I never use e-channelizer. So I am not familiar what it does.
I have done some work on IPTV (can be found here: https://github.com/d...laylist2bouquet ).
But in order to judge if it is applicable in your case, I need the m3u (or m3u8) file from your provider. Be carefull not the bouquet file from the provider.
This file can be modifed by you to remove your username and password (replace them with some dummy values, with a texteditor)
If you do not want them here on the forum, you can send them with a PM.
I have send you a mp...
1. First of all you need to have bash on your receiver. Just install it from the feed:
opkg install bash
2. The copy the .m3u file from your provider to somewhere on your receiver. The folder /tmp/ is fine.
3. Unzip the attached script and copy it somewere on your receiver. /home/root/ is a good candidate.
Make this file executeable. i.e. change the properties of the file so it is executable (755)
4. Run the script.
First cd to the folder you place the script.
cd /home/root/
and run the script.
./m3u2bouquet.sh /tmp/name_of_your_m3u_file Provider TID ServiceType
Replace the parameters with your values:
"Provider: Provider Name, to identfy the entries in the bouquet and channels file"
"TID: Up to 4 digit hexadecimal number, to disguish the services from different providers"
"Servicetype: 1, 4097, 5001 or 5002. If omitted 4097 is used"
The provider name can be anything you want, but do provide something
TID: provide a number like 1 or AA, just to disguish these channels of this import to channels from a different provider.
Servicetype: Mostly use 4097
This script will create Bouquetfiles with an unique service ref for each channel, and link this service ref to the EPG ref in the custom.channels.xml file of EPGimport.
After the script you will see the extra bouquets on your receiver. You can import then the standard rytec sources in EPGimport.
It is possible that channels are missing EPG. This has then be troubleshooted. It mostly mean that the data in the m3u file was not present or point to the wrong EPGref.