hi everbody i need help i can not activate suptv plugin it always crash
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Re: problem with suptv #2
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Re: problem with suptv #5
Re: problem with suptv #6
Re: problem with suptv #7
Posted 5 August 2018 - 13:00
from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor from Screens.Screen import Screen from Components.Label import Label from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox from Components.ConfigList import ConfigListScreen from Tools.NumericalTextInput import NumericalTextInput from Components.config import config, getConfigListEntry, ConfigPassword, ConfigText, ConfigSelection, ConfigSubsection, ConfigYesNo from httplib import HTTPConnection, CannotSendRequest, BadStatusLine, HTTPException import urllib2 from urllib2 import Request, URLError, urlopen from socket import gaierror, error import os import socket import os.path from os import remove, rename, system import base64 import sys QPYJHEOKRJZAUOLH = base64.b64decode XAZZELPS = 'WVVoU01HTkViM1pNTWxaMVlWZGtkRmxUTlhwa1dFSXdaR2sxZEZwVE9XeE5hVGc5' CTHIXVLY = 'aHR0cDovL2VuaWdtYS5zdXB0di5tZS9lMi8' MPLKNBBS = 'YUhSMGNEb3ZMMlZ1YVdkdFlTNXpkWEIwZGk1dFpTOWxNaTg9' TRIGONSAS = 'RFFaV1dNRFpYTUhDTFJUTE9FSklaWUxOWERIQU5TV1BGU0pWVk1FRA' TRIGONSBS = 'UkZGYVYxZE5SRnBZVFVoRFRGSlVURTlGU2tsYVdVeE9XRVJJUVU1VFY' sessions = [] config.ActivE = ConfigSubsection() config.ActivE.password = ConfigPassword(default='', fixed_size=False, censor='*') config.ActivE.password.setUseableChars(u'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789') EMHLDAWKD = 'YW' GLNQTEXBE = 'AC' PIVRYGIRY = 'AZ' STSJGBDXS = 'BF' CYBGTOZHD = 'JJ' DAZZANIV = 'HE' CXZPLCQCM = 'AV' HTTYJYWYH = 'IA' JFWPRNTSR = 'WP' JRVKQPAGP = 'PF' GRINVFAKF = 'CB' BNTTWLDIT = 'JZ' RJBCZIHYA = 'SL' DZFHERORG = 'RN' HPHRWTODG = 'VW' HZYLSFRDH = 'CJ' PKTOOHLUB = 'CH' AQQZCYEZ = 'ZA' EBMVIMOJW = 'LQ' HSFISZIAD = 'KK' YZXXIEHRM = 'TT' ZUWZWXFPX = 'FY' ZCBIFOLLB = 'ZX' TDMYKDJBF = 'YX' OSKMTCKUO = 'MF' WUKXWFNP = 'QP' AAUWZYTFA = 'RU' BATMYNBFW = 'AZ' WSPZZRYR = 'YJ' GEPDFKBF = 'OK' EMHLDAWKD = 'YW' GLNQTEXBE = 'AC' PIVRYGIRY = 'AZ' STSJGBDXS = 'BF' CYBGTOZHD = 'JJ' CXZPLCQCM = 'AV' HTTYJYWYH = 'IA' JFWPRNTSR = 'WP' JRVKQPAGP = 'PF' GRINVFAKF = 'CB' BNTTWLDIT = 'JZ' RJBCZIHYA = 'SL' DZFHERORG = 'RN' HPHRWTODG = 'VW' HZYLSFRDH = 'CJ' FJGJXKJP = 'UO' PKTOOHLUB = 'CH' EBMVIMOJW = 'LQ' HSFISZIAD = 'KK' YZXXIEHRM = 'TT' ZUWZWXFPX = 'FY' ZCBIFOLLB = 'ZX' URUKDUNN = 'LH' TDMYKDJBF = 'YX' OSKMTCKUO = 'MF' AAUWZYTFA = 'RU' BATMYNBFW = 'AZ' DNEDNBJK = 'RJ' TRIGONSAS = 'RFFaV1dNRFpYTUhDTFJUTE9FSklaWUxOWERIQU5TV1BGU0pWVk1FRA' TRIGONSBS = 'UkZGYVYxZE5SRnBZVFVoRFRGSlVURTlGU2tsYVdVeE9XRVJJUVU1VFY' OGQNQKYD = WUKXWFNP + WSPZZRYR + DAZZANIV + GEPDFKBF + DNEDNBJK + AQQZCYEZ + FJGJXKJP + URUKDUNN TRIGONSAS = 'RFFaV1dNRFpYTUhDTFJUTE9FSklaWUxOWERIQU5TV1BGU0pWVk1FRA' TRIGONSBS = 'UkZGYVYxZE5SRnBZVFVoRFRGSlVURTlGU2tsYVdVeE9XRVJJUVU1VFY' RTOLMPSS = QPYJHEOKRJZAUOLH(XAZZELPS) TRIGONSAS = 'RFFaV1dNRFpYTUhDTFJUTE9FSklaWUxOWERIQU5TV1BGU0pWVk1FRA' TRIGONSBS = 'UkZGYVYxZE5SRnBZVFVoRFRGSlVURTlGU2tsYVdVeE9XRVJJUVU1VFY' NVCDEOPS = QPYJHEOKRJZAUOLH(RTOLMPSS) TRIGONSAS = 'RFFaV1dNRFpYTUhDTFJUTE9FSklaWUxOWERIQU5TV1BGU0pWVk1FRA' TRIGONSBS = 'UkZGYVYxZE5SRnBZVFVoRFRGSlVURTlGU2tsYVdVeE9XRVJJUVU1VFY' AINTGYTV = QPYJHEOKRJZAUOLH(NVCDEOPS + '=') TRIGONSAS = 'RFFaV1dNRFpYTUhDTFJUTE9FSklaWUxOWERIQU5TV1BGU0pWVk1FRA' TRIGONSBS = 'UkZGYVYxZE5SRnBZVFVoRFRGSlVURTlGU2tsYVdVeE9XRVJJUVU1VFY' class ActivEScreenMain(ConfigListScreen, Screen): skin = '\n\t\t<screen position="220,150" size="560,260" title="SupTv" > \n\t\t<widget name="config" position="50,70" size="300,100" font="Regular;26" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />\n\t\t<widget name="key_red" position="65,200" size="426,60" backgroundColor="red" valign="center" halign="center" zPosition="2" foregroundColor="white" font="Regular;18" />\n\t\t<widget name="key_green" position="65,120" size="320,60" backgroundColor="green" valign="center" halign="center" zPosition="2" foregroundColor="black" font="Regular;20" />\n\t\t<widget name="key_blue" position="395,120" size="100,60" backgroundColor="blue" valign="center" halign="center" zPosition="2" foregroundColor="black" font="Regular;20"/>\n\t\t</screen>' def __init__(self, session, args = 0): self.session = session Screen.