I have a Vu+ Duo 2 receiver pointing at HotBird. I also bought 2 CIs modules to have Viaccess enabled.
However, it looks like only the lower card reader works. Either card is working fine in the lower card reader, as do the two CIs modules; however, neither CIs or card works in the upper one.
In “Settings”→“Common Interface” (I translate to english, so these may be called otherwise), both cards readers are shown and I can go into “Module Retail” (of either slot 1 or slot 2) and see the expected rights (e.g. if both cards are inserted, both slots tell me the right provider). But when the upper reader is involved for decrypting the channel, I just get “You don't have rights for this program”. It seems like the receiver never looks for rights on the 2nd reader.
Strange, isn't it? What can I do?