Yes, you can; that's why they have been published on GiThub:
Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3)
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #21
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #22
Posted 21 November 2017 - 13:28
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #23
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #24
Posted 21 November 2017 - 17:08
Yes, you can; that's why they have been published on GiThub
I see some renderers seems to be ported from coders that usually have licences that do not allow us to use it....
And for some renderers and converters openpli has 'alernatives' within the image...
Edited by littlesat, 21 November 2017 - 17:10.
WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #25
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #26
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #27
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #28
Posted 21 November 2017 - 19:39
I get this error switching to a DVB-S channel
< 478.309> playing 1:0:1:6DCA:44D:1:C00000:0:0:0:
< 478.558> getResolvedKey config.usage.remote_fallback failed !! (Typo??)
< 478.693> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 478.693> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 59, in dispatchEvent
< 478.782> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 80, in event
< 478.785> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 104, in serviceStarted
< 478.788> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 317, in serviceStarted
< 478.789> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 330, in doShow
< 478.790> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 158, in show
< 478.799> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Renderer/", line 10, in onShow
< 478.802> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 99, in setSuspend
< 478.804> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 104, in checkSuspend
< 478.805> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 94, in setSuspend
< 478.806> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Converter/", line 32, in doSuspend
< 478.809> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Converter/", line 25, in poll
< 478.809> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Converter/", line 912, in changed
< 478.811> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 86, in changed
< 478.812> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/", line 7, in __call__
< 478.815> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Renderer/", line 21, in changed
< 478.817> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 15, in wrapper
< 478.817> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Converter/", line 770, in getText
< 478.819> TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #29
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #30
Posted 21 November 2017 - 21:39
To be fair, it took me a while to select code which was allowed to be modded. For instance, Dr Best had converters where he noted that they shouldn't be used in other machines than Dreamboxes (well, there have been discussion about that, since it's not very clear). One of these was the I tried to avoid these, so I was fortunate enough to find an alternative by Sirius which allowed modding. Lots of other parts contain code which had absolutely no license notes. And of course there's lots of code I added myself from scratch. I have to note again that I'm no way a coder, but all this journey made me interested in python, which I began learning, so far I think I did alright! lol Of course we are people, we make mistakes, I'm glad we're here to talk about these so we can fix them.
If anyone spots any code that should be credited, please let me know and I'll add the credits asap.
This is the error that happens only on older OpenPLI 4.0 images, on SDG5.0 and OpenPLI 6.0 I see no errors. The line that errs is this:
if "DVB-S" in self.tunertype(tp): return self.system(tpinfo) + " " + self.modulation(tpinfo) + " " + self.frequency(tp) + " " + self.polarization(tpinfo) + " " + self.symbolrate(tp) + " " + self.fecinfo(tpinfo) + self.multistream(tpinfo)
Which is the line which combines all the elements I define earlier for the frequency info.
For instance:
def constellation(self, tpinfo): return str(tpinfo.get("constellation")) def tunersystem(self, tpinfo): return str(tpinfo.get("system")) or "" def tunertype(self, tp): return str(tp.get("tuner_type"))
It's strange though, because each of the elements I define earlier have been converted to strings before the concatenation. So if any of these is a NoneType for some reason it should not give error. And it seems NoneTypes are only produced in python level of PLI4, since in PLI6 the error is not returned. So if anyone can see what element causes that error, let me know so I can fix. Otherwise it's only a PLI4 issue.
Edited by MCelliotG, 21 November 2017 - 21:41.
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #31
Posted 22 November 2017 - 01:00
OK I found the problem with crash on OpenPLI 4.0. The issue is not the concatenation, it's that the multistream parameters are missing from the image, so when the converter tries to search these, it finds a NoneType (not getting a string) so it fails. I'm testing an alternative option which works fine on 4.0 and now test it on MIS on 6.0 to see if it breaks the MIS parameters.
Edit: works great, pushing the change to github
if "DVB-S" in self.tunertype(tp): if "is_id" in tpinfo or "pls_code" in tpinfo or "pls_mode" in tpinfo: return self.system(tpinfo) + " " + self.modulation(tpinfo) + " " + self.frequency(tp) + " " + self.polarization(tpinfo) + " " + self.symbolrate(tp) + " " + self.fecinfo(tpinfo) + self.multistream(tpinfo) else: return self.system(tpinfo) + " " + self.modulation(tpinfo) + " " + self.frequency(tp) + " " + self.polarization(tpinfo) + " " + self.symbolrate(tp) + " " + self.fecinfo(tpinfo)
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #32
Posted 22 November 2017 - 01:26
And here's the IPK of the RC.4 version with the change, please try it on OpenPLI 4.0 images, thanks in advance!!Gd...sbJzjUN1xqwTDOk
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #33
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #34
Posted 22 November 2017 - 18:36
Recipe for GAFHD.
