To help you work out how i made my fix, I first spent over 15 years looking at dvb cable / satellite c++ neutrino / enigma / enigma2 code and studying the dvb stream data. The first step i took in learning how to create this patch started many many years ago by first putting my trusty old dbox2 Nokia 2x chip dvb-c STB into debug mode, building and patching the tuxbox-cvs to create my own images. Years later i starting building my own images and patching the code for neutrino on my dm500s and then E2 code on my dm800se. The past few years i have drifted off STB image creation stuff and mainly only continue to keep an eye on what is going on with the latest changes in the dvb stream data.
As i hope you can now understand, my patch has not come all of sudden as you suggest, My patch has taken well over 10,000+ hours of learning and looking at this stuff as a hobby. If Hackmax feels aggrieved that others also know how to look at this and fix this issue, then i apologise for all the knowledge learned over these years. I simply saw there was an issue, i looked where the issue was likely to be, then i traced the code back to where it was happening and where it could best be fixed and i fixed it. I hope this helps you understand how and why there are suddenly so many fixes, as there are also many developers with the knowledge to do this stuff.
I hope Hackmax does continue to provide E2 support, as any help and knowledge is most welcome and thanked, at least by myself. My patch was not used either, but i don't see why that should stop me from submitting future patches for E2 as Hackmax is suggesting. Unless you are in an E2 team and coordinate tasks, of which i am not, sometimes others will be working on the same coding issues as you and they may come up with a better or simpler solution. Don't get mad, take on board why there code was better or simpler and keep learning why.