__init__(self, session) self.list = [] self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_('code:'), config.ActivE.password)) ConfigListScreen.__init__(self, self.list) self['key_green'] = Label(_('Activate')) self['key_blue'] = Label(_('Info')) self['key_red'] = Label(_('Update')) self['actions'] = ActionMap(['ActiveCodeActions'], {'green': self.green, 'save': self.green, 'ok': self.green, 'blue': self.blue, 'red': self.red, 'cancel': self.cancel}, -2) def blue(self): system("ifconfig eth0 | awk '/HWaddr/ {printf $5}' > /tmp/mac") mac1 = open('/tmp/mac', 'r') mac = mac1.read() code = open('/etc/code', 'r') mycode = code.read() PATH = '/etc/uniqid' if os.path.isfile(PATH) and os.access(PATH, os.R_OK): unicid = open('/etc/uniqid', 'r') myunicid = unicid.read() url = '' + AINTGYTV + 'info.php?co=%s&ma=%s&hash=%s&core=openpli' % (mycode, mac, myunicid) mx = urllib2.urlopen(url) getpage = mx.read() view = getpage self.session.open(MessageBox, view, MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) else: self.session.open(MessageBox, 'Connection Error', MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) def cancel(self): for x in self['config'].list: x[1].cancel() self.close(False) def red(self): system("ifconfig eth0 | awk '/HWaddr/ {printf $5}' > /tmp/mac") cm = open('/tmp/mac', 'r') maccm = cm.read() MyMacAddr = maccm code = open('/etc/code', 'r') mycode = code.read() unicid = open('/etc/uniqid', 'r') myunicid = unicid.read() get_url = '' + AINTGYTV + 'up.php?co=%s&ma=%s&hash=%s&core=openpli' % (mycode, MyMacAddr, myunicid) try: mx = urllib2.urlopen(get_url) getpage = mx.read() view = getpage f = open('/tmp/enigma2.sh', 'w') f.write(view) f.close() system('chmod 755 /tmp/enigma2.sh') system('/tmp/enigma2.sh') except (URLError, HTTPException, socket.error): self.session.open(MessageBox, 'Connection Error', MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) def cancel(self): for x in self['config'].list: x[1].cancel() self.close(False) def green(self): system("ifconfig eth0 | awk '/HWaddr/ {printf $5}' > /tmp/mac") cm = open('/tmp/mac', 'r') maccm = cm.read() MyMacAddr = maccm get_url = '' + AINTGYTV + 'osac.php?co=%s&ma=%s&core=openpli' % (config.ActivE.password.value, MyMacAddr) try: mx = urllib2.urlopen(get_url) getpage = mx.read() view = getpage f = open('/tmp/enigma2.sh', 'w') f.write(view) f.close() system('chmod 755 /tmp/enigma2.sh') system('/tmp/enigma2.sh') except (URLError, HTTPException, socket.error): self.session.open(MessageBox, 'Connection Error', MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) def main(session, **kwargs): session.open(ActivEScreenMain) def Plugins(**kwargs): return [PluginDescriptor(name='SupTv Activator', description='All In One', where=PluginDescriptor.WHERE_PLUGINMENU, icon='plugin.png', fnc=main)]
As you can see in plugin.py there is:
ifconfig eth0 | awk '/HWaddr/ {printf $5}' > /tmp/mac
which reads and checks your MAC address so maybe you didn't pay them
Open Vision sources: https://github.com/OpenVisionE2
Re: problem with suptv #8
Posted 5 August 2018 - 13:04
As this is about illegal activities, which is against our forum rules, I close this topic.
Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)
Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.
Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.
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