DESCRIPTION = "Glamour Aura FHD skin by MCelliot_g for OpenPLI and OpenPLI based images." MAINTAINER = "MCelliot_g" LICENSE = "GPLv3" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=84dcc94da3adb52b53ae4fa38fe49e5d" inherit gitpkgv allarch PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" PKGV = "1.0+git${GITPKGV}" PR = "r0" RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "enigma2-plugin-extensions-weathermsn" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=git" SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}" FILES_${PN} = "/usr/share/enigma2/ /usr/lib/enigma2/" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" do_compile() { } do_install() { install -d ${D}/usr/share cp -r --preserve=mode,links ${S}/usr/share/* ${D}/usr/share/ chmod -R a+rX ${D}/usr/share/enigma2/ install -d ${D}/usr/lib cp -r --preserve=mode,links ${S}/usr/lib/* ${D}/usr/lib/ chmod -R a+rX ${D}/usr/lib/enigma2/ }Recipe for Weather MSN.
DESCRIPTION = "Weather forecast for 5 days" SUMMARY = "Weather MSN" MAINTAINER = "Sirius" LICENSE = "GPLv3+" HOMEPAGE = "" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://python/Plugins/Extensions/WeatherMSN/;beginline=3;endline=19;md5=10bdcaaaec8041e55835067db0506e8d" inherit gitpkgv allarch PV = "0.7+git${SRCPV}" PKGV = "0.7+git${GITPKGV}" PR = "r1" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https" SRCREV = "ab75d3dd2ac6c26d91b52b237d3b5b55a360d93b" FILES_${PN} = "/usr/lib/enigma2/" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" do_compile() { } do_install() { install -d ${D}/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions cp -r --preserve=mode,links ${S}/python/Plugins/Extensions/WeatherMSN ${D}/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/ chmod -R a+rX ${D}/usr/lib/enigma2/ }
Attached Files
Unamed: 13E Quattro - 9E Quattro on IKUSI MS-0916
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #35
Posted 23 November 2017 - 09:36
Since nobody created a recipes for WeatherMSN and GFHD here ones.
Recipe for GAFHD.
DESCRIPTION = "Glamour Aura FHD skin by MCelliot_g for OpenPLI and OpenPLI based images." MAINTAINER = "MCelliot_g" LICENSE = "GPLv3" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=84dcc94da3adb52b53ae4fa38fe49e5d" inherit gitpkgv allarch PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" PKGV = "1.0+git${GITPKGV}" PR = "r0" RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "enigma2-plugin-extensions-weathermsn" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=git" SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}" FILES_${PN} = "/usr/share/enigma2/ /usr/lib/enigma2/" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" do_compile() { } do_install() { install -d ${D}/usr/share cp -r --preserve=mode,links ${S}/usr/share/* ${D}/usr/share/ chmod -R a+rX ${D}/usr/share/enigma2/ install -d ${D}/usr/lib cp -r --preserve=mode,links ${S}/usr/lib/* ${D}/usr/lib/ chmod -R a+rX ${D}/usr/lib/enigma2/ }Recipe for Weather MSN.
DESCRIPTION = "Weather forecast for 5 days" SUMMARY = "Weather MSN" MAINTAINER = "Sirius" LICENSE = "GPLv3+" HOMEPAGE = "" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://python/Plugins/Extensions/WeatherMSN/;beginline=3;endline=19;md5=10bdcaaaec8041e55835067db0506e8d" inherit gitpkgv allarch PV = "0.7+git${SRCPV}" PKGV = "0.7+git${GITPKGV}" PR = "r1" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https" SRCREV = "ab75d3dd2ac6c26d91b52b237d3b5b55a360d93b" FILES_${PN} = "/usr/lib/enigma2/" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" do_compile() { } do_install() { install -d ${D}/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions cp -r --preserve=mode,links ${S}/python/Plugins/Extensions/WeatherMSN ${D}/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/ chmod -R a+rX ${D}/usr/lib/enigma2/ }
Where should I post or replace this?
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #36
Posted 23 November 2017 - 09:45
Where should I post or replace this?
send files here with this state
add here to add to circle
Edited by audi06_19, 23 November 2017 - 09:46.
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #37
Posted 23 November 2017 - 22:37
I made crypto icons to be used in another skins, die Glamour ones have different design, to be used with GlamourAccess converter, I didn´t make them one by one, just made them in a go using ImageMagick converter tool (great tool), I was just fiddling with some command line options
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Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #38
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #39
Posted 24 November 2017 - 10:41
convert -background #5DFC0A -stroke black -strokewidth 1 -bordercolor blue -border 2 -depth 8 -size 28x20 -gravity center -kerning 3 label:VI via_ecm.png
convert -background #ffcc00 -stroke black -strokewidth 1 -bordercolor blue -border 2 -depth 8 -size 28x20 -gravity center -kerning 3 label:VI via_emm.png
convert -background #3F4C9C -stroke black -strokewidth 1 -bordercolor blue -border 2 -depth 8 -size 28x20 -gravity center -kerning 3 label:VI via_no.png
you can make them in any color and size, If someone knows how to make rounded corners, just let us know
Attached Files
Re: Glamour Aura FHD skin - first public release canditate (RC3) #40
Posted 24 November 2017 - 11:52
That's nice but can we keep the thread for this skin as it is? I made these graphics from scratch in photoshop, I'm not really fond of people modifying them, especially since I note this in the skin's license (only for personal use). Everyone can use the converters and renderers but the graphics is another story!
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