Now I´ve found out a very interesting result
I´ve startet only a movie cuttingjob with the same movie on my unx4kse with openpli 4.0 and at the same time on my et9200 mit openpli 4.0. On both boxes with the internal 2TB drive inside the boxes.
The uno4kse has a modern BCM7252S 2x1,7 Ghz ARM core and the ET9200 has an old BCM 7405 (I think it is an 400Mhz dualcore MIPS)
The result is, the cutting Job on both boxes need nearly the same time, but the I/O load on the old BCM7405 was between 6% and 16%.. On the modern ARM BCM7252S the I/O load during this cutting Job was mostly high above 50%-96%
This is strange. I this the modern ARM BCM and the old MIPS BCM have both DMA for the SATA interface and other periphals. But I think the driver für die ARM ist poor and don´t use DMA efficently
Do you think that is possible? Is that problem than on all ARM boxes because they all use the same drive of broadcom. So all ARM boxes of VU+, Dream, and other have the same poor performance by intensive disk I/O
I was very surprised about that because I thought that the uno4kSE box must have the same or higer performance as my old ET8000. The old box had no problems with recordings, cuttings and moving movies in parallel. But the new one has it and I thing that is a software and not a hardware problem
Do you think I´m right?
Do you think there will come newer and better drivers in the future for solving that problem?
I think today about a change from ARM to MIPS box but I can´t find a modern receiver box with FBC tuner and MIPS to an acceptablke price.
I can´t use my ET8000 because that box has an ethernetproblem /link down/up) and I have gave them back on guarantee and bought the uno4kse then.
Receiver:2 x Uno4k SE (PLI 7.3 rel), 1 x ET9200 (PLI 4.0), NAS: 2 x QNAP 410, TV: LG 65C8llla, LG 47LB570V, LG 42LM615S, Sound: Yamaha RX-v663, Teufel System 5 THX