Hello there,
I'm working on the PLi-FullHD skin, to make it look the way as I want it to look.
Nothing serious, only some colour reworks, a bit of graphics work, and an integration of the enigmalight plugin into Pli-style.
My problem is on the PPanel witch pop's-up when you touch the blue button. I can't find the right skinning lines to this screen.
There are some PPanel lines in /PLi-FullHD/skin.xlm, but they are used to skin the Cccam Ppanel, which happen to be a plugin from extensions-download so it has to be in the /PLi-FullHD/skin_plugins.xlm to my opinion.
So tell me what's the right screenname to the Pli-Ppanelscreen (or however it is called), and discuss with me about the Cccam-Ppanelscreen to let it move to the skin_plugins.xml.
Edited by hulkman, 15 June 2018 - 21:45.