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Chromium on Vu+ Ultimo 4K

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#1 kermith

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Posted 11 February 2018 - 14:18

I have some questions regarding the Chromium browser for Vu+ products.

1. Is it available for OpenPli 6.1?

2. Has anyone experience using it? Does it support apps like Netflix or HBO.
I mean is it worth to the trouble of installing it. I have some subscriptions for example Netflix and HBO as mentioned above. Will it really work? Or is it just a dummy browser for browsing or checking mail and maybe playing some videos.

Basically is this just a sort of a gimmick from VU+ without good and cool features?


OT. In the past I have been using Cool TV Guide that exists in the feed. But I never got it working on newer VU+ products like the Ultimo 4K nor the UNO 4K. It installs fine but crashes when trying to use it. Is there another extension for having a better TV Guide than the default?


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Re: Chromium on Vu+ Ultimo 4K #2 Trial

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Posted 19 February 2018 - 09:16

Hi, it is only a (good) gimmick with at least Youtube TV as a feature which is not so bad. ciao

Re: Chromium on Vu+ Ultimo 4K #3 kermith

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Posted 19 February 2018 - 11:10

Hi,it is only a (good) gimmick with at least Youtube TV as a feature which is not so bad.ciao

Thanks for the answer. Did you have to download it from OpenPli plugins?
And if YouTube works as good as you say shouldn't Netflix work as well?


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Re: Chromium on Vu+ Ultimo 4K #4 mamamia

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Posted 8 March 2018 - 21:42

Problem is that widevine for ChromiumOs is not jet working. so after starting the new ChromiumOs Browser in VTI you can login to Netflix but when starting playback the following message is shown..


Works on other Linux versions.

Also works in Kodi on raspi3.

Would be nice if it would work. I hope Vu+ Devs work to make it work in the future.

Edited by mamamia, 8 March 2018 - 21:45.

Re: Chromium on Vu+ Ultimo 4K #5 kermith

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Posted 9 March 2018 - 10:03

Problem is that widevine for ChromiumOs is not jet working. so after starting the new ChromiumOs Browser in VTI you can login to Netflix but when starting playback the following message is shown..


Works on other Linux versions.

Also works in Kodi on raspi3.

Would be nice if it would work. I hope Vu+ Devs work to make it work in the future.

Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately this is what I suspected and it is only a gimmick and practically worthless to install. I'll stick to my Chromecast. But would be so cool to just use one device for most of the things to play. Wish there was a nice plug-in for Plex as well. But as you say it's all up to the devs and I guess this is not their priority.

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