The other buttons displayed in the skins, like MENU, INFO etc can also be controlled in the skin by making those buttons conditional in a way like the colour buttons.
In any Python code that can use the MENU button simply include a line like:
self["key_menu"] = Label(_("MENU"));or
self["key_menu"] = StaticText(_("MENU"));Then in the skin use a button definition like:
<ePixmap pixmap="buttons/button_block_menu.png" position="50,670" size="50,35" alphatest="blend" conditional="key_menu" transparent="1" />If the code handles the MENU button and it flags that the button is available then the skin will automatically display the button.
This same code also allows the skinner to define a text based MENU button by actually using the value of the Label() or StaticText() definition.
<widget name="key_menu" position="172,670" size="225,35" font="ButtonFont;20" foregroundColor="ButtonText" halign="center" objecttypes="Label" transparent="1" valign="center" zPosition="+1" />or
<widget source="key_menu" render="Label" position="172,670" size="225,35" font="ButtonFont;20" foregroundColor="ButtonText" halign="center" objecttypes="StaticText" transparent="1" valign="center" zPosition="+1" />Does this address the feature you want?