps?