@Harmen, weet je dat wel zeker ? Dan zou de informatie op de Ziggo website niet kloppen namelijk. De scanfrequentie zou in voormalig upc-gebieden nog steeds 164 mhz zijn.
@robertino: dit al nagelopen: https://wiki.openpli.org/Cable:Ziggo ?
m.a.w: beginnen met
Frequency: 164.000
Symbolrate: 6900
Modulation: QAM64 (all area's) and in some area's QAM256 is also possible
Network ID: 05555 for FTV and Scrambled channels
Als de kabelscan wel gaat lopen maar na het scannen bepaalde zenders missen dan staat er onderop die pagina in de wiki het volgende over:
Obviously, of course, the entire cabling must comply with the current standard set by Ziggo. In other words 'kabelkeur A+' certified (4g shielded) plugs, cables, splitters, plugs, amplifiers etc. The AOP (Subscriber Acquisition Point, in dutch: Abonnee Overname Punt) must also comply with this A+ standard. If this does not comply with this standard, it's likely that, after the new channel format, low and high frequency transmissions (channels) will not appear in the scan. Among others since the last change, the movie channels have been put in almost the entire ziggo region at very low frequencies.
A major mistake is that the cable has been connected to an outdated analogue wall socket. These old wall sockets, as well as the old cabling in the walls, often no longer meet the current "Kabelkeur A+" standard and therefore block the high and low frequencies. The only correct way is to connect is the usage of an 'kabelkeur A+' certified cable connected directly from the decoder to the AOP. The AOP should be a modern AOP equipped with the cable mark. AOP's without this quality mark often no longer meet (and may block low and high frequencies).