Had a crash last night, second one in a couple of weeks.
The STB was in standby doing a single recording, I turned it on to watch another channel,
doing some zapping for a few minutes and wham, it froze up.
I had to restart the receiver via SSH so most likely only enigma froze (with the little circle of dots shown in the upper left corner).
The recording was on a channel decoded by oscam towards a CanalDigital card in the lower card reader (strangely enough identified as upper by OpenPLi).
Second peculiarity, decoding time in GUI is presented in seconds (316s) instead of milliseconds, se attached screen shot.
Receiver Vu+ Duo2
Enigma version 2018-01-07 6.1-release
DVB driver version 2017-12-04
Time to updated OpenPLi to a more recent version perhaps?